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I'm not gonna say ALL athiests think christians are idiots, but the ones I have spoken to think christians are mindless drones who believe in a "made up entitiy" to feel better about themselves. Why? I know some christians act like idiots because of how judgmental they can be but we're not all like that, and we're not just a bunch of crazies with the same imaginary friend. I'm not gonna preach, so don't worry. I just wanna know why some athiests look so far down on people who believe in God. I'm not saying you have to believe in him, you do what you want, but why do they think those who do believe are dummies?

2007-04-13 12:42:33 · 34 answers · asked by thepoet_silentlucidity@verizon.n 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

34 answers


2007-04-13 12:46:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

Well if you're a true Christian you should know the answer to this question already. A few words come to mind, unawaredness, lack of understanding, undiscovered or unawakened spiritual enlightenment. Most Atheists that are scholars and have a good understanding of the Christian way of life do not regard Christians as idiots but rather the same as what Christian Scholars think of Atheists which are the above mentioned areas of faults. Both sides percieve the other to be in the dark making it just one big family of siblings not being able to see the the light in any direction but their own. Does it really matter if we can't agree on a intelligent creator or inevitable effect of evolution? We established that the earth is round and that we're destroying it and that society in general is moving in the wrong direction. Can we not come together and do something about it before all the bickering becomes irrelevant and the cockroaches take over the earth? What then? God or no God? I'm a Christian but I despise those that claim to be Christians who are constantly harrassing and forcing bible scriptures and droning around like lunatics, they are the true reason why the Atheist movement is so strong and growing. I have many Atheist friends and they also knowing I am Christian regard me as friend. How? and why? because I do not look at them or judge their intellect or way of life based on their spiritual orientation, nor do they look at me that way. We look and interact within our lives based on trust, love and caring, though spiritual orientation may play a roll in some people for these attributes it is not a requirement to possess them. We lead our lives by example and if being Christian or Atheist or any other "theist" or not, means that we feel comfortable in our skins and can share our lives wholey (not holy) and completely with affection and contentment and care for eachother, so be it. If my friend has a problem and comes to me and I help him/her in troubled times he/she will remember me and love me for being a friend first and perhaps recognize other things in me that was manifested as a Christian second, that's where I as a Christian hope a conversion may begin for an Atheist brother or sister. Not by cramming scriptures or babbling prophetic discernment upon them, because to an Atheist that's just what it is babbling. Lead your life by example, promote conversion by how you are seen by others in the community and in your family.

2007-04-13 13:16:24 · answer #2 · answered by Danjo K 2 · 0 0

Hmm.. OK, since you did ask.

I have seen people say that nothing in this world matters, that they hate the world and that they expect to be hated for their beliefs. That everything and everybody that does not match those beliefs was created or is influenced by evil personified.

Now just take a moment here. If someone who had no religious background said these things to you, would you not think them a bit odd? Perhaps wonder if they hadn't forgotten to take their medication?

And yet some people here have chosen to believe these things. And yes, I know that they may be in the minority, but a pretty vocal minority it seems to be. And no, I don't think they are idiots.

But I do find it strange that, as far as I am aware, they and I live in the same world and yet what we perceive is totally different. To me the world is a wonderful place and people's diversity is something fascinating.

So it makes me wonder how can there be two worlds and so different at that? And I know which one I prefer.

So mindless? No. Crazy? Well, certainly a bit odd. Idiots? No. But I do feel sorry for someone who appears to always see 'the world' as pitted against them and is just waiting on trust to get to a 'better' place . It must be hard to live like that. I think.

I hope that helps.

2007-04-13 13:16:18 · answer #3 · answered by Nobody 5 · 0 0

If the shoe fits....

OK, but seriously. I can't speak for everyone, but I think anyone is an idiot who can ignore mountains of evidence around them to the contrary, and still insist that god created the world in six days, or that evolution is not a fact, or that Noah was real.

I also think people are idiots who spread lies without investigating, such as "scientists are now uncertain about evolution", or "many scientists believe in creationism".

And finally, the biggest idiot is the one who says "if man evolved from monkeys, how come there are still monkeys?". Enough already!

Anyone who looks objectively at the bible will conclude that is is a fairy tale. I think Christians who ignore what's right in front of their faces (that god does not exist) are idiots (at least about their beliefs).

2007-04-13 12:50:58 · answer #4 · answered by atheist jesus 4 · 0 0

No, we think creationists are stupid, not trying to bash religion. I'm saying that science can't prove christianity right or wrong because you can't even set up an experiment to show a result that God is real or not. But from all the evidence that many scientists have tested, we don't believe that every human being or animal just popped out of nowhere from the sky. It started with a BIG BANG!!!!

2007-04-13 14:47:11 · answer #5 · answered by Sabrina T 3 · 0 0

Fear is a lousy motivator yet it is the motivating force why I Christian would look at a factual proof of the fallacy of religion and still choose to believe.

It is the act of a weak mind to accept that which is unreal as reality. In the definition below you will find your answer to this question. I find many people don't have proper definitions for everyday words so I offer you this for you own edification:

Main Entry: 1id·i·ot Pronunciation Guide
Pronunciation: id]t, chiefly dial ij]or j]; usu ]d.+V
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -s
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French idiote, from Latin idiota, from Greek idits person in a private station, person without professional knowledge, ignorant person, common man, from idios one's own, private, peculiar; akin to Latin sed, se without, sui of oneself -- more at SUICIDE
1 obsolete : an ignorant or unschooled person : a simple unlearned person : CLOWN 1
2 : a person afflicted with idiocy ; specifically : a feebleminded person that has a mental age not exceeding three years and accordingly requires complete custodial care
3 a : a silly simple person : SIMPLETON, BLOCKHEAD b : a person who fails to exhibit normal or usual sense, discrimination, or judgment especially at a particular time or in respect to a particular subject c : a professional fool : JESTER
4 [Greek idits] obsolete : a person in private station or one not schooled in a trade or profession : LAYMAN
synonym see FOOL

2007-04-13 12:51:30 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, you're on the right track about it not being all atheists and all Christians.

How about staying on that track, and forgetting the rest?

It doesn't really matter what they think.

Usually atheists are not born that way. They've purposely rejected the religion they were brought up with. That being the case, they're almost invariably think that they've moved "beyond" the religion, and see practitioners as not as evolved, as not quite there yet, as a little slow, etc.

Anyway, if you really believe in a loving God, then there's no worries.

2007-04-13 12:50:59 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Usually, because they are. If you have enough "faith" that one day you will be able to open a sardine can using just a banana skin, then who am I to doubt you?

Of course, then there are people in the world who actually "think" for themselves......they are usually called Atheists.

I'm not trying to proseletyse here, but it might help you a bit if you actually studied something OTHER than the religious texts, and then get a grasp on REALITY.

You want some Facts? Try the reference below.

2007-04-13 12:52:36 · answer #8 · answered by Spikey and Scruffy's Mummy 5 · 0 0

1st : By definition, a Christian is one who follows Christ, i.e. one who believes that Christ was indeed God in the flesh; an atheist is one who KNOWS that there is no god. Note those two words "believes" and "knows".

2nd : Atheists think that only they are educated.

3rd : Atheists have been brain-washed into thinking that micro evolution is justification of macro evolution.

4th : Further, many have been deceived by realistic CONSTRUCTS of missing links when many of these constructs were based on nothing more than merely part of a jaw bone (or another minute part of the skeleton).

5th: And yes, the behavior of some Christians may be partially responsible.

2007-04-13 14:52:48 · answer #9 · answered by flandargo 5 · 0 0

I don't look down upon Christians, but do tend to think they are one stubbie short of a six pack. They are not able to present an argument on the existence of God without quoting random verses from the Bible, and saying, we feel the wind so God must exist. If that is their most intellectual answer, then surely they are well... idiots.


2007-04-13 13:43:09 · answer #10 · answered by Sarcasma 5 · 0 0

It doesn't matter what atheists think.
They've been taking third place in a world that believes in God since God created the world. Theists are first because God isn't taking second place to anything.
Maybe atheists aren't even second because agnostics are second, so atheists are way down the bottom of the totem pole.
And they are real angry about it. They can't understand why they can't run things.
If you really think about it, atheists are not smart at all. Anyone who truly thinks that something came out of nothing (evolution) cannot be trusted to run a geniusly designed world..
Only theists can do it and we have been doing it since the dawn of time.

2007-04-13 12:50:50 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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