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i love Jesus w/ all my heart and show it and read the bible and pray as much as i can. i try to all day. i just have been struggling with lusts of homosexuality and have been praying for it to go away but it hasnt. and i really want it to. somebody, please, help.

2007-04-13 15:42:41 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

41 answers

Struggling with lust is something that all people have to do. If you are a gay male, it is a little different for you, as gay men can get sex so much more easily than straight men (if they are cute, or rich), and any men are more likely to pursue sex more aggressively and more often than women.

That having been said, there is nothing wrong with homosexuality within a committed, mutually monagamous/mutually loving/mutually respectful romantic relationship.

The bible says a lot of things, some of them quite wrong. Did you know that it says that if a woman is raped but doesn't cry out loudly, that she should be killed?

Not everything in the bible is the word of God, but Jesus teachings were divine, as far as I am concerned. At any rate, he was the one to hand down the law that Christians are supposed to live by. Christian law is simply this: Love God. Love your neighbor as thyself.

Your sexual orientation isn't going to change unless the Lord causes it to, and since it isn't wrong, I don't know why the heck he would.

There is nothing wrong with being gay. There is something wrong with promiscuity, cheating, and unsafe sex.

The Lord Jesus loves you doll. I will say a prayer for you, for help with this confusing time in your life.

2007-04-13 16:01:41 · answer #1 · answered by Auntie DeLuvienne 2 · 1 6

First I'm straight and pagan, but I used to be christian. Now there really is no denying that the bible has several verses that would indicate that homosexuality is a major sin. So if the god of the bible is as good and all powerful as the bible claims him to be, why would he allow some people to be installed with homosexual tendencies. Maybe you should throw away the bible and **** whoever fits your fancy and then find the god who really wants you as you are. What you didn't know there was more then one. Maybe you should read your first couple of commandments a little closer.

2007-04-13 16:05:45 · answer #2 · answered by Searching Dragon 2 · 2 2

Have you always felt attracted to those of the same sex? Is this a homosexuality problem or are you more concerned that you have a lust problem?
Anyway, this is a sin fallen world and even those that have struggled with this all thier life are not sinning any more than a person who has compulsions toward any other undesired or sinful behavior. However, God does not mean for love or worship or praying/talking to Him be a struggle, but joyous and effortless like breathing. Give Jesus your guilt and accept Jesus sacrifice for you. Live a life of worship to Him... drink in the joy of the Spirit of what you CAN do that is pleasing to Him and in time, I believe you can be set free, because when you constantly live in the middle of His presence, nothing else matters and when it doesn't matter, it will eventually pass away when your focus is to dwell in the perfection and righteousness of God.
I understand why some people struggle with homosexuality, even though I believe it to be apart from G-d's origional design for us and therefore is sin. Not necessarily the homosexual's sin, but a sin nevertheless. This, however isn't how God origionally created us to be. There are some people are born with both male and female parts on thier body for that matter... or extra parts... or not enough parts... so I was thinking: what's to say that something cannot go wrong like that hormonally or structurally within the brain? To me this is a physical manifestation of something that perhaps can, in some, be internal. Those born with both are called intersexed or hermaphrodites. I know one, but she had to move away to San Francisco because she felt more male her whole life, especially since she found out there were male parts to her when she was born and no one told her. Almost no one seemed to understand her, so she moved to a place where there is a large gay community. This was one of the saddest experiences I've ever beheld.
In this sin-fallen world there is no way anyone can be here without feeling the effects. Whether you are homosexual or heterosexual or Christian or atheist, whatever. I thank God that He has made a way for us to transcend all of that through Yeshua (Jesus) if we so choose that. None of us ever may become perfect in body or mind... etc. until Messiah comes, but to the "Christian" I say this, and otherwise too.... He did not mean for anybody not to try. God forgives us for imperfections through Jesus, because He knows imperfections will come and are here already, but He knows you better than you know yourself and knows the stuff we are all made of and the potential we have. That's why we have to leave the judging unconnected to ourselves, and even the judging of OURSELVES to Jesus. In this way, we can criticize constructively and not destructively. I would say ask a Christian counselor or church ministry for help as well, but in my experience... unfortunately... they have caused alot more destruction to many than good. However it may help you.
Getting back to God... I believe it is He that sets one free and He can use anything or any willing and able person to get the job done. Trust Him for that... Loving Him... accepting Him, spending lots of time with Him in joyful worship (by yourself and with others if you can) and putting our belief in Him... is what He asks, this is our salvation, because by this we are healed and by this He has the power to restore what the enemy has stolen.

2007-04-13 16:51:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Read the scriptures concerning this issue ,,,, they are very clear on the subject ,,,, The Bible is our only communication with God ,,,, Our only link ,,,,It's very specific and in some places ,,,, very cut and dry in others ,,,, There are no variations to what it says ,,,, Jesus Christ is our only go between or representative between us and the almighty ,,,, There are people today expending greater and greater efforts to disprove the Bibles validity and claiming it's not complete ,,,, Things like this so called Da Vinci Code crap ,,,, There are even people who dare to claim that they've found writings that hint at Jesus being homosexual himself ,,,, I have enough in my own life to answer for already but I would thoroughly hate to be in their shoes come judgment day ,,,,

They want to add to or take away from what's written ,,,, The Bible as it is written is the ONLY version that we should pattern our life after or around ,,,,

There are no other valid versions ,,,, The last thing it says in Revelations is that no one shall add to or take away from what is written in this book ,,,, The catholic religion is good for this ,,,, They add to or take away as they see fit to accommodate the life styles or what ever is comfortable to them ,,,, But what is written in Revelations is that for them that would take away from what is written in the book then for them their name shall be taken away or stricken from the book of life ,,,, For them that would add to what is written then to them will be added the plagues that are written in the book ,,,,

It was never intended that man should know everything and it says so where it talks about the mysteries of the Bible ,,,, The Bible is a manual ,,,, A book of instructions for preparing yourself to enter the gates to heaven ,,,, It's requirements are very specific and easy to understand ,,,, In one area it's very specific where in it says that no one of an effeminate nature shall enter heaven ,,,,

It says that every one has a cross to bear but that the Lord will not place on you that which you can't carry ,,,, Sin takes place in the mind before it manifests it's self anywhere else ,,,, If the mind isn't pure then neither is the heart and you have to have both in order to secure eternal life and peace ,,,,

This homosexuality thing you claim to be struggling with is a childish thing ,,,, You'd better grow beyond it or it's going to ruin your existance for the rest of time ,,,,

2007-04-13 16:27:01 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Keep praying. You are trying to do the right thing. Try putting sexuality out of your head altogether. Don't worry about either man or women in this life for now. Focus on God and his word for now. Let your faith become stronger and get to know God better. When the time is right, God will show you how to live your life for his will, not your own, just be true in your heart to do what God wants you to do. Talk to Jesus frequently and read the word. Jesus will lead you if you ask him to. :)

2007-04-13 15:54:37 · answer #5 · answered by Gardener for God(dmd) 7 · 4 3

This is a web site with information and help for you:


hang in there, I hope you find the help you want, God is able if you are willing.

2 Corinthians 10:5 We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowlege of God,


That verse has been helpful to me in times when I have struggled with stuff.

take care - find a bible based support group that you trust to pray with you and for you.
God Bless

2007-04-13 16:44:55 · answer #6 · answered by redeemed 5 · 0 1

Do you look at pornography? If you do, then stop, get rid of it. I think if you are serious you should look for a church that believes in deliverance and go to it and ask for help. God can help you over come this. Every time a bad thought comes to your mind, immediately replace it with a thought of heaven or a scripture. Don't give up, Jesus paid for salvation, healing and deliverance. I wish you the best.

2007-04-13 17:18:52 · answer #7 · answered by ? 7 · 1 1

Hello, Reverend:

You, as so many of us, have discovered that that old human nature is clammoring for the ascendency. It can be frustrating, but God can and will give us victory over everything that besets us. But we want an INSTANT OVERHAUL, NOW! Sorry! It won't happen because God wants us to hate the sin within.

Just the fact that you are struggling with these desires tells us that God has not forsaken you--it is the Spirit that convicts of sin. Don't give up the fight.

Also, do not feed the fire; that is, avoid contacts that revive these feelings; remember, when Jesus prayed "lead us not into temptation" we need cooperate and not lead ourselves into temptation.

In addition, If we regard iniquity in our hearts, even our prayers will be an abomination. That means you must be faithful in the little things, and the big ones will take care of themselves.

Last, do not yield to those impulses. Satan is allowed to assualt our senses yet he can not force one to sin against his will. So, flee temptation so fast, like Joseph when he left his coat behind.

God loves you so much. He did not die in vain. He has made every provision for your victory. I'll keep you in my prayers, too, Reverend.


Blessings and AGAPE love, One-Way

2007-04-13 16:04:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

we all have things we struggle with every day it helps us to learn to rely on God. when I feel myself drifting towards impure thought or getting angry the Holy Spirit lets me know and I make a conscious effort to correct my thoughts and get myself right. God allows these struggles to strengthen us and build us up in our journey through life. this is my opinion I do not have scripture to back up the first part of this but I feel being a homosexual is not a sin its the participation and the acting out that makes it a sin. I base this on Loving the sinner not the sin. even murderers and child molesters are loved by God but their actions/sins he does not love. if a person commits a crime/sin God still loves them and if they ask true forgiveness is is granted but I rarely see instances where God removes the punishment that follows the crime. but he is there with us as we receive the punishment and is holding us up. although biblicaly speaking there are instances when man is forgiven and does not receive a punishment. one that immediately comes to mind is when Christ said. forgive them for they know not what they do. even as he was being killed he was forgiving them.
hope this helps in some small way with your struggle

2007-04-13 16:00:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Continue praying. It may seem like the prayer is not working but it is. Face the fact that as a Christian, you will be severely tempted: if not by homosexuality then by something else. I myself, I am severely tempted by sex (hetro) so. I have to keep praying and depending on God.

Also, try not to put yourself in tempting situations. If a movie will trigger lustful thoughts, then don't watch the movie. If hanging with a certain person will tempt you then hang out with someone else.

2007-04-13 15:55:50 · answer #10 · answered by linz 2 · 5 4

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