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What happens if somebody is brought up in an athiest family or environment (such as some random tribe) where there are no external factors such as a church to teach the athiest the "truths" about god? So they grow up tottaly unaware of his existence and therefore are totaly oblivious to such teachings and rituals. Do they go to HELL for having no faith?

If so, is this then not unfair? How were they to possibly KNOW that such things existed if there is nothign to show them as such?

BUT, if in turn god treats them fairl and doesn't send them to hell because of the reason that they were unaware of his existence, does this not make it unfair to the Christians who ARE being judged for their actions?

Seems like a flaw in the judgement system of christianity to me!

2007-04-13 15:38:12 · 54 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

54 answers

One small flaw among many.

2007-04-13 15:40:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

The problem is a low view of sin.

Sin is anything done against the Holy and Righteous Judge of the Universe.

The 10 Commandments (Exodus 20) give a good view of what sin is. For example, the 9th commandment: "You shall not bear false witness." Don't lie. Or the 8th commandment "You shall not steal." Monetary value doesn't matter in God's eyes, it's still thievery. Also, the 7th commandment: "You shall not commit adultery." Jesus expanded upon this in Matthew 5:27-28, where He elaborates and says that lust is the same as adultery. The 3rd commandment, too, declares that we are not to use God's name in vain. (for example, using His Name as a curse word).

People think that people go to Hell because they've never heard of Jesus. That's an incomplete thought. People go to Hell because they are sinners. God declared that the soul that sins will die. (Ezekiel 18:20). God will not overlook a person's sin. The people go to Hell because that is the just punishment for their sins. A good judge on earth does not let a guilty person go; in the same regard, the Perfect Judge will not let any wicked deed go unpaid for. The amount of good works a person does cannot save them. In fact, the Bible explains that even the best works a person can do are like filthy rags. (Isaiah 64:6).

Every wicked thing we do is a great offense against the God Who gives us life. This is the same God who gives us the food we eat, the air we breath, the sights we can see. He is a good God, and we have offended Him greatly. As such, we deserve His wrath and judgment.

However, there is hope. God sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross and pay for our sins. Jesus then rose from the dead on the third day, defeating death. He declared that we must repent (turn from our sins to serve the living and true God), and put our faith not in our good works, but in what He did on the cross. (Mark 1:14-15).

2007-04-13 15:58:52 · answer #2 · answered by sukuriant 2 · 1 0

The atheist would not go to hell because they did not believe, but because they have sinned. Even an atheist knows they do wrong things, and their conscience condemns them. Everyone knows there is a God, deep down, even people from a "random tribe". The Bible says that evidence that there is a God is clearly seen in his creation (Romans 1:20). If someone looks at it and doesn't see there is a God, it is because they choose not to. And because the evidence is so clear, they are "without excuse" if they don't believe, as the verse states (read it in the KJV). If you read the preceding verses, starting at verse 18, it will be more clear. God judges those who know the truth there is a God, yet still sin against him. And as I said, atheists know. They may not believe; they make have convinced themselves there is not a God. But is that God's fault? God is not "unfair" in this judgment. He makes Himself obvious, His existence is clear. But He's not going to force people to believe, nor do I think anyone would want Him to. It's our choice, and you can not blame God for our choices.

2007-04-13 16:07:37 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Just because someone is brought up in a family that does not go to church does not mean they have no belief system and or,are not taught about "truths" as they chose to believe them,and "god" as they understand him.Oblivious to me are those who think only such teachings and rituals are"right" therefore condemning anyone who is not of their "faith"The only flaw I see in any judgment is the mere fact that "judgment" is being used usually,by someone who's judgment has been formed by complete and total brainwashing....and makes it their mission to pass the word of "truths"(as they know them) to others.

2007-04-13 16:02:42 · answer #4 · answered by FYIIM1KO 5 · 0 0

Well, if you are an atheist, then you would understand what an aetheist is, therefpre, knowing that you don't believe in a God. GOd made it clear that anyone who doesn't accept his free gift of salvation, will go to hell. yes, it may seem unfair. But think of those people who don't even know about God. tink about those who have never heard of salvation. That's why people become Missionaries. To tell the people about God and what he has done for us. They try to tell people of every religion, atheist, and people who have never before been reached with the Bible.

2007-04-21 12:35:04 · answer #5 · answered by Centrino 3 · 0 0

Seems like you're making this a lot more complicated than it really is.

People who choose to spend eternity in the presence of God will. People who choose NOT to spend eternity with God won't.

The Lord won't force anyone into His eternal presence who doesn't want to be there...no draftees, only volunteers.

A great book that makes this all quite clear is C. S. Lewis' _The Last Battle_.

2007-04-13 15:50:57 · answer #6 · answered by mollykees 2 · 2 0

We are all held accountable for our actions. It is the way that we live, and the practices of our daily living on which judgement comes.
Even though a person has no external factors to organized religion, each and every one of us is born with the spirit of the divine within us.

2007-04-20 20:55:59 · answer #7 · answered by trinity 5 · 0 0

As mentioned before, there is no excuse for not seeing that God exists. The logical step after that is to ask why we exist... and what God wants from us. God has said what he wants- a relationship with each of us, wheich we cannot have with him as sinners. People default to hell. There is no two ways about it, we are born with a one way ticket. Jesus is the only way to get rid of that ticket, and guess what! Its easy. But if you don't do it you are still going to hell. So really.... it is our choice.

2007-04-13 15:47:53 · answer #8 · answered by Linwe Elensar 1 · 1 0

God does not want anyone to go to hell. He will not return until every nation has had the opportunity to hear the truth and decide for themselves. He can not make them choose Him. Free will. Thanks to European conquests all over the globe, and missionaries, I would say even the most remote tribes have been reached by now. So anytime now, Jesus could return.

2007-04-21 14:02:27 · answer #9 · answered by Chloe 4 · 0 0

in revelation and the second coming, I beleive that all the dead will be able to see God and be offered a choice.....I'm not yet a scholar of such things so I don't know the best answer.

2007-04-21 06:11:46 · answer #10 · answered by bastian915 6 · 0 0

Who are you to judge God!

Who are you o mere man, of unintelligible language and speech to talk back to God?

Who are you to find fault with God?

If you use this faulty argument to try and wiggle out of judgement you will find how faulty it truly is, on the day God visits you. Those who are in darkness are there because they refuse to see the revealed light that God has left as a witness of himself. God knows them, and He is Just and Right in His Judgements. But you o mere man are a worm, who challenges God with being unjust, unfair, when He sent His Only Begotten Son into the world to bear the sins of the world, to take that Hell you so charge those who don't accept Jesus as their personal Savior to suffer. God made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, He made his life an offerring for sin, he in whom no sin was to be found, who was a perfect lamb, led to the slaughter who did not open his mouth or cry out. Who are you to charge God with wrong doing! You should be in Holy fear of such blasphemous words, - Repent! Else you will be turned into Hell, and your name become associated with that which is vile and perverse.


2007-04-13 15:53:57 · answer #11 · answered by ? 7 · 2 0

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