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And what we call government of the people is another name for organised protection racket- much like the mafia or the chinese triad?

2007-04-13 09:11:39 · 127 answers · asked by polymath 1 3 in Politics & Government Military

127 answers

Technically, a soldier is a contract killer, yes, however the cause is much more noble than greed. The Marine that answered is correct, there is more to military service than killing. The objective in war is not to kill the enemy, only to break his will to fight. This is in addition to all the humanitarian work that they do.

Government is definitely a racket. They hold a gun to your head and say pay us...and we do...

2007-04-13 09:13:45 · answer #1 · answered by Cato 4 · 12 9

Only a stupid fool criticizes unless he has a better answer. No country can exist without a sufficient army. Okay, if you had complete control over the country, would you have a "conrtact killing army" or not ? If you say NO, what would you do when your neighbor's army marches in ?
You think the government is a mafia racket ? Great, find a country that suits you. There must be some. Our country is the worse in the world, except for all the others.
People by the millions never stop bashing us in every way that they can think of - - - then risk their lives to sneak in.
If you're a real American, don't run your country into the dirt. If you think some place else is better - - - so long, and good luck.

2007-04-13 09:30:08 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

considering the majority of serving soldiers have never actualy killed anyone, NO! They do more defending than killing. And more importantly all service men and woman do a fantastic job! There is nothing wrong with wanting to defend queen and country. If our government was anything like the mafia or triads, we would not have had to wait 13days to see the release and safe return of the 15 sailors that was kidnapped from iraqi waters last month.

2007-04-13 23:54:57 · answer #3 · answered by klairgell 1 · 0 0

No i dont think army service is another name for contract killing.
Just take the example of police. They operate to bring order and justice to the country and protect the values and the laws set in them. They are licenced to kill but does that make them contract killers?

An Army is needed to protect the very foundation of our country's system, the very soil we're standing on right now. Without combat ready troops at the country's disposal, the safety and everything that we believe in are totally at risk. Without an army, we have nothing to defend but everything to lose to our enemies, which is an obvious situation. Without an army, countries cannot place themselves in that position to have better negotiating power.

With an army however, a country can do all the above and even discourage an enemy into going to war. With an well-equip army, opponents would have to think twice about invading or attacking. This would in turn place the country in a better political and economical state. Also, refer to the situation of WW2. Without the fight and aid of the Allies, most nations would still be under the axis rule till now. Think about it.

Contract killers fight for the money. The army fights for the safety, values and system of the nation.

Political or not, every country should equip herself with the appropriate defence it needs in order for the simple yet needed - survival.

2007-04-13 15:17:00 · answer #4 · answered by Dan_da_man 2 · 0 0

Hi there. Army service is not contract killing, most soldiers never deliberately hurt anybody and are pretty happy with this. Your comparison to organised protection rackets is a good one though - organised government does have to protect people by and large, it is the only justification for its existence that there is. Once in power, the temptation to dig themselves in while bleeding the rest of us dry is too much to resist for most of them, so the parallels are strong.
We are stuck with it until we can come up with a workable alternative to stop the wasters in this world destroying what they have and then coming and taking ours too.
Cheers, Steve.

2007-04-13 21:22:59 · answer #5 · answered by Steve J 7 · 2 0

No i do not think army service is another name for contract killing. What i would ask you is do you not think that the sacrifice made by millions of young men and women 60 years ago,could just be the reason that you are around today. The other thing is that it is quite obvious you have never served your country in any way whatsoever.

In fact (as someone who has and whose father landed on the beaches of Normandy) I find your question rather insulting. What do you think our armed forces are for? Who turns out in cases of national emergency such as floods, etc? Please also note that soldiers are dying in foreign countries,and it isn't just about oil It is sometimes about democracy: although i may find the situation in Iraq difficult to defend,but as we are free to debate that situation,it might just tell you why the sacrifice was made some 60years ago.

So to summarise,No is the answer to your question a big fat NO. Just remember you are free to voice your opinion because a soldier died to give you that right, to give you freedom of speech.If they hadn't buddy you would have been living under the nazi jackboot and they would have put the bearers of your philosophy against a wall and shot you.

So now go away an d think of an intelligent question to ask.

2007-04-13 11:27:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

In the world of conspiracy theorists and Channel 4 documentary writers, sure, you sound like you have a point. However, a contract killer is there to kill (not aid or defend) and nothing else and is not guided by morale or determinable strictures. I remember aiding and protecting a few hundred innocent people from genuine cold blooded killers and giving them as much aid as our government could afford at that time. If that is part of my contract, as it is, then I feel particularly good about it. If we have to kill to achieve the greater good for the greater number, then I only ask that we were allowed to do more.

2007-04-14 00:37:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Nope. I think I'd call it a cop-out. The Army is a branch of your government to preserve your way of life and preserve your right to make some very unflattering and criticising remarks about the forces that are keeping you from being blown up in a market place or on the public mall.

Hope you never have to experience the problems that your Army are experiencing and trying to protect people that may or may not appreciate their actions.

2007-04-13 14:13:06 · answer #8 · answered by rann_georgia 7 · 0 0

Contract killing? That's laughable. Contract killers make money first off. People that join the military do it for a higher purpose, to server their fellow man. Lord knows its not for the money. I knew guys when I was in The Marine Corps that could barely afford to feed their families. I'm not going to bash you for asking the question though. I gave years of my life and knew other that gave an even greater sacrifice so you would have the right to ask this question. You are just ill in formed. As for the second part of your question. Any government is going to be tyrannical to a certain extent. Its just part of it. But would you really want the alternative? Mob rule? Think about it.

2007-04-13 09:38:31 · answer #9 · answered by Big Willie 2 · 2 0

No. You should realise that the army protects the country from internal and external attacks. If the government uses the service personnel for any erroneous purpose such as invading a poor country or killing innocent people for material or political gains, then blame the politicians and not the officers who are only doing their job.

2007-04-13 21:43:13 · answer #10 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

Lamentably I see too many unjustified wars (none it is, the truth) as not to fall down in the demagoguery.
I believe that an "army" of diplomatics and good ambassadors they would prevent the death and the conflicts in many cases (or any) better than the army and I wouldn´t think in many cases that we are marionettes of the government´s interests that I prefer not dealing.
Yes, the army must learn besides salvage and other CIVIL professions, to kill to salary and to fulfilling orders without questions be doing, terrible.
I need to believe that his reason is noble (to protect, to save).
But something fails when the history says that sometimes is very fragile the line that turns them as mercenaries in the "conquered lands".

It is delicate at first, they learn to " to protect us ".
The idea of the army is "to avoid the deaths"...

His motivation and his ways are different.
The response is NO.
Not the simple soldiers but the industry and the interests that exists behind umm...

2007-04-13 14:16:01 · answer #11 · answered by Desah 5 · 0 0

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