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Guess what? Little 5 yr olds don't normally like to shop for adult clothes for hours on end. They often get fussy,scream and cry. People know this when they leave the house. Why should I have to put up with their crying?

2007-04-13 11:59:00 · 25 answers · asked by beeze 4 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

For the record...I never got time-outs or any bs like that. My mom said no and that was the end of that.

2007-04-13 12:00:54 · update #1

Sooo...everybody that has a problem with your kid crying should leave and come back later??? That's the mentality that's causing this problem!!!!

2007-04-13 12:25:51 · update #2

Mandy S...Did I ever say anything about "RIGHTS" being violated. People should leave, not because it's breaking a law, but because IT THE RIGHT THING TO DO. The world does not revolve around YOU!!!

2007-04-13 12:53:30 · update #3

25 answers

Why should I have to leave and come back later to shop in silence and peace while the screaming kid gets to stay? Seriously, control your children.

2007-04-13 13:56:27 · answer #1 · answered by welonheadmoo 3 · 1 0

People that don't have children cannot possibly understand how hard it is for the parents when their child freaks out at the store. They like the screaming even less than you do! Trust me as the mother of an autistic 21 month I KNOW! The stress can be unbearable sometimes. For some parents they can try and try to calm their child down but as we all know children do have minds of their own and if they don't want to stop crying they won't regardless of what the parent does. So its not ALWAYS fair to say that someone should be asked to leave a store. On the other hand parents should shop for only as long as their child can handle and know when it is time to leave the store if their child will not settle down. Any parents who do let their children scream and cry and throw fits without even trying to do anything should be asked to leave, even when you are a parent its hard to listen other peoples
children scream.

2007-04-13 12:46:45 · answer #2 · answered by peaches&cream 3 · 2 1

I think it should depend on the situation if the kid is totally out of control then they should be asked to leave but if the child is just a little fussy or a little impatient while shopping then it would not be necessary to ask them to leave. I know it is hard to shop with kids but if they are misbehaving and disterbing other costemers the parents should take it upon themselves to leave the store and come back another time.

2007-04-13 12:40:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The parent's should be required to control their children. If the parent cannot or will not control their child I see nothing wrong with the store asking the parent to leave. Do not misunderstand me...I do not believe a parent should take a child out because they act up, I believe the parent should control the child and stop the unwanted behavior. Me ex and I went round and round about this when our children were small...if they started to whine and get loud he wanted to leave, I wanted to take them in the restroom until they calmed down or I had the situation under control. I insisted if you leave because they act up you teach them to misbehave when they don't want to do something so they can get out of it. I had errands I HAD to get taken care of, like grocery shopping and things...at an early age my children understood that I didn't really enjoy doing it either, but the less they acted up, the faster the errands went and the sooner we could go do what they wanted. It works much better that way.

2007-04-13 13:35:33 · answer #4 · answered by Starshine 5 · 1 0

First, congratulations on being the one perfect person on the planet. You're a regular Mary Poppins, aren't you? You know, "practically perfect in every way"?

Your suggestion would mean that the majority of parents would never be able to run errands they need to run. After all, getting a sitter is not usually the easiest task in the world.

It is unreasonable to expect parents to leave a store if their children are fussy or whiney.

That said, there are certain places/circumstances in which parents should leave if their child is being disruptive. In movies, people pay to watch a movie. If that movie is NOT for children, there is a reasonable expectation that you would be able to go and watch it without the experience being ruined by a screaming child.

If a child is actually physically damaging property or merchandise, the parent should be held responsible, and the child (and parent, of course) can be asked to leave.

Granted, the parent needs to deal with thier children. If the child is completely unruly, it's nice for the parent to leave.

I promise you, though, as a mom of two preschool boys, almost all parents are much more annoyed by the tantrums than other customers are. We get to deal with ugly looks from self-righteous and critical customers. We have a very difficult time doing the shopping we need to do. And we get to deal with the tantrum MUCH longer than another customer does.

I am usually able to control my kids and they behave in public now, but sometimes, I have no choice but to stay, try to hurry, and get my shopping done as quickly as possible.

See, we all have the same rights when it comes to shopping. We (parents) have the right to buy what we need while shopping. You (the brat in this situation) have the right to buy what you need while shopping. Your right (buying what you need) is not affected by a noisy, fussy child. You still walk out of the store with your merchandise.

There are no rights demanding that you not be annoyed.

If people were kicked out of stores because they are disruptive or annoying, where would it end? I can't stand bad language, so if someone has a foul mouth in the store, they should leave? I've been shopping and had someone cut me off when they see me and the shopping cart. It makes me mad. Should they have to leave?

More than that, people who are in wheelchairs take up more space. Should they leave? A small child has as much control over crying than a handicapped person has when it comes to using a wheelchair.

2007-04-13 12:45:20 · answer #5 · answered by CrazyChick 7 · 0 3

If the kid is making a huge scene than I guess they could be asked to leave. As a mother of a two year old I have no problem leaving if my son is having a fit but the thing is he knows that is mommy is about to leave the store and she isn't don't he is in BIG trouble. So I can give a warning or two and then he is fine. Sometimes parents get scared to discipline their kids in stores because they don't want CPS called on them.

2007-04-13 12:06:33 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

If the child is totally freaking out and obviously disturbing the other shoppers, then yes. I don't see any reason why they COULDN'T be asked to leave in a situation like that. I've seen this sort of thing happen time and again, and I've even left stores because of it.

I don't think it's always the kids who are to blame though. Sometimes, the parents are wandering around not paying any attention to them or they say "Stop." once and then let the kid continue. Some parents need to try to control their children better. (and no, I don't mean ALL parents.)

2007-04-13 12:03:18 · answer #7 · answered by PrncessD 2 · 3 1

Dear Breze; yes yes yes ? Ithink the Little ones are not to blame the parents are- I have Ben in restaurants Movie Theater's at the groceries stores and I have seen the kids Running Crying and Screaming and the Parents are deaf to everything- and is very agrevating

2007-04-13 12:28:25 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

some people are just plain ignorant. thats found in all levels of society here as well. better to leave and let the store manager know its not a good place to shop with unruly children in the place is what i would do. the pocketbook is the place to hit the store not the parents at all.

2007-04-13 12:03:32 · answer #9 · answered by cadaholic 7 · 1 0

I agree expensive. people at present think of they have a real to "invade" different peoples leisure merely because of the fact they are too lazy to self-discipline their own little ones. babies and unruly little ones should not be further to eating places...era! What in case you merely have been given up and sat in front of those mothers and dads at their table whilst they have been ingesting and beginning screaming or making a music or picking your nostril or twiddling with stuff on their table--they may well be annoyed and ask to supervisor to concentration on you--it truly isn't any distinctive. Get a babysitter or do not flow to public locations and permit your babies act like monkeys and then forget approximately them. it truly is thoughtless, impolite and exhibits a finished loss of adulthood on mothers and dads that choose for the worldwide to acknowledge their little ones are raised in barns via a gaggle of jack@sses!!!!! outstanding query!!!!

2016-12-20 14:11:18 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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