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today my son was being operated on th remove a cancerous tumor from his body, while I was sitting in the waiting lounge the woman next to me started off by asking me why I was there! I told her what was going on and suddenly she says that it is not about my boy at all ! - that this was a test from our lord all mighty ! I was miserable to begin with and answered that I did not find that a very good thing to say ! she said that my child was a tool of god to test my faith and nothing more! I will spare you what I said after that! if God loves us all sooo much why is my child a tool for sick monopoly games? any one who shares such perversion care to elaborate? it made me sick to say the least!

2007-04-13 16:31:35 · 20 answers · asked by slaveof12gods 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

MARISSAXXRAINE why does the LOED as you call him use terrible things to draw us closer to him ???? so now you speak just like the chick in the waiting lounge! all this does is giving me a sign to get away as far as possible from such an entity as it reflects pure evil and no compassion , love or goodness! sick sick sick I tell you!

2007-04-13 16:51:22 · update #1

cthemagicofdawn - thank you for being so judgemental and rude in my time of hell - I apreciate it !

2007-04-13 17:00:46 · update #2

TS - I dont think our loved ones great suffering are supposed to be a tool of some sort of test - I am so sorry for your pain and suffering by this terrible event! I wish you love ,peace and compassion!

2007-04-13 17:05:26 · update #3

20 answers

That is absolutely terrible. I hate it when people try to push their religious mumbo jumbo on people who they don't even know share the same religious beliefs. That is only painful and rude. Clearly that woman needs to learn some manners.

2007-04-13 16:35:21 · answer #1 · answered by Lauren G 2 · 6 1

One of the questions that all faiths have to deal with is the problem of suffering...
Christianity's answer is found at the cross. It doesn't so much answer the question of why God allows it as show that God can somehow use it for good, if we permit Him.
So, in Christianity, although suffering is seen as an evil, it is also seen as something that God would not permit if He could not draw good from it. Starting from this perspective, we have insights such as
Suffering helps us acknowledge that we are not self-sufficient, that we need a higher power, that we are ultimately dependent on God. In this sense it can be seen as a test, since it challenges us to turn to God in humility (ie, depending on Him, not on ourselves) instead of despairing or thinking that we're all right on our own.
The presence of suffering, infirm individuals can be a witness to the value of human life, not just for the quality of life enjoyed by the person, as well as to human powers of endurance and courage.
Christians believe that Jesus, by His death on the cross, redeemed the world. We also believe that, when we unite our suffering to His, it somehow helps to further His work of redemption (or it's application to souls).

2007-04-14 00:11:20 · answer #2 · answered by Maria 1 · 0 0

What that lady meant was that living in this world is a test for every human being. We were born because we have a mission: to beleive in one God and follow the right path. So...God is testing the patience of you and your family and to see what you do about this tensed moment. Do you turn to Him and pray for your son's healthy life? Or do you ignore Him and blame Him?

As a Muslim, I do believe that we are tested in every second of our lives. There is not one moment when I am not being watched by God.

I am sorry to hear that your son is going through these hard times. I just prayed for you and your family. May God give your son a long, healthy life. Ameen!

2007-04-14 00:13:49 · answer #3 · answered by Jaggo 3 · 1 0

I do not wish to belittle your son's pain and suffering or yours. As a Christian I would like to say I am sorry for her actions. I do not know what motivated her to say such a thing but maybe in some weird perverted way she was trying to make you feel better. I really don't know. but do not let her actions reflect on the entire Christian faith. just as I would not take a mean statement from an athiest and place it on all athiest. I hope your son gets better and you get peace of mind.

2007-04-13 23:41:21 · answer #4 · answered by lizardman 4 · 4 1

I can answer your question...

your story sounds so similar to the scripture somewhere in the bible...

There was a man who had I believe 3 sons... they were all around 9, 10, and 13....

But he favored one of the boys....

Since he loved our Heavenly Father so much...

God decided to test his faith and how much does he love him...

He sent an angel to earth and he appeared to this man... and told him that God said to take his son way up the mountains and kill him...

The man didn't know what to do...he had so many questions asking God why?? Why???Why???

but all God said was to take him to the mountains far away from the village and kill his son...

So one day he told his son that they were going to the mountains to look for a sheep for dinner...the son believed him...

Through out there journey climbing the mountain...the son had so many questions asking him about the sheep...and all the father could do was nod his head...but deep inside he was crying...

Then he build a little shack stacked with logs... and leaves...and told his son to lay there...

The son then new what was going on...but he knew that the Lord told him so... so he went and layed there...

The father was so scared that he didn't want to do it...because he loves his son so much...but he knew in his heart the God have him an order...so the son closed his eyes...the father lift the knife up and before he almost killed his son...

God sent his angel to earth...and stopped him...

The father stopped immediately...and look at the angel and said...why?

The angel said...

God looked into your heart and knew that you had strong faith in yourself and also seen in your heart that you truely and believed that God is real and that you love God with all your heart...no one but God....so let your boy live..because God see's your heart...

So he picked up his son and hugged his son like there was no tomorrow...and cried and thank god for everything...

So.. your story should not make you sick....it is because our Heavenly Father is testing your faith...he see's your heart and knows that you love him (our God), but wanted to test you and see if you truely love him...

So don't worry... God now see's that you truely love him, by following his commands...

You are a Child Of God...remember that...

2007-04-14 00:28:43 · answer #5 · answered by MINA 2 · 0 0

If this truly happened, then I am sorry for the lack of compassion shown by that woman. However, if my son was in the hospital I would not be on Yahoo! complaining about someone's obviously flawed religious doctrine. I think I would have bigger things to worry about. I'm glad you are handling it so well. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I hope your son makes a full recovery.

EDIT: Sorry if you don't like an honest opinion. Maybe you are not handling it as well as I thought. I forgive you for YOUR rude and judgmental remarks and for not being at your son's side. I never left my child's side the entire time he was in the hospital. I was talking from personal experience.

May God Bless you.

2007-04-13 23:45:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

That woman was, at best, grossly out of line. She has most likely been wrongly instructed in God's Word. That is not how one of God's people should act at any time.... unfortunatly there is a segment of Christians who do go too far at times and do not know when not to put forth The Word... and espacialy not to distort The Word in that way... If it had been me I would have offered my sympathy and explained that I was of The Christian Faith and that I believed that prayer can be of comfort at times like that. I would have politly offered to pray with, or for, you and your son. If you had declined I would have quietly backed off... I would of course said a silent prayer for both of you...

2007-04-13 23:48:57 · answer #7 · answered by idahomike2 6 · 2 1

I am sooooo sorry you had to run into such a person during such a difficult time. This is just not the way God treats those he loves. My prayers are with you and your son.

2007-04-13 23:35:56 · answer #8 · answered by sandra g 2 · 6 1

God put me to test too....my husband a kidney failure patient.
I wonder too why god gave him such sickness...he is such a wonderful man, husband, father, son. He is such a great human being. By being such a patient, our lifestyle totally change.

It is not easy but I take it as a test from God.....

2007-04-13 23:54:25 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I'm very sorry that you ran into such an immense idiot at such a horribly trying time.

Not all Christians are THAT ignorant, by a long shot. The sad thing is, the "lady" in question probably thought she was doing you a favor! *rolls eyes*

2007-04-13 23:36:00 · answer #10 · answered by prairiecrow 7 · 7 1

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