John wrote that Christ is the One "who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open" (verse 7). Christ had set an open door before the church that "no one can shut."
the key and door metaphor, which is found in the writings of the prophet Isaiah. He referred to an individual of his time named Shebna who had charge of the palace of the Judean king. Today, we might call him the chief of staff.
The prophet Isaiah said the Lord would replace Shebna with a man named Eliakim. The Lord would "place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open" (Isaiah 22:22). Thus, Eliakim would be a kind of gatekeeper with power to control entry into the royal kingdom. As the king's steward, he would decide who could or could not have access to the king.
In the book of Revelation, John used this Old Testament metaphor to get across a vital message to the church in Philadelphia, and thereby to all Christians. That is, Christ has the key of David. He opens the door for the church — his royal household — and allows it to come into the presence of God.
In short, Christ has granted Christians access to God. No one can deprive them of that access, which really means God's bestowal on them of the gift of salvation.
The key in Revelation does much more than open the way to an audience with a national king. In Christ's hand, the key opens the door into the presence of God, his kingdom and eternal life. Not only does Christ open the door, he is the door to the kingdom (John 10:7, 9). Thus, it is Jesus who presents himself to the church as the way to salvation (John 14:6).
2007-04-13 14:08:45
answer #1
answered by Jeanmarie 7
In the figurative vein the Bible uses the term “key” to symbolize authority, government, and power. Eliakim, elevated to a position of trust and honor, had “the key of the house of David” put upon his shoulder. (Isa 22:20-22) In the Middle East, in more recent times, a large key upon a man’s shoulder identified him as a person of consequence or importance. Anciently, a king’s adviser, entrusted with the power of the keys, might have general supervision of the royal chambers and might also decide on any candidates for the king’s service. In the angelic message to the congregation in Philadelphia the exalted Jesus Christ is said to have “the key of David,” and he is the one “who opens so that no one will shut, and shuts so that no one opens.” (Re 3:7, 8) As the Heir of the covenant made with David for the Kingdom, Jesus Christ has committed to him the government of the household of faith and the headship of spiritual Israel. (Lu 1:32, 33) By his authority, symbolized by “the key of David,” he can open or shut figurative doors, or opportunities and privileges.—Compare 1Co 16:9; 2Co 2:12, 13.
2007-04-13 14:07:38
answer #2
answered by papa G 6
In the olden days, the gates to Jerusalem were shaped like, maybe the key of David is the entrance to the city of Jerusalem?
Peace, Love, and Blessings
2007-04-13 14:06:08
answer #3
answered by Greenwood 5
Rev 3:7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;
Open door to knowledge and truth of His Word..
Rev 3:8 I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.
This church kept Father Word and are Overcomers.
What is the key of David? A key allows one to open up and gain entrance. In this case its to GODs Word.
They knew who the "Kenites" were, thus they were able to understand all truths [hidden manna] of God's Word. That "key of David" allowed them to unlock all doors of deception laid before them by any man, and that includes Satan, or his offspring [the Kenites].
The key also allows one to know where the true "House of Israel 12 tribes" are today.
2007-04-13 14:27:05
answer #4
answered by Theophilus 5