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34 answers

I spent time reading the different replies and I was amused to read the most common answer that people have concerning gays and that is "they have a choice". Being gay I have puzzled this out many times, but the statement that people are making is, "you have the choice of living your whole life without having homosexual sex or you can learn to be straight"! Some choice!!! Well I have to reply to those people, if being homosexual is a choice then the reverse must also apply. All those who say there is a choice need to have sex with the same sex to prove the point of it being a choice. Come on and get your hands dirty and prove your theory, because it is a theory. You have no proof and you spout dogma without batting an eye. We are right and you are wrong. To this I say grow some nads and prove your statement that it is a choice. You should be able to choose to have sex with the same sex and then switch back if there is a choice.

Now as a statement from how I view homosexuality from a religious stand point I have to say that Goddess, who is a choice to make whether I believe in her or not, says that she doesn't create garbage and all her children are special. In a world where if "everyone" was straight the population would be impossible to sustain. You say that population is controlled by God using disease and war to reduce the population. These are two very negative ways for a "compasionate" God to act. Doesn't it make more sense that homosexuality which doesn't produce offspring makes more sense than a third of the population dying of a disease or a war??? You will probably counter that gays have been adopting so they do want children! To which I say that the children that most gays get aren't the the children that most people who can't have children snap up, they are usually the ones that can't get placed.

It is sad to think that people embrace a spirituality that spreads hate and intolerance. Next time you pray for peace ask yourself what qualities does your interpretation of peace have to have? I want peace, but first all the Muslims must go, or peace would be nice if there were no colored people, or how peaceful it would be if all the gays just died. Oddly enough this very question was historically asked and the answer made millions of people hate the person who asked it. Adolph Hitler, wanted to erase Jews and other non-Arian religions, he had gays sent to concentration camps along with everyone else that wasn't Arian. But I guess that comparing this to the rights of gays is like comparing apples and oranges, but the point is very clear... there is a little bit of Hitler in us all.

Thank you for taking time to read this.

2007-04-13 16:54:05 · answer #1 · answered by humanrayc 4 · 1 0

well elements, all people. There is a different reality to hold in brain: Homosexuals have selected their tradition. Darrel Johnson, an editor of Gay-Vue journal, indicates that that is the case: “A individual it appears has the advantage for conforming to someone or all the quite a lot of sexual modes. This being real, someplace alongside the road a individual eventually settles on a option.” Warren Blumenfeld, coordinator of the countrywide Gay Students Center, even compares the option among “sexual modes” to purchasing an car; he says, ‘One individual likes a Cadillac and a different likes a exercises automobile.’ People are “homosexual,” then, due to the fact that that's what they desire. As the Bible says, it's “in retaining with the wishes in their hearts.” Therefore, the Bible’s condemnation of this train is justified while it says that each female and male homosexuals obtain “in themselves the whole recompense, which used to be due for his or her errors”; they “won't inherit God’s kingdom.”—Rom. a million:24-27; a million Cor. 6:nine, 10. It logically follows that they are able to difference in the event that they particularly desire to difference, does it no longer? The Bible is right while it refers to a couple who carried on in such practices within the first century and says, “that's what a few of you have been. But you've got been washed blank.”—a million Cor. 6:eleven. So, it is a option, by some means...

2016-09-05 12:41:37 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I someones sexuality is one of the most personal aspects of their being. My view is I honestly don't care .It has absolutely no impact on me what so ever. My motto is to live and let live. If being in a same sex relationship is what someone needs to feel fulfilled in their life then so be it. Love is something everyone is entitled to and yet very few achieve if it so happens it's a gay relationship then they have been truly blessed and I personally feel there is nothing wrong with it as far as religiously I don't think God would feel any differently.

2007-04-13 16:20:04 · answer #3 · answered by GI 5 · 4 0

Their religious life is none of my concern. Personally, there is no difference between a gay person and myself except a small portion of the choices we make behind closed doors. At work, the same. As a relative in family, the same. As friends, the same. As human beings with needs and feelings, dreams and goals, the same.

2007-04-13 16:14:31 · answer #4 · answered by justbeingher 7 · 3 0

Anyone with the need to judge homosexuals "religiously" is a damn fool. It's in the Bible? Yes, and so is stoning unbaptized infants (Psalms) and marrying raped women off to their rapists (oh, and he gets 30 shekels of silver too, although silver wasn't utilized as currency in those days AND was minted - thus, not measured. More lies.)? When does 'interpretation' cross the line of "self-serving bullsh*t? I'd say once anyone views anyone different than them wrong for disagreeing with their views. Pretty much, "In the beginning". In the beginning, indeed.

*Gary* - What Bible are you reading? Because you're certainly not borrowing from the original texts, which absolutely never read "homosexuals". It simply read "fornicators". Anyone who has sex outside of marriage is a 'fornicator'. Which is a load of crap, because you people are the reason gays can't marry so why not take the 'sin' and put it on yourself?

EDIT: It is so frustrating to hear ignorants babble on about getting 'hit on' or insist that being kinky lies only in being homosexual. AHHHH!!! You Christians who believe that garbage make me want to vomit. May the FSM come to all your doors and show you what tolerance is all about with his extra-spicy tomato sauce.

*Barry F* - How would you feel if someone you were 'getting to know' just out of the blue, for absolutely NO reason, said "Hey, don't hit on me, and don't talk to me about sex. Let's get that straight. You're an abomination, but I kind of like you. Might as well talk to you here on Earth because once you die it's a mighty fiery death for you." Seriously - how would you feel? I know you are attempting to sound "tolerant". You're about as transparent as Saran Wrap.

2007-04-13 16:13:08 · answer #5 · answered by Me, Thrice-Baked 5 · 4 1

In my religioin, we say, Each to there own, being Gay makes no difference, we are all equel, we are all still a part of the Human race, who's to say there can be only love between a man and a woman, Love is Love !
We " Normal's ", and just what is normal ?, have no right to tell them how to feel or live ! My religion accepts them....

2007-04-13 16:21:12 · answer #6 · answered by sittingbear43 3 · 3 0

In Wicca, generally speaking, homosexuality is regarded as a naturally occurring orientation, just like heterosexuality -- and like heterosexuality, it is to be celebrated. In the Charge of the Goddess, the Goddess states: "Let My worship be in the heart that rejoices, for behold: all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals."

Personally? I judge each gay person the same way I judge each straight person -- on their own merits. Some of them are wonderful people, some of them are jerks. Just like the rest of the population.

2007-04-13 16:18:26 · answer #7 · answered by prairiecrow 7 · 5 0

I'm a pagan Taoist. My religion has no particular views on it.

Personally, my best and truest friends from college are gay, and I want them to be happy. I will fight for their rights and for their happiness.

They accept me for who I am, how could I do anything less but accept them the same? They've stood by and comforted me, helped me when I needed them, how could I not do the same?

2007-04-13 16:55:52 · answer #8 · answered by KC 7 · 0 0

For religous...i think gay is nothing compare with those sinful guy who did ton's of bad thing....gay people and sinful people.......who will go to hell??? of cos sinful people and sinful gay people ...lol....kind gay people should be threat as normal person....

Personally, what for we go and condemn some one's personility....as it's only because they had a rare personility group, and yet they had done nothing wrong........my view is...they are just a normal people that had different personality.....

Btw.. i am not a gay =P

2007-04-13 16:35:48 · answer #9 · answered by KTH 2 · 0 0

The same way I view straight and bisexual people. It's all about relationship and desire for another person, whatever sex of the person you're talking about. It's the same feelings, no matter the orientation, and if it's mutual, then all to the good.

And yes I am Pagan.

2007-04-13 16:28:19 · answer #10 · answered by Babs 4 · 2 0

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