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i was thinking about all the different answers chritsians give and some comming on here saying things that go aginst the bible like earllier today when someone posted that gays are not an abomination to God and that god will let gays into heaven... this is not a question about gays, but do christians on here acctually read and study the bible or do we just listen to what others say and not seek the bible for what it truly says? And the bible is a true book because i know someone will post something like that =)

God Bless

2007-04-13 09:37:28 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers


More specifically, a good majority don't read the Bible on a regular basis. This is why many make statements and are under the impression that the Bible says certain things, but can never actually prove it.
Someone argued to me that Lazarus had to die twice in order for his sisters to learn to deal with death (or something like that) after I asked why Jesus would bring him back from heaven or hell just to die again later. Of course, she backed herself up by saying that her father was a pastor. I've noticed that a lot of people put too much stock into what their pastors tell them as opposed to reading the Bible for themselves.
You're right for asking.
Even the people who correctly quote the Bible are unaware of what they're talking about; there are many passages within that are explained/interpreted by other passages. Sometimes people use a scripture to justify something and apply it with a certain bias in mind.

2007-04-13 09:41:01 · answer #1 · answered by DwayneWayne 4 · 5 4

I don't know about other Christians but I read my Bible every day. Actually I have a devotional on Yahoo groups so I am teaching the Bible so I have to know what I am teaching so I need to study what I am writing about.

For my own devotional time I am reading through the Old Testament right now and try to read at least one chapter a day if not more. Last year I read through the New Testament.

My main Bible is the King James Version and my Study Bibles are The Amplified Bible and the Jewish Bible. These three Bibles together help to understand what God has written and what He wants us to know. Most of the Bible up to Acts was written mainly for the Jewish people. Then when the Church was started Gentiles were also given the gospel and so right now we are in the Church age.

So my answer to your question is yes, I as a born again believer in Jesus Christ who is my Savior, Lord and King, I read my Bible and answer question with Biblical answers.


2007-04-13 12:30:22 · answer #2 · answered by bb 2 · 2 0

Some people read the Bible. Some just listen to what other people say. Some just go with whatever fits their prejudice. (Rather normal for people, I'd say.) Also, different versions of the Bible will give you a little different slant on what is meant.

I'm one who believes God will have no problem with gays. (I also have decided that I will not get into trouble for eating pigs or wearing two kinds of fiber.)

One can either can go with the whole literal thing or one can try interpreting the Bible within its context. It's a personal decision.

2007-04-13 09:49:03 · answer #3 · answered by Tina Goody-Two-Shoes 4 · 0 1

I try to keep in mind that Not Every Christian is on the same level of maturity and knowledge of Holy Scripture. Many are New Believers, or recent Believers, having not walked with the Lord very long.

Every Believer is at a different level of his/her developement and so their degree of understanding Scriptures is limited in accordance with their level of maturity and knowledge. I keep in mind that just because you - one day give your life to Jesus Christ to become Lord and Savior of your life - That this doesn't automatically graduate you into a full knowledge and understanding of Biblical scriptures.

The Bible is not a novel to be read once and then you know it!
The Bible is a life long committment and study and we will still die Not having learned All that there is to learn from the Word of God.

2007-04-13 11:13:37 · answer #4 · answered by gigiemilu 4 · 3 0

No. the bible is written thousands of years ago and it does not hold up to modern time culture and value. for example: slavery is allowed by God under King David and Israel tribes. God had no problem with many people having multiple wives including Abraham, King David, King Solomom (the smartest man in the bible). People were stoned to death for working on the sabbath (saturday). Women were stoned to death for not being able to proof her virginity at her wedding night. hospitality to stranger means to offer your daughters to a mob for rape. (the story of lot) having children is so important for two daughters that if there were no other men around, they would have intercourse with there own biological father. (the story of lot) the story of lot were generally not taught to children in sunday school. the contradiction in the bible: God commanded thou shall not kill and the very first thing that moses did walking down mt. sinai was to kill everyone worshiping the golden calf. everyone on the way to the land of milk and honey were killed commanded by God. and the list goes on with the contradictions. priests and politicians today pick and choose which chapter and verse to use because they know you won't read it cover to cover.

2016-01-31 13:07:43 · answer #5 · answered by John 1 · 0 0

I don't profess to be a Christian, but I do profess to try to seek after G-d & I try to live my life according to what I read in Scripture.
I have periods where I am diligent with reading, & other times when I just don't make time.
I find that the days I make time for getting before G-d with reading Scripture & waiting on Him in prayer are much less stressful for me. My reason may be selfish now, but I need Him & the guidance of His Word to support me through my day.

2007-04-13 14:04:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I do and I have studied for years. For the most part, I may converse with someone that has an open mind that has also read and or studied the bible, but when it comes right down to me searching for answers, I do it alone. God knows my heart.

2007-04-13 09:46:08 · answer #7 · answered by meganzopf 3 · 1 1

From my experience, most know who Jesus is, they believe in Jesus, but they don't believe Jesus. A reort a few years ago revealed that over 50% of Christians don't even believe that satan is a real person, yet Jesus called him the Prince (ruler) of this word system.

No, most do not read the bible and have no knowledge of siritual truths and authority as a child of God.

2007-04-14 03:29:06 · answer #8 · answered by live2christ 1 · 2 0

Sadly, there are a lot of Christians who rely on other Christians or their pastors for their truths, they will be the ones who are led astray. If I have a question, I consult the word of God, because that is the only place to really find the answer.

2007-04-13 09:42:13 · answer #9 · answered by Erin C 2 · 4 0

this is a good question...there are many ppl that are misinformed, and get their info from other places that might not provide the right answer. God does not accept gays, and if they dont repent He will not receive them in HIs kingdom, He specifically says in the bible who are allowed to enter....ppl just need to start reading for themselves and figuring out their answers with real proof

2007-04-13 09:41:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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