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When Jesus Christ said "Judge not that ye be not judged", what do you think that means?

IMHO, it's that WE are not to judge someone else's salvation. That means, no telling someone "You're gonna burn in hell if you (insert your favorite offense)."

Nowhere in the Bible does it say that people of specific denominations are or are not guaranteed salvation from hell, or that one must do specific things (other than accepting Christ, of course) or burn in hell; i.e. one must speak in tongues, one must believe in the rapture, one must wear certain clothes or their hair in a certain way, etc.

Why do you believe that people who don't believe exactly like you are going to burn in hell? That's certainly not what the Bible says.

2007-04-13 11:49:58 · 31 answers · asked by mormon_4_jesus 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

31 answers

the real believer do not believe that someone will suffer because of what they believe or don't believe

we are responsible for our own soul and are not here on earth to judge or tell someone they are going to burn or suffer..even the angels in heaven don't know who is going to get into heaven..Only God will judge this on the day of Judgment with the aid of Jesus Christ who will be our advocate.
as you believe so shall you receive...
God's plan of salvation is wisdom to the believer and foolishness to the unbeliever..

just don't judge all Christians by a group of zealots who think they are talking for God.
Sometimes these so called Christians turn more people against true Christianity ...i know i hate anyone to preach to me...let me figure this information without all the threats of burning in hell...life is hell already for most of us..

2007-04-13 11:58:36 · answer #1 · answered by paul y 3 · 2 2

It's clear we are never to judge others for any reason. That's God's role and sole right. People who say that you're going to hell because you don't believe in speaking in tongue, or do any other specific thing, have misunderstood the gift of salvation themselves. Ephesians 2 says clearly that salvation is a gift, through faith, by the grace of God. No one earns it by doing anything, not even by the act of accepting this gift. It is 100% a free gift. So no one should be able to boast that they haved earned it, or that they somehow played a role in accepting this gift. If you've played a role in accepting this gift, then you contributed to the gift, which in turns makes the gift not 100% free. That can not be true of a free gift then. But the Bible makes it clear that we have this free gift by the grace of God alone. So, where do speaking in tongue or any other similar things come into play in the scheme of things? Nowhere! Salvation comes by accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior and trusting that His death on the cross is 100% sufficient to cleanse us of all sins and free us from eternal damnation. That's it.

2007-04-13 12:02:48 · answer #2 · answered by Tazer Tag 3 · 0 0

Each of us comes to earth with certain strengths and weaknesses. Some of us have great parents that teach us good morals and some don't. We live in a myriad of conditions.

To not judge others recognizes that we all fall short and we don't have the knowledge of others conditions necessary to judge their righteousness. We're even told that with the same mercy we show others, we'll be judged.

One of the wonderful things about the Atonement is that we can have confidence that Jesus understands fully the human condition and is the only perfect judge. Through our faith in Him we can turn over all judgment to Him, which allows us to overcome the effects of sin (e.g., anger, guilt) and obtain happiness.

However, accepting Christ means to keep his commandments. While we receive some benefits from Christ without anything done on our part (e.g., resurrection), to reach our potential requires a great deal of work. It requires us to commit to follow truth wherever it can be found.

2007-04-13 12:12:00 · answer #3 · answered by Bryan Kingsford 5 · 0 0

YES, I do believe in the Bible Literally! I do believe in Heaven and Hell! I do believe that people who do not accept the Word of the Lord will burn in a Friary Hell. I do believe in Bible hole and Complete! I use the KJV and I do not believe that we should 'judge unrightously' but we do have the right to disagree and still get along.
Take Care and God Bless!

2007-04-13 12:15:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You don't find me doing that. I know that the only thing that will send someone to hell is rejecting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. John 3:16. We must be born again. John 3:3.

And this is eternal life, that you know the Father in heaven and His Son whom He sent. John 17:3.

The word used for judge is krino and it is used to mean a legal judgment. We do not speak in judgment, but we are to discern what is true and what is fake.

I have even said that if I got what I deserve it would be eternity in hell. My righteous works are as filthy rags in the eyes of God. Isaiah 64:6.


2007-04-13 12:00:57 · answer #5 · answered by Theophilus 6 · 0 1

This may sound true, and it some ways is. However, does not the Mormon church do this? Do Mormons believe everyone who asks Christ into their heart as Lord and Savior get in? That you do not need to be a Mormon? That you can do it without need of the Book of Mormon or the Pearl of Great Price? No, they do not believe this. *

Now, what about Paul's condemnation of those who bring in another Gospel along side the current one? Was he sinning against the "judge not" command? Or was he applying the judgment to those who claim to be believers but were not? Yes, Corinthians makes it clear. We are NOT to judge those who are not believers (1 Corinthians 5:13), however, we are commissioned to judge those who SAY they are believers, but are leading people into false doctrine.

Now, do you want to take one scripture and develop a doctrine? Or would you rather take scripture as a whole and confirm things before coming to a conclusion?

2007-04-13 12:00:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Whoa, wait a minute, I have to sit back and read this again.
No one can judge another's salvation, however I can question whether a person is really saved or not. If a person claims to be born again and sins habitually, does not pray or read the bible and lives in an ungodly way, then yes, I will question whether they were sincere to begin with. The bible tells us to correct each other in a kind way. A loving friend who cares will do that. And yes, Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life, no one will come to the Father but through Him. But, when we stand before Him we will be judged according to our works. That means, if you are a born again person and you do nothing for God, He will see that, just as He will acknowledge those who devoted their lives to serving God.
It has nothing to do with denominations. It has everything to do with God's word and His will and whether we chose to abide by that or not.

2007-04-13 11:57:07 · answer #7 · answered by VW 6 · 0 2

Yes, that is ONE meaning... I believe he meant that it is not our place to judge AT ALL, else you should be judged for your actions. You should really only account for what you do, and stop worrying about what others do. If someone doesn't think like you, so be it! We are all humans on the same earth, and should respect each other as such.
People take the bible TOO literally (and of course skipping the parts that they don't want to hear because it is inconvenient for their truth... such as in the New Testement where it says that God doesn't matter what you call him or how you worship, it's only important that you do have faith).

2007-04-13 11:56:06 · answer #8 · answered by lionsworth 3 · 1 1

I agree with you. Our Heavenly Father is the one who determines our salvation. We, as ordinary people. don't have that right. Just because someone follows a different faith than someone else doesn't give anyone the right to judge their salvation. To SPECULATE, yes...that's fine, but to judge, and proclaim that a person of another faith is going to Hell for what they believe in...THAT's what we don't have the right to say. I think some people misinterpret the difference between "judging" and "speculation".

2007-04-13 11:57:01 · answer #9 · answered by Daniel 4 · 1 0

Because people only read and believe in what THEY feel is right for them. They make up there own reasons and change things in order to satisfy how they feel. They think that if someone does not agree with them and live the same life they do then they are wrong.

2007-04-13 11:56:17 · answer #10 · answered by imissrascal 3 · 0 0

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