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People on this site have been so kind to me. I try to help others with their depression and anxiety but have been unsuccessful at helping myself. It helps me so much to know that someone out there heres me and might understand what it feels like to be completely alone. I'm looking for encouraging words to handle my severe depression. I would appreciate any words of wisdom to get me through another night alone here. I have thoughts of suicide, but would never make a plan to do it, so no worries there. I just wish I knew how to stop feeling such pain inside. I know that I need professional help but cannot afford a doctor and the state of Tennessee offers me nothing in the way of free support. I have no money and no on that I know can help me. I would love information on a website that offers volunteer therapy from a professional psychologist, but I know that that is unrealistic. Please help with any kind words you can take the time to spare. I would appreciate it so much.

2007-04-13 11:20:40 · 22 answers · asked by peaceseeker 2 in Health Mental Health

I am so grateful for all of the positive feedback I've received on this one. Seriously, thanks to all of you guys for being there once again :) I leave it up to the community to decide a "best answer" because there are too many great ones for me to choose from. Bless all of you for your concern!

2007-04-15 17:35:01 · update #1

22 answers

Hi I just wanted to say your not alone at all. I know it feels like it but we all understand and know what its like so hang in there we are always here for you.

2007-04-13 11:33:16 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Yeah, easy to speak for those who haven't been there I think. Depression is a serious issue and it creates things you normally wouldn't feel if you weren't depressed. I too have often had thoughts of suicide, though I would never make a plan to do it. I know what it's like to feel so alone you're on knees screaming "GOD" there's no point. I can't move on, it's impossible. I just can't do it anymore and you physcially and mentally honestly feel like you "can't" do it anymore. I can not afford the insurance either, unfortunately most people do not understand the seriousness of depression and to show that most don't even listen to you, look at this: You clearly stated you could not afford insurance, and implied there was no one close to you that could help you" however most of these answers tell you to seek counseling, so that's frustrating right there. Then you get the talk to someone close you.. I mean come guys did you ever really read the question from the beginning??? NO NO NO!!! and that is why people become depressed and feel like they are all alone because truly nobody is listening to them. I'm sorry about your pain, and I don't have and quotes or wise words. I can only tell you, that if you don't do what's right for and what it takes to make you happy and if you don't take care of your needs, NOBODY WILL. You have to build strength from within. Search your higher power whatever it might for you. Soul search, find yourself. Pick yourself up off the floor and let your tears run, but let it build you strength, strength to move on and get better and eventually you will be better.

2016-04-01 00:36:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi there,
I have been suffering some nasty post natal myself lately, and only wish there were words or people to make you feel better.
I refuse to be medicated and am going it alone, and happy to report that i have just about got it by the b@lls now.
I dont know what works the best, but here are some things that I do everyday.
Look in the mirror, right into your eyes and see the strong powerful woman that you are and challenge that sad little sh!t to mess with her!
Be proud of who you are, be super confident in ALL that you do.
DO NOT dwell on the things that are bugging you, because it often spirals way out of control, if you so much as think a negative thought.
Remember U2's song "It's a beautiful day!"
Go for a walk in the sun, or in the park and start planning how you are going to start the rest of your life.... Make some fun plans towards living the life you want to live.

And remember, even if you have a bad day/week, PICK YOURSELF UP and start a new day the next day.

2007-04-14 23:50:38 · answer #3 · answered by hippygirl 2 · 1 0

Sorry to hear youre feeling so bad. Its hard to get help these days. Where I live you can go to the county mental health clinic and get therapy and they have a sliding fee depending on your income. Also some larger clinics have sliding fee scales for therapy. I use my journal a lot. It sometimes is hard because I get down on myself if I dont do it all the time so I made myself a deal I would write when I could and without the pressure to write I do much more often.
One other possibility is to try group therapy which usually a small fee like 20 to 30 dollars a session which is less than individual. Also there are many 12 step groups that are non-drug/alcohol related that are free. There is adult children of dysfunctional families, co-dependency groups etc. Try a net search.
If you are a member of church some have 12 step groups or referrals to church friendly therapists.
Hope this helps. Hold on. :)

2007-04-14 18:18:52 · answer #4 · answered by Bree 3 · 1 0

I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I think the problem may be the fact that you live in TN. I was stationed there for a while and also felt very depressed. I don't know if it's the weather or people but I felt a lot better as soon as I came back to CA. My brother is also going through depression and loneliness and guess where he lives; TN. Try joining a gym or some kind of activity where you will interact with people. This may help you with the loneliness factor and you may meet someone special who will make you feel like you actually matter. We all have something special about us and sometimes it takes a while for us to figure out what that is....good luck!

2007-04-13 11:31:38 · answer #5 · answered by ? 5 · 2 0

Hi. Believe me, I truly understand the pain of lonliness and depression. When I could not afford treatment, I was fortunate enough to find someone who would accept a small amount of money now and put me on a deferred payment plan. I did end up with a $2000 bill to pay but by then I could afford to pay it off. Moral of the story is, don't stop looking for help. It is out there. There is much more I can say but I am unable to right now; just wanted to reply now to let you know that I am sending some positive thoughts your way. You may contact me via email.

2007-04-14 05:28:00 · answer #6 · answered by Jebbie 7 · 1 0

i'm not sure kind words are what you need, having clinical depression myself that is controlled by medication. Depression is tough, and often words alone won't help--especially if it's a long term situation you've been suffering from--and sometimes talking about it just reinforces it.

One thing that _will_ help is to start thinking about your future, things you want to do. i'd guess sometimes you feel like you're stuck and there's no help at all, and that's simply not true. Change is what you want to accomplish, and that requires creating goals for yourself and doing what's necessary to accomplish them.

Volunteer work can be extremely helpful too, as i'm sure you've found trying to help others here. Get in touch with Hospitals and the Red Cross and see what you can do to help out. Though i've suffered from depression for twenty years before i got any real help, i was able to get an MA in English and, even before i started teaching, i found tutoring others was a great way to forget about myself.

and, if you're really stuck, send me an email and we'll come up with some more ideas; just don't give up on yourself. As long as you're still sucking air, there's still hope.

2007-04-13 11:39:32 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

I know exactly what you are talking about. Lately I have been feeling more, and more alone in the world. Things have gotten so bad lately, I have given serious thought to ending my life. I know deep down that suicide is not the answer. However I really don't know how much more of this I can take.

I guess what I am trying to say is, even though we feel alone, we really are not. Even though we never met, I still cared enough about you to take the time to write this answer. The way I see it, we people that are in similar situations need to help each other. Sure there are lots of people in this world, but not everybody is going to understand how you are feeling, like somebody in your same "frame of mind."

When you are feeling really alone, I want you to remember, you are not alone, there are lots of people out there that really do care about you.

Sometimes it can make you feel better to just "vent" every once and a while. You can always feel free to email me at jam961@yahoo.com Who knows, perhaps we can help each other to feel less alone by using each others life experiences.

I have never been one to push my religious beliefs on anybody, but sometimes there can be great power in prayer. I know that sometimes, when I am feeling really alone, I pray. It does not always make me feel less lonely, but it does take my mind off of things, if only for a little while.

Oh well, I really hope you start to feel at least a little better. I really do wish you well in overcoming this bump in your road of life. I know you can do it.


2007-04-13 11:58:53 · answer #8 · answered by jam961 5 · 3 0

So, as you say yourself, there are many people on Yahoo Answers and in fact everywhere that care what happens to you. You are not alone.

Also remember that no matter what you FEEL, in any moment in time you can CHOOSE to make a little smile, try to be happy for a second, think of something other than your worries, live in the present moment. Then in the next moment you can do it again. And in fact in every moment you can do it. Depression is your mind telling you something that isn't true. But you are not controlled by your mind. You control it. So take charge and tell it to shape up!

Best wishes.

2007-04-13 11:31:18 · answer #9 · answered by Larry 6 · 1 1


This site is for the state of Tennessee. There are places to look up community health places. Find one in your area and give them a call or go there. They will be able to direct you to the right place for you to get help for free. Every state has some free services to offer people who cant otherwise afford it.
I am in MN and have a therapist thanks to the county, Along with numerous other things I need assistance with right now.
It will help you to talk to a therapist and possibly be on some meds that will help how you feel.
You can feel better. There are plenty of us out there who suffer depression, anxiety and lots of other disorders/.
But they can be controlled with the right help.
Check out the site. Or look in your phone book for the county health center or whatever they may call it in your area.

Good luck.
Oh and you can also find some yahoo groups on depression support which can help in addtition to getting help in person.
I run one of those types of groups and have for almost 15 years.
It is called
If you go to the groups home page and put that name in it . you will find the group.

Again good luck.

2007-04-13 11:38:46 · answer #10 · answered by vicscavies 3 · 1 0

I have found the following website: http://joy2meu.com/, a great help. Much of the information, found there, is free. "The Dance of Wounded Souls" is a book sold on this website; I found it to be very helpful. Should you explore this website, and think that the book may be helpful, and can't bear the cost right now, please let me know via email. I will bear the cost.

I also recommend, you search the web for the following phrases "emotional incest", and "covert incest". Please don't be troubled by the word "incest"; it is not being used in its usual context.

Competent counseling, can be a great help. However, ultimately, you must help yourself. Continue helping yourself, as you are now, you may be surprised how much you can accomplish.

2007-04-13 12:32:35 · answer #11 · answered by Larry 4 · 1 0

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