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I studied every religion before deciding and my least favorite (other than Islam) was Hinduism. Their belief in kharma and reincarnation has had horrible consequences on their people. They believe you are born into your position in society based on kharma from your past life. If you were a murderer you will be reincarnated as a dhalit or untouchable but if you were a good person you will be a brahman or another favored class in their caste system. They have no pity on the poor, sick or disabled because they assume that you deserve and are being punished for something.
You don't believe me? Read some books about Hinduism written by Hindus.
Are hindu beliefs like reincarnation and kharma possible to save or will they just lead to the caste system and other inequalities we see now?

2007-04-13 11:09:33 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

I know, and the thing that's really sad about it is reincarnation isn't true; so those "untouchables" live their ONE life in such horrible conditions for things they never did.

We need missionaries to go to India!

2007-04-13 11:23:01 · answer #1 · answered by Petina 5 · 1 6

The situation in Hindu states is due to Government apathy and incompetence and has nothing to do with true Hinduism. As with any religion, the meaning of religious scripture is being "tailored" to suit the needs of those in power.

For example, the social caste system came in to being only through centuries of false propaganda. Below is what scripture really says:

The Rig Veda classifies individuals into four clearly delineated groups based on their Karma (actions). An individual CAN move from group to group. The four groups are:
Brahmanas - A person who realizes his true nature as Spirit
Kshatriyas - Warriors
Vaisyas - Merchants
Sudras - Servants

In modern society, people who work in religious establishments can be said to be Brahmanas. Every nation has an Army, Navy, etc. These people are Kshatriyas. People who run businesses are Vaisyas, and the people who work for them are Sudras.

A Sudra can become a Vaisya by starting his own business. A Kshatriya can become a Sudra after completing his term of service and getting a new job. A Sudra can become a Brahmana if he can lead a pious life. Anyone can move to any group.

Sadly, this harmless system of classification has now become a rigid social system (with not four but hundreds of divisions based on language and location and not on Karma) that is severely hurting the spiritual and material progress of Hindu states.

The passage of time (say a few hundred years, which is small considering Hinduism has survived for thousands of years) is enough to see the resurfacing of true Hinduism. Hindus will be in a position to form an educated view of their religion and will then revolutionise the way their society functions. Until then, Hinduism will continue to exist in its current grossly misunderstood form, with only a few Hindus understanding its true import.

2007-04-13 12:37:21 · answer #2 · answered by The Mystic 3 · 1 0

As a few other people correctly answered, "casteism" as it is known now, was not practiced in pre- colonial times. As per the scriptures, anyone who shows the qualifications for a caste becomes part of that caste. Many famous Hindu Saints were born in "lower" Sudra caste but became Brahmanas by their sadhanas (spiritual practices).
The rigid caste we know today became ossified since the first invaders came: The Mohammedan barbarians. With their intolerant and aggressive regime, followed by the British Raj's, castes became rigid by the invaders influence, in order to divide and rule.
Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) revere all life as sacred and Divine and even though we each have our own karmas to bear, we also have a duty to look after and preserve all life, and provide and protect the poor and weak. Those who let others to misery on excuse of their bad karma do not know their religion and are nothing but ignorant selfish morons. Those, unfortunately, are found everywhere in the world, and in every religion. Also, sadly, the corrupted notion of caste, is still nowadays, used for sinister political ends.

Sadhvi Phildas Surakshadevi Bhakta

2007-04-14 09:02:44 · answer #3 · answered by Freedom Warrior 2 · 1 0

Yes, We have strong belief in Kharma and Hinduism says the same truth. But Hinduism not beliefs, what you are talking about caste. Off course you could read about caste system from many books that written by Hindus, But It is not sure that they are talking about real Hinduism. Sure if you do good things, you will get good things and good reincarnation, but Hinduism not teaching about untouchable cast or something what you are talking.
If you really want to know about Hinduism, Pls. identify the good book written by our Yogis, and Saints. Hinduism is having a history of long and unscalable period. It is not like other religions. No one needs to save the Hinduism, GOD creates it and He will take care of it. – Thanks.

2007-04-14 06:25:28 · answer #4 · answered by kumar v 1 · 1 0

You didn't read very well. Karma and reincarnation doesn't "save" a person...it enables them to grow until they are pure enough to reunite with the Supreme Being.

The caste system is a social issue, but yes, SOME Hindus will use it to their advantage, just like SOME priests use their position to have sex with altar boys. Would you say slavery was a Christian problem because the majority of people in US who owned slaves were Christians?

I've studied religions as well, and it's the fact that Hinduism is the ONLY inclusive religion that made me realize it was the one for me.

2007-04-13 11:42:53 · answer #5 · answered by Jade 4 · 3 0

Save people from Hinduism? You're joking, right?

Yes, I find some parts of Hinduism reprehensible because they harm others, such as you've described. However, there are morally reprehensible things in every religion. One of the problems that I have with Buddhism is that it's generally morally relativistic. I won't even start on the things I find morally reprehensible about the most popular religions, globally.

However, just because I find someone's religion reprehensible in some way doesn't mean that I have a right to assume that my way of thinking is the better way to go. India is changing the way things are done, slowly but surely. The government is forcing a fairer social treatment for dalits. For example, universities are required to allow entrance to a certain number. Things don't change overnight anywhere, however, I do believe that India and her citizens are perfectly capable of altering their own society in ways that not only suit them best, but allow them to experience more equality as time passes.

Put the religious texts down and pick up some current events.

2007-04-13 11:19:49 · answer #6 · answered by Muffie 5 · 1 0

Hello David,
It's not just that if you did bad Karma(deeds) in your past life then you would only become a low-caste. It could be anything or anyone. The main reason behind that most people only mention the low-caste is that because the low-caste people in India are probably the most unfortunate ones, most underachieving perhaps. Low-caste people are said as an example. Anything that is miserable or pitiful, you'll go into it if you been bad kid in your past life! Just suppose that right now there are so many sick, poor and weak people in the world, who don't get the kind of food we get to have on our table, the kind of good life we live and sorts. To most of those people, their miserable conditions are since their time of birth. So how would you describe it that how they got all that miserableness? What did they do to get that? How come Life(or God) is being unfair to them? Then at this point of time, you need to think about this, THE KARMA OF PAST-LIFE COMING IN FRONT OF THESE PEOPLE! And just think the same idea about the rich people, the people who get to do all good stuff, have everything, maybe a lot more than me or you, in their case, you could think the same idea too. The main fact is that EVERYBODY GETS THEIR SHARE OF WHAT-THEY-DID? IT'S FAIR PLAY TO ALL BY GOD! Remember that God isn't unfair to anybody. And this idea also explains the fact that why there are more sick and weak people than happy people in the world? In this case, remember that in past years, even centuries, HAS HUMANITY MADE LESS WARS, KILLED LESS PEOPLE, COMMITTED LESS SINS? It's all there in front of you.

2007-04-14 06:17:34 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Save people from Hinduism? Are you nuts? Look at Hindu history. It is a faith that in a 10,000 year history has never pursued aggression or violence, and still spread throghout the world. It's pluralism and inclusiveness is such that one day it will be the largest religion in the world. Hinduism is the least of our problems.

2007-04-15 03:45:48 · answer #8 · answered by hindu_jawan 1 · 0 0

I have 2 Hindu friends that run (and personally fund) an outreach to feed the poor, homeless, widows etc.
I don't know if what you are saying is actually a part of their religion or not, but I know that the Hindus I know are pretty great people.

2007-04-13 11:19:02 · answer #9 · answered by jeff7272 3 · 3 1

The christian paradigm is becoming like plague. it extremely is money company, doing quickly company between undesirable people and distant aspects in Nepal, India, Shrilanka, Butan, Bangledesh. The freshers which enters yet another united states of america extraordinarily south korea, japan, china, united states of america, christian starts their company employing distinctive approaches. They donot think of in the event that they convert faith via motivating and pressuring and get money in on depressed and disadvantaged communities of Hindu, buddhist, shikkas, their merely actual disaster can began via decaying and decomposing their community. because of the fact whilst akarma, pap will strengthen between the people God already ruin the causal brokers. to keep Hinduism first of all Hindu community could know Hindu isn't purely for India. Donot think of you will good paintings from this query. first of all exchange your query as the thank you to keep Hinduism? then we are able to fulfillment to keep our faith via averting coming christian parasites. straightforward matra to keep Hinduism is avoidance of Christianity in any respect unfavourable project. want strengthen understanding marketing campaign, satsanga in each community threatening that the christian ailments is coming your community! be conscious? So evade benefit they comes closer as alleviation during your suffering time. that could help to guard Hinduism.

2016-12-20 14:10:02 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Please... it was cultural trappings, like the caste system, added in early in Hindu history that causes problems (also bride prices), NOT the philosophy. Do study before you start spewing this kind of divisive garbage please?


2007-04-13 11:52:20 · answer #11 · answered by vinslave 7 · 0 0

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