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Doing homework...Anyway, what are your views on smoking ban. Please state if you are a smoker.

2007-04-13 16:50:05 · 8 answers · asked by Clarium 2 in Health Other - Health

8 answers

Non smoker - good thing because it would cut down on litter. Take a look around at all the non-biodegradable butts on highways, parking lots, beaches...

As for the actual smoking, I don't care what people put in thier own body. I just don't want to breathe your nasty exhaled smoke after it's been inside your lungs. Ick!

2007-04-13 16:57:29 · answer #1 · answered by Catspaw 6 · 2 1

I used to smoke 1 1/2 packs per day and after some minor attempts and two serious major efforts finally quit. As a smoker I didn't truly comprehend how bad a smoker smells. The smoke adheres to our skin, hair and clothes until our own personal fragrance was akin to being an ashtray. That was because we smokers lose our sensitivity to smell and taste as the tobacco residue and toxins gradually accumulate in our bodies. I quit for financial as well as for the health of my daughters, one developed breathing problems.

When I quit over 30 years ago, my spouse continued to smoke and would not consider smoking outside, even under the advisement of our pediatrician. As my sense of smell and taste revived, I became aware of the disparity. I began to notice how everything in the household absorbed that cloying odor and the discoloration that would be another result of the exhalation and smoke residue. I wondered if it was that apparent on exterior surfaces, what did our lungs look like? I also noticed that although I'd quit, I was still being exposed through the second hand smoke.

I have no problem with a smoker's choice to infuse their own lungs with a self-induced cloud of toxins and their right to gamble with the Russian roulette of cancer. I know first hand how difficult it is to quit or even to find that defining personal motivation to quit. I've been there.

I do have a problem with their right to smoke infringing on my basic human right to breathe clean air. I approve of smoking bans in public places and parameters set on how close a smoker should stand near an entrance or exit. Why would anyone want to enter a building through an offensive cloud of smoke?

As for smoking sections in restaurants, studies have shown that there isn't enough ventilation or exhaust to remove the smoke/toxins from a restaurant and that there is an extremely high incidence of smoke related illnesses and cancer noted in the employees who work in those conditions.

2007-04-13 17:39:56 · answer #2 · answered by dryad 3 · 1 0

The smoking ban is already in the pubs and clubs in Scotland and I can tell you now I would rather have the smell of smoke in the pubs/clubs than BO and other not so nice odours. You will soon find out that smoke is not that bad a smell after all. At least it covered up everything else that smells nasty. When the smoking ban came in a lot of my local pubs lost a lot of business. And I go out a loss less than I used to just because I cant stand the BO smell that hits you when you walk in the door.

2016-05-19 21:15:45 · answer #3 · answered by joana 3 · 0 0

I am completely for it. I am a non-smoker but everyone knows smoking is bad for them. You are killing your body by smoking. Plus it seems most smokers throw their trash on the ground.

There are many reasons its not just something that people can get over.

Points made to a smoker:
1) I don't smoke yet in order to walk into my building or eat in a restaurant I am forced to inhale your fumes. Why should I get over that? I have just as much right to be in a public place as you do, yet I have to suffer nasty air so that a smoker's rights aren't infringed upon.

2) health insurance. At a company, we all pay the same premium. Though we have morbidly obese people and smokers who drive up the premiums and cause many companies to discontinue their health insurance coverage entirely.

3) car accidents. Between cell phones, the radio/cd player, and smoking, a huge percentage of accidents are due to negligence of the driver. While packing the cigs, opening the pack, searching for the lighter and smoking--the drivers attention is diverted from the road.

4) your children. You are choicing to kill yourself. attempted suicide is illegal. if you refuse to take care of yourself, the government has to step in for you. For if you manage to kill yourself, the children are placed in the foster system and my tax dollars go to support them, after they pay for the medical care received while you were dying of cancer.

5) The number of children suffering from asthma increases each year. The number of children suffering from birth defects goes up each year due to parents smoking during pregnancy. The number of people, nonsmokers, dying from 2nd hand smoke each year increases. When your smoking is punishing the innocent, the goverment must step in to protect them. That is the point of government.

SO clearly a non-smoker can't just let the matter rest or "mind their own business" like smokers frequently tell them. Hard to mind my own business when I can't enter my place of employment without entering a cloud of toxic fumes. Hard to mind my own business when I lose my health benefits b/c too many coworkers smoke. I fully support the smoking bann and believe all public areas should be free from hazardous wastes.

(hope this helps with your homework =P )

2007-04-13 17:18:45 · answer #4 · answered by phantom_of_valkyrie 7 · 2 0

Non smoker. Smoking ban I agree with. Why should innocent lungs have to suffer? Non smokers don't even get a choice if some ignoramus decides to light up. What's up with that!!!

2007-04-13 17:04:00 · answer #5 · answered by h-sum 4 · 2 1

I think that it is a good thing. i am pregnant and do not want to be around the smoke all the time when I want to go out.

2007-04-13 16:57:42 · answer #6 · answered by kmylander03 2 · 2 0

I am a smoker. I understand why non smokers do not like being around smoke.I truly do...BUT...I wish you would give us a small place to smoke while drinking coffee,etc.It is legal.

2007-04-13 17:14:43 · answer #7 · answered by ♥ Mel 7 · 1 1

ex - smoker quit 1 year 3months ago but what happens if the government forces people to quit where do you think theyll get the tax money from lack of sales . and as far as health effects alcohol kills more people than cigarettes each year why is it cheaper to get a case of beer than a carton of smokes. go figure people better watch out for what they wish for.

2007-04-13 17:14:18 · answer #8 · answered by william w 5 · 1 2

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