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I see God in EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY - even if they don't believe in God. God has Moved So Much in my life and it has been REMARKABLE! Other people have seen it in our lives as well - and have aske - WHY???
Take Care and God Bless.

2007-04-13 11:40:30 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

39 answers

Sorry for the long read but trust me, its worth it!:
(ill put 3 common questions into one, your probably only interested in the first, and to shorten your read ill make it noticeable from the other two sections)

if your not going to read any of it, heres a cool pic i put together that really gets you thinking:


"God isn't real" is a statement that cannot be factually said.

People have mentioned that i cant say space goats aren't real...its true. Humans don't know everything.

-Although i personally see logic in there being a God.
-Others may see there is logic in energy always existing.
-Lastly some may simply state there is no God, we just havn't solved this phenomenon yet.

I think these are the 3 most common answers people will come up with, non of which we can say are wrong.

Heres an either or fallacy i believe to be true: either energy has always existed, and we will disappear after death (the question still stands how energy can produce life)...
or God has always existed, and if he cares about humanity, which i feel he does,
he has imprinted a message on this Earth, that shows the way to heaven, that has greatly impacted the Earth (Christianity) and I will go to heaven after i die.
Or maybe God has no plan for us, were just sitting here to live, die, and vanish...makes less sense then a caring God though (the question still stands why he created us).
Theres not a single other option that i have ever seen.... what makes more sense to you?

The way "I" see it is it doesn't matter how complicated it is.
To me it seems more likely for a caring "God" to have always existence rather then
matter/ energy or a God that made us for no reason, to have always existed. This is considering that God is superior to science, and would not need a creator.
Maybe, although it is unproven, energy can be transformed into matter (E=MC^2).

Thom's Law
"Nothing can not produce something. If there was ever a time when there was nothing, there would STILL be nothing."

It doesn't matter how much research we do, anyone who has common sense knows that no matter how much "nothing" you have at any given length of time will still be nothing.
You cant create particles, let alone the laws of science from "nothing". Something that is superior to science, that has always existed, is the only explanation for how
the universe began (unless the universe itself never had a beginning). My opinion is that, that something could only be God.


Now which religion is right?
Hinduism...if u think that multiple "Gods" are possible, all controlling different things go for it.
It seems most reasonable to me that there was, is, and always will be just one "God"...
he may have other powerful allies (angels) or oppositions (devil) but hes still the one that has complete control.
Consider the following facts:


The maker for the very first "cause" is what i would define god as. "god" is the Origin of "everything".
God is interpretable at your own desire.
I believe that if there is a heaven after Earth, it would be created by a God that obviously cared about us.
If he cared about us, he surely would send a message on how to get to this heaven. And if he wanted to present the message,
a GOD would ensure a huge, worldwide impact....resulting in a high percentage of believers taking part in that religion
(which is why i consider either Christianity or Muslims to be the most accurate religion).
If God does not care about us then one would ask why we were created.
The other explanation would be that we were created by "chance" resulting in there possibly not being heaven or hell after death....still no harm in picking a religion.

Were left with the two most strongly populated and closely related religions in the world.
Muslims and Christians, both follow a similar book, similar characters, similar stories, etc...
Which is the right one is for you to decide.

What i think is that the Bible was copied and edited by a person nammed Muhammad, then renammed the Quran (Book of Islamic people).
The editing took place in such a way that Jesus would be left looking like a prophet and not the son of God.
For example:
The Bible says Jesus died on the cross and rose again. This message is what most would consider the center of Christianity.
John 3:16 is thought to be one of the most important verses in the Bible. God sent his son, for us, as a sacrifice so we could ask for forgiveness for our sins.
Once we get rid of our sins, we can live with God. People with sin cannot live with God and therefore must live without God, without happiness (hell).
The Quran, once again, has a similar story but instead of "Jesus dieing on the cross" an IMPOSTOR is put in his place.
This provides Muslims with the ability to say that Jesus never died on the cross for our sins.
Editing the Bible in a way to turn people from Christianity would be done exatcly like this.
Does this make sense chronologically? Yes, the Bible was COMPLETED 400 years before the Quran was made.
This would enable "Muhammad" the possibility to get a copy of the Bible and edit it in a way that would hide the true meaning of the Bible.
The Bible warns of religions like this, religions that would try deceive it. Satan wants to be God, whats a better way then to mimic the Bible?

Thats my thoughts at least
(wish i knew more about Hinduism :S)

Proof (is proof supposed to be possible)?

The Bible itself is something amazing. No, not any ordinary person could create the Bible...i would argue that not even a human could of been the author of the Bible. The Bible was written over a period of 1600 years, and had 40 writers (all wrote through the breath of God). The most amazing part about this is that even though the Bible had such a long time period, and so many authors...many books intertwine with each other, and have predictions that will be made by one...and carried out by another. There are many prophecies (predictions) in the Bible, that have, are, and WILL come true. Here is a list: http://www.100prophecies.org/

For God, what would be more meaningful... he makes people love him (no free will), they believe he is real after he shows them he has the power to do anything in the world and gives
them anything they ask for, OR they CHOOSE to follow him based on faith NOT because he can do some "magic tricks". Because of this i believe that God will never prove to
humanity, until he comes to Earth, that he is real...he will give us things to lead us to believe in him through faith, a book on how to do it, but nothing more. Although i
also believe that after we TRULY accept God and desperately need something from him (need, not want), he will give it to us. Heres a real life example:

During the summer my mom likes to sleep on the deck underneath a overhang on the side
(sort of a rectangle area on the side of a deck large enough to fit 3/4 of a queen size mattress).


My mom was in a stressful mood one day, before she went to bed she prayed to God and said that she was feeling very stressed with life and wanted to know that he was there
for her. (she has been a very faithful Christian and hard-working mom her whole life).

Later that night she was woken up by a small storm, she looked over and there was a blanket held between the her and the deck where there was no overhang.
This blanket was blocking the rain from hitting her. Through the blanket was a bright glare of light shinning through.
The figure behind it appeared to be my dad standing on a chair holding the blanket with a lattern in his other hand.

She feel back asleep and the next morning thanked my dad for putting up the blanket.
He said he never did such a thing. It then hit her that this was Gods sign to her that he was there for her. He sent an angel to protect her from the storm.
(The main purpose of the blanket was not to serve as a barrier to the rain but rather a message/symbol from God to say "its ok, im here for you")

Up to this point she had ALWAYS thought that angels were the size of cupid (shorter then a human).
Later that month she read in the Bible that angles are between 12-15 feet tall. the distance between the deck and the roof is ruffly 15 feet high!
Why is this important? If it was a "hallucination" or dream of some sort, her mind would of created the image based on what it knows. She had no doubt in her mind, at the time, that angels were cupid size (3-4 feet tall?)...yet when she saw it...it was 3+ times as tall. This would also be the one and only "hallucination" in her life. Is this all just a series of coincidences? possibly, but maybe not. I believe it, thats as far as it will go for any factual statement though.

Take into consideration: my mom had neck pains, was under stress, and was taking mild pain medication at the time. Therefore it is possible that this was a "hallucination" or dream, she says she knows 100% it was real but then again hallucinations/ dreams can be very very realistic. Its also possible that at a time in her life she passed by a picture with a tall angel on it, although she cant remember this ever happening...maybe it came back to hear during the hallucination/ dream? I'm stating the possibilities because it would be unfair to only support one side of the argument. Although i do see this side of the argument, opposition, as unlikely...it is "possible" given a series of coincidences. Despite this being 100% fictional or not, i still consider it an interesting story.
Take note that this is the only appearance of any supernatural thing she has seen in her entire life, id imagine it to be more then once if it were a medical problem?

Is my moms experience, the Bible and its prophecies enough to "prove" Gods existence?
Of course not, God wants people to find him through faith...and therefore he will never give something that can be used as hard proof/ evidence that he exists.
If we found a way around faith, hard proof/ evidence, humanity would be pointless (God wants us to CHOOSE to follow him).

2007-04-13 18:53:40 · answer #1 · answered by Braydon d 1 · 0 1

Which god? Matter and energy is in everything. So is that your god? Why do you think a god cares? What have you not seen? Is it the children dying of starvation just because their parents live in a place that doesn't have resources? How about the abused and molested? There are only 3 options for a being that is All mighty in these situations. It either doesn't care, I enjoys these things, or it can't do anything about it. God doesn't interfere with free will? Then how does it move so much in your life? This world is what we as living intelligent animals make of it. Religion allows people horrible things to happen, because of promises of heaven, but it excuses them from actually making a difference in this world. That excuse is "It's going to be OK, because after you die, something I cannot prove is going to make it better".

I don't believe in a god, because hope never makes something real. God has no proof. Where did it get its knowledge? What made god?
If you respond god has always been then the question is why couldn't the universe always exist. To believe an intelligent being that somehow always has been is illogical. Once you take a leap of faith anything becomes reasonable to you, including believing in a god who would have you kill yourself and your neighbors. Faith is a flaw.

2007-04-13 11:59:36 · answer #2 · answered by Magus 4 · 1 0

I have to be Honest with you, Had not Jesus Come. I don't think I would believe in God as just a Spirit. It's why I am so into researching everything for myself. I'm very scientific (like Thomas was), Somethings I need to be confirmed.

I find when we are still, Gods work just begins to show up. That's is the Agenda of the Devil, to keep us busy and never see God. It's also why I have trouble staying faithful at times.

My verdict is: The tomb is Empty that's Good enough for me!

2007-04-13 11:53:54 · answer #3 · answered by Ophiuchus 3 · 0 0

That depends entirely on what you're defining god as. If you mean any god in particular, I'd have to say no. But that doesn't mean I'm atheist. I'm more....polytheist in a monotheistic fashion. You see, I believe that man invented god to explain what the human mind cannot comprehend. Then we took that god and because we cannot fathom all that a true deity would truly be, we assign it human like qualities and characteristics (Zeus was a womanizer, the Christian God is a jealous god and wrathful, random gods of war and the such like) to help us understand them. However, neither of these are what I think are "correct." I think that all life has a consciousness that is interconnected on a much higher level than we can experience. This "universal consciousness" could be called god. So, in essence, all gods are the same god no matter by what name we call it, and all men are gods as we all have the gift of creation and free will. So in that sense, yes, i believe in "God"

2007-04-13 11:49:28 · answer #4 · answered by lupinesidhe 7 · 0 1

I believe in God mostly because of Pascal's Wager (there are some folks here who are going to *drink* when reading this).

I do not see God in everything and everybody. Even if I found a watch on the beach, I would see the watch; I would not see the little old man in Switzerland sitting in a shop who made it.

2007-04-13 11:59:53 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes I believe in God

2007-04-13 11:44:17 · answer #6 · answered by shannon_yo7 4 · 0 0

I do not believe in God because this mythical character is said to operate in way that is inconsistent to how nature, the planet, and the universe operates.

I don't believe in the Bible's idea of a God due to the fact when you read it is painfully obvious a primitive man from a primitive culture wrote it. What is absolutely amazing to me is how modern man is willing to accept this as truth.

I have lost so many Christian friends because they are taught that everyone else has not morals or integrity so they only associate with those of their own faith in the end. Your faith cannot hold up to scrutiny and common sense so your religion wants to screen out anyone that may burst your imaginary bubble.

There is just to much proof out there in this world to stay a Christian but of course you are told everything else is evil and not to read other ways of thinking. Of course the bible would want this type of obedience. How else can you learn to think for yourself? Wake up Christian's.

2007-04-13 12:02:10 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I absolutely believe in God. It takes far too much faith to believe in other theories that suggest everything happened by some accidental explosion. Too many things are far too complicated and fascinating to be an accidental happening. Others can believe they evolved from nothing, I believe I was created in the image of God, and that God has a perfect plan. We may not know what it is in this lifetime, but we will when the time is right.

2007-04-13 11:56:15 · answer #8 · answered by vyk 2 · 0 1

No. I do not believe in God. I know God exists. I experienced God directly when I was seventeen (didn't deserve it, received no message or mission, and certainly didn't get left with a feeling of being superior!)

Hard to believe in something I've experienced directly. That isn't proof for any one else, but Its enough for me.

Oh, I'm not religious. I've read almost every book I've had a chance to on religions around the world (as well as a large chunk of philosophy). I encourage you all to do so.

2007-04-13 11:58:49 · answer #9 · answered by mckenziecalhoun 7 · 0 0

Yes I believe in God. God does move a lot in the lives of Christians as He shows them different things about Him. He has changed me a lot and He changes anyone who is saved. God has also shown me a lot of things including His love and it is awesome when God shows you something about Him since it just amazes people and it has even amazed me too. God does this because He loves us so much.

2007-04-13 11:45:03 · answer #10 · answered by Josh D 6 · 1 0

i comprehend what you're genuinely attempting to ask, and the reply is certain. I genuinely have seen a large number of children advance up "believing" in God because their mom and dad taught them that. yet they are no extra helpful off than the non believers because they have not experienced a real relationship with the Lord. you are able to say that you've self assurance all you want, yet in case you've not had a real journey with the Lord it receives you no the position. I genuinely have already used this expression on the following in yet another submit, yet in case you sleep in a storage all evening it would not turn you right into a automobile once you awaken contained in the morning. there are a selection of many human beings obtainable that trust that they are saved in basic terms because mommy and daddy raised them that way. those human beings are not likely to get to Heaven by following mommy and daddy. they desire their personal personal walk with Christ.

2016-10-18 01:11:04 · answer #11 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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