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I don't buy all of that religious junk. I want to but I just can't. I judge things by logic. And religion is by no means logical. I know you're supposed to have faith and stuff but I just don't fall for it. I've been to church. Nothing they've said convinced me. They are just assuming that I already believe and that they are just cheering me on to be a good person. I need facts that the Kingdom of Heaven exists. I need God explained in a logic problem. If there is a God, I want to make sure I'm on good terms with him when I die. I don't want eternal suffering!

2007-04-13 11:00:31 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I don't know how the Universe came to be. It's probably something that we can't comprehend. But I don't believe it was God's Work.

2007-04-13 11:07:31 · update #1

24 answers

You are asking the wrong question.

The question should be, can a rational god condemn a good person who did not believe in the right (or any) faith? I can't see a rational being condemning you (or me) to eternal suffering based on what we believed for these few brief years on Earth. At the very least, if the christians are right, I think we deserve the hands in the wounds proof that the apostle Thomas demanded and got from Jesus.

2007-04-13 11:05:10 · answer #1 · answered by Dave P 7 · 1 1

Do you believe in atoms? I'm sure you do, but can you see them? NO, is it logical to only believe in what you can see? No, you know atoms exist how? Because you were told? And you took that as fact? On faith? What about Black holes? We only see the effects of something, but is that what it really is? How do we know space is a vacuum? I believe you exist. How do I know though? All I see is an Avatar picture. Look, I've had too many answers to prayer to be a coincidence. I'm alive because someone was taking care of me and I've had personal experience with the extra normal more than once. I lost my balance on the stairs one time and had fallen back to 45° from vertical and someone neither I, nor my wife could see caught me and pushed me upright. That is just one instance. I know faith is not logical, but when things happen which can't be explained and in numbers which are improbable you kind of wonder if there isn't something to faith which really is logical. I don't believe in coincidence.

2007-04-13 18:21:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Something spiritual cannnot always be proven by something physical and vice versa... although sometimes what we think of is logical isn't. The world and universe is an extremely complex place, and it would take God to understand all of it.
Also, you have to know someone to even begin to believe in them as a person. You have already assumed there isn't a god and now you want physical proof that there is.... probably won't happen, so I suggest maybe now you should assume that there is a god. (There either is or there isn't). So, get honest with God. Get on your knees and ask Him to show you if He is real. You don't have to listen to what anyone else says. (maybe later) Just get it straight from God. If He is real (He is) He will answer you. Maybe not when and how you wish Him to, but He will. He loves you and wants you to not only give yourself a chance to know Him, but to believe in Him and begin learning to trust Him, because therein lies your salvation.

2007-04-13 18:39:19 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Try going to a Baptist church! They preach Gods true and living word there. You can also pray, and ask God to get a hold of your heart, and he will! You have to be humble about it, and let him do great things in you're life =] Everyone has their own plan set out by God, and that's the only way you'll ever be happy! You can't explain God by logic. The bible tells you everything you need to know! Just ask God to also open your heart to his word, to help you. Faith is something you can't see, and that's the only way. "For we walk by faith not sight" -2 Corinthians 4:7 [kjv is the bible to use =] and if people say "I don't understand it" it's because they haven't received Christ as their savior, and gotten the spirit] And find a church you feel at home at, and loved. People to encourage you, not bring you down.

2007-04-13 18:09:55 · answer #4 · answered by Hmmm 3 · 2 0

Just given the fact that you asked this question, says that you can. That's why we are told that we are to come as little children- because God doesn't give us anything here but that still small voice. If you listen, you will hear Him.

People who have had deep, spiritual encounters with God, did so without a Holy Book, commandments, rituals, or any other thing that we associate with religiosity.

My first experience was when I was four. I have never had any 'visions' or heard any strange voices, just a deep, profound 'knowing' that I was not alone. I don't remember any Bible stories that I was taught, I still couldn't read, so I didn't need anything to believe. I desperately wish that I could give that to everyone. Love and prayers.

2007-04-13 18:18:17 · answer #5 · answered by illbegone_likeabatouttahell 3 · 0 0

If you keep seeking God you should find Him. Its people who make their mind up in advance who don't find Him.

You could try some other churches. Some are good and some are not. Some may fit with your character, and some not.

You could set yourself an intellectual exercise - e.g. proving Jesus did not rise from the dead, using the bible as the basic text, but also other historical sources.

One problem for you is that christians believe that those who haven't believed are in a state of separation from God - but the non-believers are not likely to believe that. So its hard to get through to God until one believes, as then ones sins are removed and access to God is 100,000 times easier, so to speak.

The Holy Spirit will try to convict you of the need to believe in Jesus in a winsome way if you keep on looking.

2007-04-13 18:43:22 · answer #6 · answered by Cader and Glyder scrambler 7 · 0 0

Okay this is serious stuff,first let me tell you that I do not care what you are or have done if you really want God in your life you can do so,secondly if you read any of my answers here you will see that I never tell anyone simply what they want to hear but what they need to hear,I don`t much care if they don`t like me for it,truth is truth and will cause upset at first, that is the very nature of the truth it challenges us and turns our ideas upside down.
Okay thanks for bearing with me this far but I wanted you to know that I really mean to be of help.
If you want to have a relationship with God you must give up all your present demands and terms,they are actually inner pride and God will not come to the proud of heart,then ask yourself how much do I really want God,having done this go down on your knees in your own private place and say something like this from your heart.
Dear God I need you in my life,I invite you into my life from this moment on,I want to know and love You,I repent of all my sins and I ask you now to change my heart this day, I want to belong to You now and forever,I can do nothing without You and so I humbly ask for You to be my Lord and my Savior,I thank You God that You have heard my prayer,which I make in the holy name of Jesus Christ Your Son, Amen
Now I seriously tell you that if you do this with a humble attitude and mean it with all your heart,you will not be ignored by the merciful and loving God.
I hope that you can do this when you feel ready and believe that God can and will do something wonderful in your life.
May God bless you always.

2007-04-13 18:37:13 · answer #7 · answered by Sentinel 7 · 1 0

Bless your heart, hon. It's so difficult sometimes isn't it? Unfortunately there's just not really any "logic" to it. That's the stinking "trick" to it all. It's ALL a matter of faith - believing in what is UNseen. I'm sorry to have to tell you -because I know that brain of yours is just reeling with the issue.

Maybe you could try seeing it this way...according to the site www.religioustolerance.com - there's only a VERY small percentage (2%) of the world's population that consider themselves to be classic atheists. That leaves 98% of people who (even if they don't choose a specific "religion") who believe there IS a God - higher power - whatever name you choose to put on "IT".

I pray you find your evidence of His presence in your life that will be as clear and concise to you as possible. The best way I know - if you are truly serious - is to ask God for revelation of Himself in your life. If you think there's a possibility that you might be inclined - ask Jesus to enter into your heart (as Christianity explains that this is the only way we can get to the Father). Thank Him for recoginizing that you are imperfect (a sinner) and that you thank Him for accepting the pain and suffering for us. Ask Him to help you see God.

Praying for you.

2007-04-13 18:15:03 · answer #8 · answered by Mrs.M 4 · 1 0

You are too intelligent. No god for you!

Read The God Delusion, understand how religion works, and be freed from it.

Nobody can prove any gods, much less a specific god, exist; many people will tell you their god exists but no others, but will never be able to prove it, even if they think so. Some will threaten you with eternal pain or promise eternal joy to get you to believe in their god; these are all stories, created for people who were scared long before we understood the universe. Now we have no more reason for these superstitions.

How terrible the bible in particular is:

How silly and horrible religion in general is:

The alternative:

2007-04-13 18:10:47 · answer #9 · answered by eldad9 6 · 0 1

There are two different "gods" mentioned in teh first five books of the Bible. They are not the same. Yahweh is the monotheistic wrathful god who demands that you love and fear him. Elohim is a bit more gentle. Elohim, in Hebrew, is plural. In the two creation stories in Genesis (Gen 1:2-2:4(a)) and Gen 2:4(b) through to the end of the creation story, it is the second that has Elohim and it is Elohim who says "let us make man and woman in OUR own image." You figure it out.

2007-04-13 19:45:01 · answer #10 · answered by Polyhistor 7 · 0 0

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