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do you think they are wrong?
would you ever marry one?
what are your thoughts toward people who are atheist?
feel free to say whatever is on your mind!!!!!!
thank you!

2007-04-13 08:15:28 · 32 answers · asked by sandy 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

I find my faith a comfort in life and cannot imagine going through unexplainable circumstances without it, so I do not understand how one copes with difficult situations without faith. I would rather not condemn a person who is atheist. I would render my opinion upon meeting them. I believe that an atheist can be just as moral as any other person with beliefs, just without faith. I also have known a lo t of atheists who tend to make it their job to disprove my beliefs. I can understand someone not agreeing with me, but everyone should be given respect toward their personal convictions.I do not think I could marry an atheist, b/c I think that a shared faith in a marriage is priceless. However, I could marry a man who believes in God, but does not follow organized religion, as long as we agreed morally.

2007-04-13 08:44:43 · answer #1 · answered by Krissi 4 · 0 0

Atheists are people, too.

Wrong is a subjective term.
Are they wrong in attitude, are they wrong in outlook, are they wrong in some physical way.
I cannot provide a suitable answer.
Please restate the question.

I am married to one.

My thoughts towards people who are atheist are the same as my thoughts towards people who are not.
Unless I'm going to start paying $300 for an hourly consultation, we do not need to plumb the depths of my psychopathology here.

I would like to like freely express myself, but I think that it would be inadvisable.
We neither have the space, nor the time, for me to provide a full discourse on the mental 'chatter' that is going on as a routine operation in my mind.
It would probably be entertaining, but the soul of wit is brevity, so I shall decline your kind request.

Oh. no. Thank you.
It has been a pleasure to take a moment from my otherwise hectic schedule to answer your question.


2007-04-13 08:29:20 · answer #2 · answered by Orac 4 · 0 0

I hate the assumtion that people who are atheist run around killing animals and sacrafice small children. I do not believe in a higher power and I am an upstanding individual like any god-believing person. Saying that someone who does not belive in god is a bad person or anything different with out first truly knowing that person is rediculous. A white person can't say that they hate black people anymore, so why is it still ok for a religious person to hate a nonreligious person? Atheist does not in any way, shape, or form mean devil worshiper. In order to believe in the devil you must believe in god, and I believe in neither. I also think that if you believe in god that is great, but do not tell me I am wrong and try to change my opinion, unless you are willing to hear my point of view as well. If you are someone who is easily offended when it comes to relgion- then do not try converting people, you will just get offended.

2007-04-13 08:26:23 · answer #3 · answered by Dani 2 · 3 0

Some of worst and some of the best people are atheists. Some of the worse and some of the best people are Christians. Some of the worse and some of the best people are Muslim. Some of the worse and some of the best people are Pagan. Some of the worse and some of the best people are Jews. Some of the worse and some of the best people are Hindu. Some of the worse and some of the best people are Buddhist.

I could go on, but you should have understood the point by now.

2007-04-13 08:21:37 · answer #4 · answered by Terry 7 · 2 0

I am a Christian and therefore, I believe in GOD and think that they are wrong. I am married to a Christian and therefore, I will not marry anyone at this point in time. My wife and I are very happy as Christians and with one another. I feel that Atheists do not believe in GOD and the I do believe in GOD. Besides that I also believe that there are a number of Atheists who are quite bright and know more about religion than a number of Biblical Scholars. Have a great weekend and a wonderful LORD's DAY!

2007-04-13 08:24:18 · answer #5 · answered by Eds 7 · 0 3

I am a theist (non-Christian).

I agree with Atheists on some things and disagree with them on a few things, too. We agree to disagree.

I am married to an Atheist.

I like Atheists just fine. They're just like anyone else (pay their taxes, go to work, and put their pants on one leg at a time), except they don't believe in a deity. IMO, that's not a real big difference - enough to set them apart from the rest of the human race. It's not like they're a different species.

2007-04-13 08:21:41 · answer #6 · answered by swordarkeereon 6 · 4 1

I see athiests as people too. I try not to look at lables and look at people for who they are.

If one wants to discuss with me about religion and it comes out that they are athiest. I think no less of them, I treat them with understanding and sencerity, like I do anyone else.

Many people have given Christianity a bad name because they misinterpret scripture and think that anyone and everyone they meet has to be told of the truth. In a perfect world we'd all be singing God's praises, but the actuality is that people are people and we all have a choice, we all make mistakes and no one is better than another. Sadly again in a perfect world we all would recognize that.

I see opportunities in genuine questions that are asked of me, I do my best to show understanding and without pushing my views, "plant seeds" as Christians should. I have found that God knows the hearts of all, and it is He that brings those who are genuine in their answer seeking will meet paths with those who have the knowledge to answer such questions. That approach is far better than banging someone in the head with Christian morals that non believer's do not understand.
There is a difference between loving someone and being kind to them, than being cruel to be kind to save your own skin.
It is a sad thing, but I do think that many athiests are hardened because of thier bad experiences with Christians, and the same can be said that many Christians leave thier faith because of the works and attitudes of other Christians...
All we can do is our best and set an example, a kind loving gentle sincere example .
Jesus showed me mercy and Grace, I hope that is what I can at least, at the very least show to others.
God BLess your day!
Thanks for the question!

2007-04-13 08:40:09 · answer #7 · answered by ? 3 · 0 1

I don't think they are wrong. Everyone can believe as they wish.

Depends on many things if I would marry one. However their belief would not enter into my decision.

They have a good sense of humor, from what I've seen. They are free thinkers.

2007-04-13 08:20:51 · answer #8 · answered by Janet L 6 · 3 0

They're sexually advanced, yet charming in oh, so many ways.

They're handy to have around in an emergency, because of their cool heads and vast knowledge.

They are the life of the party, sarcastic yet at the same time kind.

I'd certainly marry one. In fact, I'd marry two or three of them, if they were cute enough and willing to tolerate each other's presence.

Contrary to many believers' assumptions, they only kill and eat small children who really deserved it.
Hey NaturalBorn - Congratulations!

2007-04-13 08:24:43 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I think they are good looking and smart. I would marry an atheist in a heart beat.

2007-04-13 08:18:52 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

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