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I am learning that some Jewish people are upset because the Holocaust is not taught in some school systems abroad "because their Muslim students do not believe it ever happened." But what if they do not believe it happened. Don't they have the right to believe whatever they wish? Just because it is taught does not mean that everyone will believe it anyway. For that matter there are many in the US who do not believe in God. Does that mean HE does not exist? There are many in the United States who do not believe it happened either. AND IT IS NOW MANDATORY THAT IT BE TAUGHT IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS THROUGHOUT THIS NATION.
Is it the duty of the world to teach about the Holocaust?

ANd if it is, What Makes the Holocaust Any MORE important Than
The African slave atrocities?
The Rwanda genocide?
The slaying of innocents in Iraq
and countless others
Shouldn't it also be mandatory we teach about these atrocities also?

2007-04-13 16:56:48 · 22 answers · asked by rare2findd 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Please. If you are going to quote from the Bible, quote from the Bible regarding the other atrocities as well.

2007-04-13 16:57:57 · update #1

22 answers

No.Jewish are too selfish.
There was Soviet Genocide against Ukrainians (Deliberate Famine 1932-1933)- 10 million people died;
50 million Chinese were killed by Red Chinese.
Nobody teaches about this.

2007-04-13 17:08:10 · answer #1 · answered by Goldman I 2 · 2 1

The Holocaust was the biggest genocide in world history, and it happened not so very long ago, so it is important that people know about it.

Theoretically you are right that people can believe whatever they wish, but the thing is that also the people who deny the Holocaust have at least heard about it and they know that most people say that it did indeed happen. So the Holocaust deniers believe that it was made up, and that of course by the Jews, by some alleged Jewish conspiracy, in order to gain political, financial and moral support from the world, especially for the state of Israel. Claiming this is the main agenda of the Holocaust deniers. This is a serious allegation against the Jews and incites hatred against them. In this context it is important to educate these people.

As for the other atrocities you mentioned, people should know about them too. By the way I have met a Muslim who thought the Holocaust was "exaggerated" and said the same about the genocide in Darfur simply for the reason that the perpetrators there are Arab Muslims (although the victims are Muslims too).

I'm not American and didn't go to school there, but I hope and suppose that you all have to learn about slavery at school there.

I believe that people in Rwanda learn more about the Rwandan genocide than the European Holocaust, because that is their history, they have suffered from this and they have to achieve lasting peace and reconciliation between Hutu and Tutsi, and if some foreigner comes to Rwanda he should know properly about the history there that certainly had very grave effects on the society there. Similarly the Holocaust is Western/European history and at least people in Europe and America have to know about it, and also the people in the countries that are in conflict with Israel.

2007-04-13 22:37:53 · answer #2 · answered by Elly 5 · 0 0

Many people do not believe the Holocaust happened. They are sometimes referred to as Holocaust Revisionists. These people attempt to argue factually that the Holoccaust did not happen and in fact was a hoax. There is a book I learned about as a young woman in Hebrew school called the Hoax of the 20th Century by Arthur R. Butz. I could not believe that it existed so I tracked it down to a local library in a neighboring town. They had to get it out of the basement archives. It showed pictures of lamp shades made of human skin and stated they were from animals . . . It gave explanations for mass graves and all of the atrocity associated with this dark period in history. I found it appalling.

My grandfather liberated concentration camps as a solider in the US Army. My mother in law survived the camps. Two different worlds bound together by hatred. They both saw what went on and they lived with those memories until they died.

Should learning about the Holocaust be mandatory? I think from a historical point of view it needs to be covered. The depth that a curriculum goes into is dependant on too many factors to list. When properly taught students learn that the Holocaust resulted in the deaths of 12 million . . . 6 million were Jews but the Nazis also killed homosexuals, the infirm, political sympathizers . . . They had a long list of people the wanted to be a part of the final solution. The lives lost are a part of history we should never forget. Genocide occurred before and since and each example is important in its own right so that perhaps we learn from them and change the world.

Ellie Weisel the famous author (Night, Dawn and others) and Nobel prize winner wrote books about his experiences in the camps. He still speaks to groups but no longer on the Holocaust. Instead he chooses to focus on the genocide that continues to occur. Please do not lump all Jews, all Muslims or all of any group together. I know many Muslims who teach their children history and still retain their religion and culture. Such bias is what creates hate. Hate is what lead to the Holocaust and other occasions when people are killed for who and what they are.

Check out a movie called Paper Clips (http://www.paperclipsmovie.com/). It is a documentary of how one school in the middle of the country took an interesting approach to teaching their students about the Holocaust and how it changed the lives of everyone who lived in the community.

2007-04-13 17:40:04 · answer #3 · answered by Maddy 2 · 0 0

Let's see... history should be taught in timeline form and the schools should teach every important event, but this is where the problem lies! What is important and what is not?

Stop and think, are Hispanic's histroy less important than Blacks, since Black have a whole month dedicated to their history and Hispances have only a day? Not everyone is going to get what they want, but what needs to be taught is unvarished history. I enjoyed history in school and I just wanted to know what was happen elsewhere when something was happening here. When Harriet Tubman was helping people escape on the underground railway, what was happening else where at the same time?

So public schools should teach all accepted history and theory, but not force or be forced to teach anything secular. Schools should not be churches and public education should cover the public. Let student's parents and their churches teach the secular information.

2007-04-13 17:40:02 · answer #4 · answered by humanrayc 4 · 0 0

wow. such a worry about the Holocaust

teach them the history of the world. All cultures have suffered from genocide so don't just teach one over another. Our American Indians were first to be genocide in the US...black slave atrocities..yes and many other...but the Holocaust should not be ignored either...
Teach history as it should be taught. Do not omit any culture or pick one over the other. Fair is Fair...the Muslims should learn as well as the Christians..they have to learn to live together or we all will perish.

2007-04-13 17:04:27 · answer #5 · answered by paul y 3 · 2 0

The "world" doesn't have duties. Individual people do.
Every individual has a duty to not commit violence without a cause, except to defend oneself against a criminal.
If something must need be mandatory for Jew and non-Jew alike, that should be.
The false belief that political rulers are benevolent, or have any reason to be, is part of what leads to atrocities like the above mentioned.
In fact, the terms 'holocaust,' genocide, and 'atroctity' don't evoke the horror and revulsion needed to truly prevent such acts.
We need to start calling it mass rape/murder, because that's what these actions are.
Political systems, leaders of violent revolutions commit such acts because that is their nature.

2007-04-13 17:22:07 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Unfortunately Muslim children are being taught lies. They are being told by religious leaders that the Holocaust never occurred. That's not the truth and just adds to the hate that some Muslims and Arabs have for Jewish people. We should not change history to suit a group that simply refuses to acknowledge something that caused a World War. It should be taught Worldwide so it will never happen again!

May God Bless you.

2007-04-13 17:12:09 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

LOL do you recognize what even Holocaust is ?? It become a deliberate removing of a finished race which they o.k. attain. the clarification at the back of the unknown forgotten Hindu Holocaust would be reason there is not any real evidence of it happening. would you think in Mrs Wendy Doniger e book the hindus an option historical past reason she is a nicely commonplace historian too. And that e book demeans the Hindu faith. 2d the classic era become greater monarchic in nature and monarchs are expansionist. So I continuously ask this question WHY no longer ASK WHY A HINDU RULER KILLED HINDUS TO TAKE OVER yet another HINDUS LAND. terrific occasion ASHOKA . So the Muslims rulers have been additionally the comparable as hindu rulers they killed for land and enlargement no longer faith or race. Why do human beings ignore the Mongols (They weren't muslims) who did the comparable subject as Ahmed shah abdali. 0.33. in accordance to you source then the biggest holocaust would bot be Hindu holocaust yet Holocaust by ability of Europe reason they manged to caputre the whole international killing thousands and thousands even removing some tribes from the face of the planet. What approximately Alekander the super he become on the brink of shooting the international ought to have killed thousands and thousands why do we placed a brilliant in his call ?? Fourth what number Hindus there have been first of all ? and killed in what time-physique and by ability of whom ? reason they might have the comparable faith yet human beings sense and picture in a distinctive way. regrettably all of us shop CRYING HUE approximately human beings demise FROM THEIR faith. Why do we no longer see a guy, woman or toddler as a individual ? why do we've the ought to divide ? What good does glorifying ones faith or lifestyle get no longer something yet variations. a tragic unhappy international we are residing in. Blinded by ability of religion and no rational concept. We get no longer something out of it only misery and only the wealthy and effective who pull the strings get each little thing.

2016-10-02 23:12:03 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

hold up a minute.

are you saying that teachers should not include world war II in their history lessons? a huge event that happened only decades ago and still effects the modern world should be ignored and censored away just because you would prefer that people never heard about the holocaust? just because you want to appease a bunch of racists?

or is it that you think world war II SHOULD be taught in schools, and the suffering and tragedies of everybody involved should be discussed, as long as nobody mentions the suffering that the jews endured? the memory of all the victims of world war II should be remembered, unless that victim was a jew?

and you think jews should have to ignore how deeply offensive this is?

2007-04-13 17:29:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

>>"But what if they do not believe it happened. Don't they have the right to believe whatever they wish?"<<

about religious mystical magical things, yes they do.

about historical fact, no.

they do NOT have a right to believe it did not happen.

what is different? Scale. and theres a difference between "don't know about it" and "believe it did not happen" any particular atrocity aught be taught about in as factual a way as possible, and it is the responsibility of all civilized people for this to occur.

the fact that some events are not taught sufficiently, shows room for improvement, not permission for others to allow people to disbelieve in one of the most signifigant and horrible events of human existance.

remember theres a huge difference between "simply don't know" and "taught that it did not happen".

2007-04-13 17:20:11 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Sure, you have a right to believe whatever you wish. But there's little value in schools that let 'truth' supercede fact. The Holocaust occurred. Evolution occurs. Schools that don't teach both at the appropriate levels are being intellectually dishonest.

2007-04-13 17:01:12 · answer #11 · answered by Doc Occam 7 · 1 0

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