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2007-04-13 11:21:14 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

22 answers

Cheap labor. And that will lower all wages in the U.S.

2007-04-13 11:24:10 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 4

Bush, doesnt want open borders. Is a realist that it costs more taxpayers money to deport 12 million people. Over time the borders will erode because of technology between Mexico and Untied States. If wages in Mexico were like that of Canada. American economy be in real trobule to find low skilled workers.

2007-04-14 02:04:16 · answer #2 · answered by ram456456 5 · 0 1

One of the main reasons is that open borders have not been a traditional problem for the U.S.

It is bad world publicity for us to begin closing our borders when European countries have opened theirs.

Secretly, many small and large business owners like the cheap labor that legal and illegal immigrants represent for the bottom line.

This cheap labor helps to hold the labor unions and wages in check.

An open border with Mexico makes this possible.

As you have probably gathered by now, the Republican Party doesn't like labor unions.

The open border with Canada hasn't posed much of a problem at all because the standard of living in Canada is so close to that of ours.

People in Canada aren't full of economic desperation like the people of Mexico so they aren't trying to sneak into the U.S. through the sewers.

Before 9/11, Vincente Fox wanted the same kind of open borders that the European Union was in the process of adopting.

The social disillusionment of the people of Mexico is so intense that Vincente Fox and others know full well that an open border into the U.S. serves as an important and necessary safety valve to stave off social unrest and upheaval within Mexico.

Vincente Fox is like a slick used car salesman who is skill-full at talking you into making a deal that isn't in your best interest at all, but certainly is in his best interest!!!!!

He is drunk with excitement about the prospect of a permanent merging of Mexico and the U.S.

Mexico defaults on its ability to provide for its own citizens.

Social hemmoraging occurs and there is a massive exodus of people northward.

The border becomes, for all practical purposes, nonexistent.

Then you have what I call CONQUEST BY DEFAULT

Mexico has a new president now an he has done a lot in a short period of time so far because he is moving strongly at loosening the grip that the drug cartels have on Mexican society.

75% or more of the Mexican police force are taking bribes from the drug cartels.

This is a situation that is going to take a long time to rectify, but a well-guarded border is a necessary component for that success.

2007-04-13 19:51:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

A boy born into privilege in New England, he's been trying to become a Texan forever now and has failed miserably. He thinks it's the way to be, down there on his ranch in Crawford, you know the whole southwestern culture has a Mexican influence to some extent.... which is fine as long as it's not of the illegal alien variety. He has no appreciation for what this amnesty proposal of his will do the common citizen, because he has never been one of the folks, as much as he'd like to pass himself off as one. Well I'm a native South Texan and I can tell you we don't share his rosy view of illegal aliens. I've been to Laredo, I've seen what illegals can do to an American city.... scary place to be.

Plus he has been sucked in by the globalist philosophy. Globalism hides behind the stated goal of "efficient allocation of resources,"but it is nothing more than corporate maximization of profits at the expense of the middle class. It involves a total disregard for the sovereignty of nations and the actual prosperity of its citizens. Business, political, and social elites are the only winners in such as system, therefore it is actually the opposite of true democracy envisioned by our Founding Fathers.

Maybe it's time for a second secession.

2007-04-13 18:42:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

To create a two class system in the US.
The few rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer, the middle class will descend into poverty.
A few will hold all the wealth, the masses will be slaves.

He will go down in the history of the world as the worst President the United States ever had, the ruination of a nation.

Someone has something on him that he doesn't want to get out, and they are holding it over his head, and telling him what to do. A puppetmaster.
It is to the benifit of the puppetmaster to destroy the economy of the United States, and the motivating factor has to be money.

2007-04-13 18:31:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Mexico's main oil field is playing out. Mexico has a ton of reserves deep, deep, deep in the Gulf, but hasn't the experience or technology to exploit them. Our companies do. Mexico does not allow foreign investment in their oil production. However, the SPP Bush is pushing to join Canada and Mexico and the US with 'free flow of trade and low risk traffic' also says it will move towards joint exploitation of natural resources. It seems to be trading seats in our colleges and our taxpayer subsidy of their poor in our schools and using our services to get the oil.

Plus Bush is a globalist, generally. For the very rich, driving down American wages to 3rd world levels isn't a terrible thought, it means more profits to them. To us it means living a third world lifestyle. Meanwhile our schools are failing and hospitals are closing due to having to support those illegally here, or a 'guest worker' program calculated to flood the labor market and drive down wages.

2007-04-13 23:25:35 · answer #6 · answered by DAR 7 · 1 0

He knows that open borders makes big business happy, they also make Mexico happy, and lastly open borders keeps his wish for the North American Union going.

2007-04-13 18:36:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

To help his big business cronies make millions more by hiring cheap slave labor. Because of his North American Union plan, and the NAFTA Super Highway.

2007-04-13 19:36:36 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I dont think that he wants open borders, just that he is looking for reform, so that for the ppl that want to come and work here can do so legally. THATS WHAT ALL OF YOU KEEP SAYING, THAT U WANT PPL HERE LEGALLY!! And i wish u all would stop complaining that illegals r taking your jobs. YOU ALL KNOW GOOD AND WELL THAT IF YOU CAN AFFORD A COMPUTER, THEN I HIGHLY DOUBT U ARE PICKING LETTUCE FOR A LIVING. SO THEREFORE YOUR JOBS ARE NOT IN JEOPARDY!!!!!

2007-04-13 19:24:41 · answer #9 · answered by anna 2 · 1 3

I don't know. I think there is something weird going on between him and Pres. Fox. I am republican but think he gives us a bad name for I think he's being stubborn and is putting himself before the good of the nation.

2007-04-13 18:26:00 · answer #10 · answered by Kittieashy 4 · 4 1

Cheap labor for his business buddies

2007-04-14 00:14:12 · answer #11 · answered by jean 7 · 0 0

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