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Satan was created by God. How? Satan is a "fallen Angel" He, or she was originally a good angel but, went against God. Therefore the devil.

2007-04-13 16:50:52 · answer #1 · answered by CulinaryCad 3 · 0 1

the theologians that promulgate the supernatural claim god made an angel who rebelled hence the guilt is Satan's. but to me this is flawed thinking as god would have known that this would happen in advance and the guilt is his alone . remember if god had chosen he could have made the angel equipped with the mentality to do good but he didn't set this predilection in place . so the theological excuse for the god man conceptualized wrongly is a weak one at that . Many may not be able to see this but I personally don't believe in the concept of free will either ;we merely sometimes have a few choices and many a man has not even gotten that in reality.
this is part of the impeccable argument against the belief in the man made concept of a supreme being as defined by the major religions . hope you are edified with this food for thought. I just keep in mind everybody can't be correct but I respect the right to a difference of opinion regardless until it threatens my life and well being.
peace out

2007-04-13 17:00:26 · answer #2 · answered by dogpatch USA 7 · 1 0

Jehovah did not create Satan with a flaw so that he could turn out this way. Deuteronomy 35:4, Psalms 5:4.
Satan was originally a perfect spirit son of God. When saying "that the Devil did not stand fast in the truth" Jesus indicated that at one time that one was "in the truth." John 8:44
Satan was endowed with free will, just as all of God's intelligent creatures are and this spirit son abused his freedom of choice and began to crave worship that belonged only to Jehovah God.
Thus the great rebellion and mankind's demise. James 1:14, 15

2007-04-13 16:51:33 · answer #3 · answered by Here I Am 7 · 0 1

Satin is a fabric.

God created Satan. His name was Lucifer and he was an archangel until he turned away from God and became the complete opposite of Good, embodying Evil and therefore creating balance in the world.

2007-04-13 16:51:12 · answer #4 · answered by Jylsamynne 5 · 0 2

Lucifer was a big-shot angel. It may have gone to his head some, because he figured he could do a better job of managing Heaven than God was doing.

He did not say that God doesn't have the POWER to rule Heaven, merely the RIGHT.

God disagreed. After God had had enough of Lucifer's rabble rousing, He kicked Lucifer and all his followers out of Heaven. The only other place to go was Earth.

At this point Lucifer, now known as Satan, is trying to prove that he can convince all humans to reject God. Lots of people do indeed think God is dead, or God never was, but he cannot seem to convince all of us.

2007-04-13 16:55:25 · answer #5 · answered by Barry F 5 · 1 1

According to MSN Encarta, it was probably the Chinese:

"The best-known satin weaves are the crepe satin, peau de soie, sateen, and damasks. The word satin is derived from the name of the Chinese seaport Chüanchow, formerly called Zaytun, from which this type of fabric was first exported in the Middle Ages."


2007-04-13 16:53:14 · answer #6 · answered by catrionn 6 · 0 0

Satin was invented in China... Satan is a fallen angel who was named Lucifer when God created him. He rebeled against God and became evil... he wasn't created evil. Just as human beings were not created sinful... Adam and Eve were created good and they chose (like Lucifer) to disobey God and rebell so now mankind is sinful. Only through the blood of Jesus can we be cleansed of our sins and be made right or "good" in God's sight again.

2007-04-13 16:52:58 · answer #7 · answered by Blessed 5 · 0 1

When God created the heavens and the earth, it was good, ..actually, satan, (formerly lucifer), is appointed by God to be the head of the universe and delivered all created things in the heaven and on the earth`into his hand, so God wanted him to be the "ruler of the world". He was very perfect and become the best among the archangels,but because of pride in his heart, he became rebellious to God.He wanted to be praised and worship just like the Lord, so when the LOrd jugded him he was called by the Lord, satan.

2007-04-13 17:19:36 · answer #8 · answered by bhe 1 · 0 1

In my religion there is no Devil or Satan, its a Christian belief/design, to help keep the " Faithfull " in line and in fear ! This is one reason many are seeking more answers outside of Christianity, and leaving it.... I was brought up C of E, until i got to an age to make up my own mind, then i found Christianity did not have " ALL " the answers, so i sought and i found.... Everything was made good, but we Humans chose Freewill over Freedom, so out of Freewill comes Evil acts, we are a duality, instead of a Oneness...

2007-04-13 17:00:01 · answer #9 · answered by sittingbear43 3 · 1 0

God made everything good, but with free will he made the Angels and humankind, to stay that way or not. Satan was Lucifer, who was actually a very beautiful high ranking Angel. He got full of pride and revolted against God, wanting to be as high as God himself and sit in the throne. Therefore, God had to cut him loose, and it made him rebellious. Now he has sealed his fate, just a matter of time, God's time.

2007-04-13 16:51:59 · answer #10 · answered by Gardener for God(dmd) 7 · 0 1

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