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I'm a Christian myself. And I believe EVERY WORD of the Bible simply because it's God's word! And i believe that Jesus says that it's wrong to be gay...but I understand that a lot of you all will just say to me, "Well they have a right to like who they want to! they can't control who they are attracted to!" Well to you all I say this, "People can like whoever they want to. No one is stopping them. That is their GOD GIVEN right to. But they are going against God's word and they are sinning. They don't have to act on their thoughts. It's as simple as that!" And if you are a true Christian then you should believe EVERY WORD of the Bible also.

2007-04-13 16:11:14 · 29 answers · asked by wondering mind 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

Homosexuality is wrong. We are called to preach with truth AND grace. If it's just truth, we come off as arrogant, but if it's just grace, we don't take a stand. We need to balance grace and truth when we teach that homosexuality is sin.

2007-04-13 16:16:33 · answer #1 · answered by wassupmang 5 · 2 4

I am a Christian. However, I am not against homosexuality. Although the Bible is God's word, it was written by man. A lot of bias can slip in that way, especially in the Old Testament, a lot of that just doesn't make sense (like a woman being "unclean" and she should not be touched when she is on her period, etc.). I read the Bible as a guideline, not literally.

I also don't believe it's a "choice". It may be for some people, but I know multiple people who tried and tried to be straight and just couldn't.

The Catholic view on homosexuality is that it is not wrong to be gay, but it is wrong to act on those feelings.

2007-04-13 16:32:14 · answer #2 · answered by abbyful 7 · 0 0

The Bible consistently tells us that homosexual activity is a sin (Genesis 19:1-13; Leviticus 18:22; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9). Romans 1:26-27 teaches specifically that homosexuality is a result of denying and disobeying God. When a person continues in sin and disbelief, the Bible tells us that God “gives them over” to even more wicked and depraved sin in order to show them the futility and hopelessness of life apart from God. 1 Corinthians 6:9 proclaims that homosexual “offenders” will not inherit the kingdom of God.

2007-04-13 16:31:22 · answer #3 · answered by Freedom 7 · 1 0

You can't believe every word in the bible unless you know every word of the bible. No one is able to believe things that they don't understand.

Faith is the evidence, not a lack of evidence(Hebrews 11).

It is wrong to condemn. That goes against the word of God.

It is wrong to be a busy body in other men's matters.

If I am a Christian, I must not be an oppressor and presume to tell any one what they should or should not believe.

It is wrong to tell others to believe the gospel and then command them to keep old testament law.

One would have to know laws to be able to keep them.

The only place of the bible that mentions the word gay is the book of James, talking about clothes.

Jesus is the Saviour of the whole world.

2007-04-13 16:54:11 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Here, kiddo... let me explain what the Bible REALLY has to say about homosexuality. The Bible does NOT condemn homosexuals and does NOT consider homosexual sex a sin.

The passages in Leviticus (18:22 and 20:13), understood IN THE CONTEXT of the time and place, are not an admonishment against loving sexual relationships between people of the same sex but instead against sex as a form of domination and control. Besides, these passages are part of the Holiness Code which is not binding to modern day Christians (or anyone else for that matter).

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah was a warning against rape, inhospitality and xenophobia. The reason for Sodom's destruction is made clear in Ezekiel 16:48-50. According to Ezekiel, the sins of Sodom were pride, laziness, being inhospitable, neglecting the needs of the poor, greed, and idolatry (the worshiping of idols). Nothing about homosexuality is mentioned. If Jude 1:7 describes anything about the sexual immorality and perversion in Sodom and Gomorrah, it's describing RAPE.

1 Corinthians 6:9 was a mistranslation of the word "malakee". It's used elsewhere in the Bible to mean someone who lacks discipline or one who is morally weak, and never is it used in reference to sexuality or gender.

1 Timothy 1:9-10? Also a mistranslation. 1 Timothy was an admonishment against male prostitution, not committed, loving same sex relationships.

The words "physin" and "paraphysin" in Romans 1:26-27 have also been mistranslated. Contrary to popular belief, the word "paraphysin" does not mean "to go against the laws of nature", but rather implies action which is uncharacteristic for that particular person. An example of the word "paraphysin" is used in Romans 11:24, where God acts in an uncharacteristic (paraphysin) way to accept the Gentiles. When the scripture is understood correctly, it implies that it would be unnatural for heterosexuals to live as homosexuals and for homosexuals to live as heterosexuals.

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But will you read this? Naaaaaah, you'll pat the back of one of your Christian brethren who have NO idea how to correctly comprehend the scripture. You'll pick someone who validates your narrow, comfortable view and whistle a happy, ignorant tune as you continue to believe whatever you feel like believing regardless of accuracy.

2007-04-13 16:38:13 · answer #5 · answered by ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT•• 7 · 2 1

WHY are Christians SO obsessed with homosexuality???? It's like there's no other issue in the entire world that's more important.
Even the former staff attorney for the AFA, and former religious right-wing activist Joe R. Murray said,
“Those on the Christian right, for whatever reasons, have become fixated on homosexuality. They are obsessed by it and perverse form of vengeance appears to be fueling their inquisition. I may be wrong, but I think actions are speaking much louder than words here.
The whole gay issue is no longer about the quest for the Truth; it is about fear and loathing. It is about shame and sorrow. It is anything but Christian.”
There's a genocide going on in Darfur. There's children starving in our own country. Can we please stop obsessing about what people we don't even know are doing behind closed doors and work on making a positive change? If Christians took 1/4 of the energy they spend on obsessing about gays, and spent it on helping people, they might actually do some good in this world.
Imagine that!

2007-04-13 16:24:07 · answer #6 · answered by Jess H 7 · 2 0

I am a true Christian. I have read the entire bible and studied it.

First I do not believe that you need to believe EVERY WORD of the bible to be a true Christian......Did you make that up? Are you aware of how the bible was formed?

I don't believe you have the right to decide who is or isn't a true Christian.

I do not judge people based on sexual orientation. I don't really care what their orientation is as long as they are good people.

I don't know you and wouldn't say anything about your character BUT as a human I will assume you are not perfect.....you had better hope that Jesus will be less judgemental of you than you are of others.

2007-04-13 16:23:47 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Sound bytes are very deceiving. The Reverand Wright is somewhat touched because i have considered 2 interviews with him and the single interview he became very calm and defined the context of the message and in case you've been to view the context of the total message that had the word you reported, you need to work out that using it antagonistic to the Obama marketing campaign became taken thoroughly out of textual content. also, I base my religous beliefs on how I act and not about how others practice. i have been to church homes that practice love, then turn round and communicate in the back of your lower back, which in reality isn't hate, yet shows hypocracy. numerous folk make up their own faith, it really is how Satanists, scientologists, or maybe Christians exist. Scientology is between the youngest religions round as I hadn't heard of it until eventually Mr. Cruise presented the international to it and then i realized there are others which have self belief it. Christians did not exist until eventually the time of Christ, for that reason Christianity is below 2000 years old, so what's new about making up religions? Obama might want to get his beliefs from the Luthern or the King James version of the Bible and certain the Bible is antagonistic to homosexuality, in spite of the indisputable fact that the Bible never mentions abortion especially. Sodom and Gamorrah are the examples of God hating homosexuality, yet i do not see everywhere that the Bible constitutes abortion as homicide or blasphemous. that does no longer propose i imagine that is proper, only that that is not any longer in the Bible. those are only perspectives and they are my perspectives. i'm an agnostic who's following the Presidential marketing campaign and attempting to carry together each and each and every of the info. no matter if i like one candidate better than yet another should be irrelevant as i'd be swayed by using THE info of which i will study for myself at the same time as every body desires to inform me something they have self belief to be real or unfaithful about Obama or McCain. The better you seem into each and each and every candidate, the better functional determination you'll make in November. wish this facilitates,

2016-11-23 18:31:08 · answer #8 · answered by burchill 4 · 0 0

Homosexuality is a sin like lying, adultery, gossiping, stealing, etc. Like eating swine's flesh (pork) the bible refers to it as an abomination meaning it was extremely hated by God.

With all that said, we are to love all people and respect them for who they are. If that is their choice then so be it just as long as they are not hurting anyone or infringing on the rights of others. E.g. I have the right not to see two men making out in public but if they want to do it behind closed doors that is their business.

In essence, Homosexuality is a sin. God hates the sin and LOVES the sinner.

2007-04-13 16:27:46 · answer #9 · answered by linz 2 · 0 0

It is very clear in the Bible what God thinks of homosexuality. its an adbomination, a sin, and punishable by death. like all sin. if you dont understand the Bilbe, or God, then you need to sit down with the book and study it. anyone who sins and is not born again is going to hell and thats that. God is just and He can not be in the presence of sin. homo's are being lied to. they were not made to like the same sex. they can control it and its not acceptible to God. you need to find the truth repent and spred the word of God to all you know.

2007-04-13 16:27:32 · answer #10 · answered by miranda 1 · 0 0

Same as my last answer about this subject:
Gay people are just like everyone else. We are all sinners in need of a savior. If we make any thing that the bible calls sin a lifestyle, then we are separated from God.

The way to be reconciled to God is to make a 180 degree turn away from our sinful life and to God.

That's what the bible says, that is my view as well.

I do not harbor any ill will toward gay people just as I do not harbor any ill will toward any one who is not saved including my own parents. I am sad that people, including my parents, would choose separation from God rather than reconciliation with Him.

I hope this answers your question

2007-04-13 16:21:29 · answer #11 · answered by redeemed 5 · 1 2

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