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It seems rather odd. What is mean is that the Holocaust is now a required part of the curriculum in public schools across the nation. But the Holocaust was about the atrocities against the Jewishs people by Hitler, a German.
Why do Jewish people hate so many other groups of people?

2007-04-13 16:22:07 · 15 answers · asked by rare2findd 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

humm I never asked for an equivocation so I will ignore the first response. And as for the term "terrorist" referred to below, a 'terrorist' action is not limited to killings on a mass scale. They are also inclusive of one on one.

2007-04-13 16:30:53 · update #1

sorry -- I cannot and will never accept that Jewish people are God's chosen..nor that he gave them a 'promised land'. Oh God addressed "land" - he even gave its size..But God also told them that He would give them land
which they have not!!

2007-04-13 17:04:31 · update #2

15 answers

It is not all Jews, but primarily right wing Israelis and some American Jews who press their cause here.

Most Jews in Israel and everywhere else would prefer to live in peace with Arabs.

I was very conservative when I was younger and an evangelical Christian, so I completely supported Israel until a Jewish friend told me some things and recommended some books that showed legitimate complaints of the Palestinian/Arab side of the conflict.

The unfortunate thing is some people profit from keeping that conflict an open wound. Defense contractors, oil companies that like Israel beating down any uppity Arab nationalists, and those in Israel who want that real estate in the West Bank, Golan, and Gaza.

I predict that when the last drop of oil is sucked out of the Persian Gulf, or the US begins to see Israel as a liability for other reasons, there will be heavy pressure on them to settle their business in a way that is acceptable to her neighbors.

For most of history, Jews and Muslims got along pretty well. When the Christians took over Spain and were doing the Inquistion, Jews fled to Muslim countries. Jews and Muslims lived side by side in Palestine for centuries without much conflict until the European Jews started to arrive in noticeable numbers in the late 19th century with the Zionist movement.

Other than that political conflict, Jews are pretty tolerant of other races and religions, for example, they prominently helped the black Civil Rights Movement in the US.


The fellow that cited the anti-Jewish verses in the Koran might remember that the Old Testament tells the Israelites to commit genocide on the people living in Canaan (Deuteronomy 20:16-18) And without a comparable command in the New Testament, Christians have managed to kill quite a few Muslims from the Crusades on, quite a few Indians in the conquest of the Americas, and even a lot of each other in religious wars after the Reformation.

Most people honor their religion in certain ceremonies and personal habits like not eating pork or for Christians not dancing, but in the big issues in life like how to treat people in other countries who have stuff you want, we figure out how to bend our religion to fit what we want to do anyway just like the Christian who is sure God wants him to be rich and have a new Camaro.

2007-04-13 16:37:46 · answer #1 · answered by yurbud 3 · 1 1

That's a big generalization. If you look a little closer at history, you'll discover many nations make themselves the enemy of Israel. What's with that? I think history gives Israel the right not to trust many of those nations around them. Whether they should hate or not, I don't know. How would you feel if generation after generation of your people had been enslaved, persecuted, annihilated, robbed of land & possesions, murdered, & on & on? Israel is chosen by God to be His ; in fact He created Israel as a nation. He has specifically called them His own among nations. I guess that alone might generate some jealousy & hostility towards them, but basically, because of Israel's disobedience to God, they have suffered greatly at the hands of other nations. When they are obedient to Him, He always restores & protects them. And, by the way, Hitler was Austrian and a maniac to boot....which can happen in any country.

2007-04-13 16:37:47 · answer #2 · answered by Joyful Noise 5 · 0 1

You kind of have it backwards. If the Arabs would leave Israel alone, everything would be okay. I think. I don't know. But clearly, Israel is surrounded by people that want to see it die. Not exactly happy campers over there on the West Bank, know what I mean? No, it's not the Jewish people that hate others, it is they who are hated because of the particular brand of mumbo-jumbo they believe in. Frankly, if everybody could just agree that belief systems are a bunch of crap and just live together as human beings, the world would be a lot better off. Ignorance is rampant and it is definitely not bliss. Nobody is right if everybody is wrong.

2007-04-13 16:28:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

The little lunatic president of Iran denies the Holocaust ever happened and wants to remove Israel from the map. Teachers in England won't teach about the Holocaust because they know their Muslim students have been taught it never happened by their parents and religious leaders. They don't want to have anti-Semitic talk in their classes, so they ignore part of history.

It seems Arabs, Muslims, Persians have a problem with Jewish people, not the other way around, and it's always been that way.

May God Bless you.

2007-04-13 16:28:34 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Your question is poorly formed. You question hold the presupposition that Jewish people hate Arabs and Persians. I believe that this is an invalid supposition, and therefore that all contentions you make on the basis of it are flawed. Where did you get such a notion? Did you bother asking any Jews, or did you just make it up? For exmple, I do not read about Jews committing suicide bombings against the Arabs or about the Jews saying that the Persian view of history should be changed to better suit them. Do you?

2007-04-13 16:35:43 · answer #5 · answered by Fred 7 · 0 0

It seems to me that your question isn't really about Jews, it's about hatred.

People love and people hate. People are people. Jews aren't singular in having the capacity to hate others, nor are Jews the only people that express hatred for Arabs and Persians.

Personally, I am a Jew living in an Arabic-Muslim community, and I don't hate anyone (though Republicans really try my patience). However, that being said, there is a long history of animosity between Muslims and Jews, Palistinians and Israelis...and if you are looking for a history lesson in those conflicts, it will take you all the way back to the Biblical tales of Sarah and Hagar's children.

2007-04-13 16:28:22 · answer #6 · answered by Elspeth 3 · 1 0

i'm an Iranian , and specific we DO hate Arabs for many reasons , at the start, "persian" does not come from "Arabic" !!! merely aftr Arab's connect with Iran some words are further to persian, however the genuine and organic persian has no arabic words, and Irania poet "Ferdosi" afte arabs connect has written a poet e book in organic Persian language. Iranian artwork,wisdom,politics,and finished Iran's historical past is quite wealthy, until eventually now the Arabs connect, in historical past Arabs are commonplace because of the fact the main "ignorant" races . Iran become very effective and the clarification that Arabs ought to hook up with Iran become that Iran become in the conflict with Rum for one thousand years! besides, If Saudia become no longer susceptible , ought to do some thing it self for this united states of america, yet each little thing in saudia is waiting by ability of u.s., saudi merely sells gas, no wisdom, no attempt, .... Islam in saudi isn't islam!! this is a few thing new that they have got invested for their very very own advantages

2016-10-02 23:10:45 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Jews as a people don't hate anybody. Some folks who are Jewish have some weird ideas but you can say the same for any group of people.

2007-04-13 16:26:21 · answer #8 · answered by Oprah's Minge 4 · 2 1

I can't recall seeing any Jewish terrorist attacks against Muslim nations, perhaps you could provide us with some more evidence to support your claim?

2007-04-13 16:26:34 · answer #9 · answered by holy_bro 2 · 2 0

I'm Jewish. Most of my closest friends are Muslim (Pakistani). The Arabs from Syria, Palestinian territories Saudi Arabia, etc, all hate me and call me a dirty Jew....and I don't even know them.


2007-04-13 18:17:05 · answer #10 · answered by LadySuri 7 · 2 2

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