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bet you didn't know it was the muslims!


2007-04-13 12:56:47 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

what about the modern crusade of muslims invading western society!!! Yeah...you're blind to that aren't you!!

2007-04-13 13:15:07 · update #1

20 answers

You are right, Chriz...:

The Byzantine Empire was under continual assault by Islamists, and they appealed to Pope Urban for help, saying if we fall, you will face them.

There were several crusades, one had an estimated million Christians. They only went in faith without supply waggons, etc. At some points they even had to eat their Moslem victims.

They promised to not attack Constantinople, but renigged. Pilfered Justinian's grave and defiled many churches--"Jesus wept!" (Jn 11:35).

It was the sins of the Greecian Church, exaulting the Roman Church through military assaults, that brought on the plague of Islam.

About 1/2 of the Roman Empire fell to Islam, and after the Crusades, etc., 1/3 remains in Arab control, Just like Revelation 9 says.

There is a page that explains this: "The Rise, Decline, and Death of Islam in Bible Prophecy" at www.revelado.org/islam.htm

Enjoy! and Blessings, One-Way

2007-04-13 13:07:01 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 5

The Muslims supplied the need for the Crusades in the first place. Half of Christendom had been taken over by Islam, and the Muslims didn't accomplish this by being "the religion of peace". It was religious conquest pure and simple. Turkey, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, and the rest of north africa were all Christian territory. In fact, it was by far the most developed and important part of Christendom. Literally EVERYONE knew that Constantinople and Greece were next on the Islamic hit-list. And so....the Crusades were called. If people don't know this, they damned well should. There's no excuse for basic historical illiteracy by the time you can vote. EDIT: Gatita's answer is an example of the "West is bad, everyone else is good" masochistic bullsh!t they force feed people at the universities. (I too have a history degree. whooptie doo.) No one is saying the Crusaders were saints. What is being said is that they were MOST CERTAINLY a response to Islam's conquest of literally half of Christendom (and open intent on conquering more). Funny how she glossed over that important little detail. Ahhh radical-left wing Academia and your clueless bien-pensant minions, shat into the world after the French Revolution. How much we love you!

2016-03-18 00:53:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Muslim armies had conquered much of northern Africa, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, and Spain, which had been some of the most heavily Christian areas in the world.

Thousands, and possibly millions, of Christians died during this drive to eventually bring the entire world under Islam.

The First Crusade was launched in 1095 by Pope Urban II to check the advance of the Muslims and regain control of the city of Jerusalem and the Holy Land.

I am sure that some atrocities were committed by both sides during this war but by most people's judgment this was a just war.

With love in Christ.

2007-04-14 17:31:54 · answer #3 · answered by imacatholic2 7 · 2 1

The Crusades were "started" by the Catholic Church. Yes, it was in RESPONSE to Muslim attacks, initially, on Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land - but "The Crusades" and the "Crusaders" are the Christian RESPONSE. The Muslims did not start "crusades," they were not that organized at the beginning - which is why the Christians - who were much MORE organized at the time, easily won the First Crusade.

2007-04-13 13:07:48 · answer #4 · answered by CathApol 3 · 2 0

My understanding is this: The Holy Land was under control of the Muslims. They allowed Christians and Jews to visit their holy places. When the Seljuk Turks took over, they began to massacre Christians. The response was the Christians tried to take over the Holy Land.

So, in effect, it wasn't initially Christians against Muslims, in general. The problem was the Seljuk Turks. Obviously, this created centuries of hostility between Christians and Muslims.

Unfortunately, people keep bringing up the past. It's sort of like the slavery issue in the US. Nobody living today ever owned slave in the US, and nobody living today in the US was ever a slave. So, why bring up the past? Let's all just respect each other. We don't have to be enemies.

2007-04-13 13:20:37 · answer #5 · answered by iraqisax 6 · 0 0

If you google his name, all you get are his articles or references/reviews/sales of his books. If you google the crusades, 1 in the first 4 pages even has a reference to him - and that is the National Review. Combine that with the National Review as a venue (uber-conservative rag) and the fact that it takes him 5 very long, flowery and pointless paragraphs in the article for him to actually say anything leads me to have serious reservations about his premise, bias and credentials.

2007-04-13 13:11:29 · answer #6 · answered by Skeff 6 · 1 0

A better question is who has the right to the land both are claiming rights too.
This dilema goes on today as the Jews have west Jerusalem and the Muslims hold Eastern half.

Both claim Abraham as their father, they both claim the same birthrights.
So who is right?
The muslims claim they were their first and that the jews claim of a kingdom that is written about in the bible is mere fables.
The claim is that David and Soloman were trible leaders and not kings.
I recently read that they made an intersting discovey in the old city.
They have said to have uncovered the Temple of King David. if this is true then what we know of history will be stood on its head.
Why is Jerusalem so important? why have so many wars been fought over this city?
It is central to all major religions even the catholic church has laid claims to parts of the city.

I believe it belongs to the jews, I also believe that the muslims were their first but that the Jews went in and took it by force.
Does this mean it belongs to the muslims? NO
Just as this country America does not belong to the native indians.
Most of this planet have been setteled by races that were NOT indiginous to that region it is unfortunaltely but that is the ways it is.
If we are to go back and return all lands taken from native people we will have to move everyone.
Their will not be peace in Jerusalem and in Israel as long as both sides claim it is their birthright and the Mulims have made it clear that they will not settle with just half of Israel they wont to push Israel into the sea.
We are looking at the beggining of the end. Iran will get involved as they are currently marginalized by the rest of the muslim people, radical Islams goal is to create a Islamic cresent in that region.
They will draw everyone onto their side by attacking Israel.
What side would you be on? If you are muslim then you would side with Iran.
The west(US Cananda, Austrailia,England and most english speaking)will side with Israel, this is why we are at war on terror as we are their targets.
The lines being drawn up are clearly distiguishable.
4 players
1. Muslims
2.Israel, US, England, rest of english speaking people
3. The EU, which currently is our allies but not for long,South Africa and S America.
4. China, Russia, Japan and the rest of the eastern blocks

Look what binds these cultures together, Islam, catholicism, Christianity. And the belief in no God

We are on the outer edges of the perfect political storm the world has ever seen.

What happened inWorld war 2 will be a sunday picnic before this all plays out.

THE CRUSADE ARE UPON US AGAIN,only this time fars worse. if only in the beginning stages.

People believe we would never unleash the weapons of mass destruction we have built, but ALL weopons made have all been used in times of war.

2007-04-13 13:30:36 · answer #7 · answered by Jack L. W. 3 · 0 2

Depends on how you look at a long series of events. The Crusades proper, however, were authorized and organized in Europe by and for the Roman Catholic Church.

2007-04-13 13:04:24 · answer #8 · answered by zahir13 4 · 4 0

Yes, I know check out www.creationworldview.org It gives a pretty good idea of what happened. Haven't you ever wondered why after the death of Christ and the spread of Christianity that today there are very few Christians in the Middle East where Christianity had spread. Because they got killed and tortured by radical Muslims.

2007-04-13 13:07:37 · answer #9 · answered by angel 7 · 4 1

What a difficult question. This is a real tough one.

Let me see. Was it Muslims who travelled half way around the world to invade a Christian country, or vice versa. Yes, this is a real tough one. I see that you came up with the wrong answer. The good news is that you might get it right on your second wild guess.

2007-04-13 17:39:41 · answer #10 · answered by Fred 7 · 1 1

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