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I know this sounds a bit like one of those loaded questions that are often asked here, but I would sincerely like to know how one can reconcile the two positions.

Isn't killing always wrong, no matter who it is, what they have done, or where they are?

Its not hard to find a scriptural argument against abortion. Nor is it hard to find passages that seem to condone capital punishment. But I think that the words and teachings of Christ override anything previously said about capital punishment. Jesus was always in favor of forgiveness and love. When people as "what would Jesus do?" when it comes to even the worst criminals on Earth, I feel pretty sure that he would be against killing them.

So tell me: is pro-Capital punishment a Christian teaching?

It seems to me that if we're pro-life than we are pro-all-life.

What do you think?

2007-04-13 17:03:59 · 41 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

41 answers

No, there must be a distinction made between INNOCENT human life and the life of a person who went out and committed premeditated murder.
We must ensure that innocent life is sacred and protect it. It must not be made so cheap that anyone can take it without paying with their own life! No person has a right to take an innocent life. A person loses his right to live when he kills another!

2007-04-13 17:13:33 · answer #1 · answered by Marie 7 · 5 0

I am not a Christian, so I won't get into the whole "What would Jesus do." stuff. As far as reconciling capital punishment with being pro-life, (I am both), I can't understand how you could find even the slightest contradiction.

Capital punishment is about executing someone who has been found guilty of a heinous crime by a jury of his/her peers, and sentenced to death as a punishment. Abortion is about taking a completely INNOCENT life. Someone who hasn't even been given a chance to live yet. The key word has been capitalized. That pretty much sums up the difference.

Oh, and by the way, as far as the teachings of Christianity go, killing as an individual is a lot different than a state sponsored execution. Jesus never objected to the latter, so we can only assume that he had no problem with it.

2007-04-13 17:20:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

No. An unborn child is innocent. A convicted murderer is guilty. An unborn child cannot hurt anyone. A convicted murder can kill again. It is the sinless vs the sinner. the bible clearly gives the state the right to execute murders. i am not saying that the practice of execution should be continued and i will not argue the merits of capital punishment, if there are any. Certainly murderers can be converted, released and live Christ-honoring lives-----I know one personally. But i think that you are putting together two issue that do not belong together. we are talking about a baby that has been given no chance at life vs a man our woman that has been given more chances than they deserve by human standards. You question is, while bringing up some valid debate, a bit unfair to the Christian and tends to mislead a person into admitting hypocrisy where it does not exist. i mean all of this in a friendly manner and I do thank you for your question and the opportunity to answer. God bless you and please continue to post interesting question----I get tired of looking at the same old rubbish.

2007-04-21 07:00:51 · answer #3 · answered by Preacher 6 · 0 0

It does seem like a contradiction however, we read in the Bible an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. If someone does wrong they have to be chastised. The Bible says the Lord chastises those whom He loves. In abortion your killing an innocent life that hasn't had a chance to bloom and could be one that God had great plans for. In capital punishment your dealing with someone that has commited such a heinous crime that they must be dealt with however, they have time to make things right with the Lord before they go. I can see the reasoning for the question and I don't think it's a "christian teaching" but they had crusifiction and stonings as punishments even back in the Bible days. The only thing is back then there was no such thing as abortion!

2007-04-21 11:08:55 · answer #4 · answered by lisaandpathailey 4 · 0 0

You misunderstand several things. 1) Capitol Punishment is not murder. The Commandment is "Thou Shalt Not Murder" in the original. Not "Thou Shalt Not Kill". 2) Whenever you try to think of "what would Jesus do?", You are putting a "modern worlds definition" on Who Jesus is. It is a modern conception only that Jesus would always "forgive". He doesnt even do that in the N.T. Check out his clashes with the Pharisees. The fact is, Jesus talked more about Hell and Judgement than He did about Heaven. That does not mean that He is unforgiving. But there HAS to be Repentence. This idea that Jesus just "forgives all" because He's a "Nice Guy" is a modern reinterpitation of Him. He's all about Love and Forgivness, but He's also all about Justice and Fairplay also. Jesus forgives sinners on HIS terms, NOT theirs. The modern world wants a "Jesus" who says that "it doesnt really matter what you do or what you believe" just so long as your "sincere". Sorry. He IS merciful, but it has to be His WAY. As C.S. Lewis put it when talking about the Lion Aslan (who is a symbol of Christ) in His "Narnia" stories, "Aslan is Good, but He's not a TAME Lion". The world wants a "Tame" Jesus. He's not "Tame". But He is GOOD! Remember, when Jesus made a whip of cords and cleansed the Temple, He did'nt just walk up to folks and asked them "politely" to leave. He actually started HITTING people with it. Now, can you really see the modern world accepting THAT Jesus? So Capitol Punishment is NOT a problem with Jesus. The UNFAIR way its applied most assuredly IS......theBerean

2007-04-13 17:19:35 · answer #5 · answered by theBerean 5 · 2 0

jesus did say 'you may have heard it said an eye for an eye...but I say love those who persecute you.........etc. etc. so Jesus was saying not to kill which goes in line with the 'thal shalt not kill' and to 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you'. Capital punishment is saying that we as a society can deem that the person is not able to repent and be rehabilitated. How can we do that. As for abortion I think the only time it should ever be considered should be in case of rape and even then I'm a bit on the fence. If people say that the pregnancy was an accident then they should have used better protection....there isn't an excuse. Sex was designed for married couples and so if they have a happy little accident..........they are a family and should cope with that little miracle happening.

2007-04-21 16:33:18 · answer #6 · answered by bastian915 6 · 0 0

Like you said, it is not hard to find a scriptural argument against abortion. Likewise, it is not hard to find a scripture that backs capital punishment.

Yes, Jesus was in favor of forgiveness and love. But did Jesus not tell us that "If your eye offend thee, pluck it out, for it is better to enter into life blinded than to burn whole?" Or "If your right arm offend thee, cut it off, for it is better to enter into life maimed than to burn in hellfire whole?"

This clearly tells us that Jesus taught that you would be punished for your transgressions. And so, if you commit a crime that calls for your life to be given, then so be it. People that murder, and commit the atrocious acts that warrant capital punishment know that this is the case even before they do those things. They do them anyway.

Not too far from here, someone broke into a young black woman's home and killed her and all of her children except one. The reason? How could there BE one good enough? If this was your daughter, and grankids, would you not want the monster that did this to pay with his life? I would.

So, no. I do not agree with you about this being hypocritical. To judge is not ours.

2007-04-13 17:23:49 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I too am tired of this question, as well as the answer given by both sides of the issues. I wish everyone would just give in and admit that abortion AND the death penalty ARE BOTH HUMAN BEINGS DECIDING TO KILL ANOTHER LIFE. And that both are OK under certain circumstances. War kills innocent people too. So does attempting to kill an intruder but accidentally shooting an innocent bystander. What's the point, all of those deaths are still considered OK under the law as well as (by many people) morally speaking. Same with death penalty and abortion. I'd still argue that all of those forms of killing should be avoided when possible.

2007-04-14 05:42:22 · answer #8 · answered by Jacques 4 · 0 0

You are twisted up with semantics and idealism. Even so many Christians believe that the death penalty is wrong. I'm not one of those. The elected officials have a duty to maintain the peace and well being of the society. When someone murders another, the state has the responsibility to deter such behavior by execution as the victim is not permited to do so.

2007-04-21 16:53:44 · answer #9 · answered by taxigringo 4 · 0 0

one really has nothing to do with another. Capital punishment is just that- punishment for a crime committed. Abortion is murder of an innocent person. Forgiveness and love does not mean that there is no consequences for people's actions. And besides Jesus forgives, however, He had to die on the cross for that- grace is free but not cheap.

2007-04-13 17:28:00 · answer #10 · answered by AdoreHim 7 · 1 0

Although I am not particularly in favor of Capital punishment, I do not believe it is hypocritical to be Pro Life and for capital punishment. Pro Lifers want to protect the innocent unborn and elderly. Capital punishment is for a person deemed guilty of a capital offense by a jury of person's peers.

2007-04-13 17:09:00 · answer #11 · answered by Shirley T 7 · 2 0

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