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My 12 month old German Shepherd Dog is going in for the chop on Tuesday and I'm just wondering what to expect after!? Will he be sore? Sickly? Anything I can do to help?

2007-04-13 09:05:48 · 19 answers · asked by Anon 4 in Pets Dogs

19 answers

Your vet will talk you through the procedure, what to expect, and what to do post-op. But since I do this every day, I'll give you a heads-up :-)

He's unlikely to be too sore - he should be given a pain relief injection. Ask your vet what pain relief they provide. You should be able to pick up on the same day, and doggy should be quite back to normal by the next day. He may be a little groggy from the anaesthetic - you can offer him food as normal, but don't be surprised if he's not interested.

You'll need to have the stitches taken out in 10-14 days time. In the mean time, leash walks only to prevent him getting too much exercise, which could disturb the wound. If he seems to bothering the wound, he will need a Buster collar (cone), at least while you're not with him (overnight).

By the way, you'll be glad to know there's no 'chopping' involved - an incision is made into the abdomen between the penis and scrotum, and the testicles are pulled out from this incision, tied off and cut. The scrotum therefore remains intact, and will gradually shrivel up and disappear over time.

Hope this helps!


2007-04-13 09:13:32 · answer #1 · answered by Chalice 7 · 3 1

He'll be woozy after the anesthetic. our collie would find it difficult to walk on wooden floors after operations so would kind of ice skate across the kitchen (and he had a few as he was always getting into scrapes, clumsy old thing)

He may be a little sore, wouldn't you? some vets will give the dog a shot of pain killer which will slow release for the first 24 hours to help with this. You can ask if your vet will do this.

The vet will most likely give him a funnel collar to stop him licking the wound for the first few days. our dog would run at door ways to break it off so watch for that (he learnt this trick from having one so often)

The castration is a very simple slice and remove proceedure a small incision is made in the scrotum and the testicles are removed through this slit. the slit is then either stitched or glued up. The scrotum sack shrivels, as there is nothing to fill it.

It shouldn't be too bad, just make sure when you bring him home that he has a warm comfy place to lie and lots of love. Make sure to ask the vet how long to leave it before he can eat again as often times anesthetics can make dogs feel sick, so food just comes right back up.

2007-04-13 09:17:47 · answer #2 · answered by Homily 1 · 0 1

BAD things about neutering your dog: None of the fallowing is true and is based off myths and opinions and is NOT supported by real vets or the vet schools - Increased risk for osteosarcoma (bone cancer) when neutered before 1 year of age. - Increased risk for cardiac hemangiosarcoma - Increased risk for hypothyroidism - Increased risk for progressive geriatric cognitive impairment - Increased risk for obesity - Increased risk for prostate cancer - Increased risk for urinary tract cancers - Increased risk for orthopedic disorders - Increased risk for adverse reactions to vaccinations There are NO cons what so ever to getting a dog spayed or neutered, all this BS sprouted up shortly after the anti spay\neuter nutters started to crawl out of the wood work. Dogs and casts have been spayed and neutered at 8-9 weeks for the last thirty years and none of this has been proven true Neuter your damn dog, there is no reason to wait unless you believe this nonsense.

2016-05-19 17:42:37 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Male dogs recover quicker then bitches.He will be tired and sore when he comes home after the operation and will need to be kept warm and quiet.After a couple of days he should be back to normal more or less,he may be a bit sore sitting down but nothing major.Well done for having him neutered.

2007-04-13 09:13:28 · answer #4 · answered by Heavenly20 4 · 0 1

He might be a little sore but not much also the vet might put one of those lampshade type collars on for a few days. It is many years since I have had a male dog but he was neuterd and was a much nicer dog for it. Just keep him quiet until the sedation wears off then he will be fine.

2007-04-13 09:12:56 · answer #5 · answered by Betti N 4 · 0 1

Do not let him lick the area were the incision was made,if he starts you may have to get a E-collar form your vet,that's the lamp shade collar so he can't lick. Your dog could develop a hematoma,that's were your dogs testicle area will fill with fuild,it will swell,sometimes if swelling doesn't go down with rest and antibiotics . Hope he does well,lot's of mommy hug's and kisses he'll be fine...

2007-04-13 09:25:04 · answer #6 · answered by girlsputnik 1 · 0 1

Of course he'll be sore, but he probably won't show it, I don't remember either of my dogs seeming to be in pain. He will be very tired to begin with but that will wear off by the next day. Then after it's all healed he'll be a fantastic pet because he won't be responsible for any unwanted puppies! Congratulations for that.

2007-04-13 09:23:18 · answer #7 · answered by ♥ Divine ♥ 6 · 0 1

i had my springer done 4 wks a go and hes back to normal he was a bit sore when he first had it done .he had to wear a collar because he caused an infection with licking (we stopped him during the day but the night was a worry) but after wearing the collar for five days he was fine

2007-04-14 08:21:59 · answer #8 · answered by jazz 2 · 0 0

He should be fine within a couple of days.

If you have the financial resources, I'd also consider having him gastropexied while he is under anesthesia. It is a good preventative measure in large breed dogs to protect them from torsion if they bloat. I will forever have my large breed dogs pexied electively when they are spayed or neutered. Ask your vet about it. Good luck with the surgery!

2007-04-13 09:17:22 · answer #9 · answered by Daphne 2 · 0 1

Yep. He will probably lay around for a couple of days. For the most part just let him be but a few extra treats are always nice. After that he should be back to his normal self.

2007-04-13 09:15:53 · answer #10 · answered by rragsdaleii 3 · 0 1

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