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If your answer is 'yes', can you explain me the point of using the "Hitler was a Christian/Stalin was an atheist" arguments?

2007-04-13 08:06:53 · 20 answers · asked by ? 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

There was a certain Christian on this forum who named himself after an 80's band (for the sake of reference, I'll call him "he-who-shall-be-unnamed") and I deeply hope that I have a totally different view on life than he did. ;o)

I don't know if atheists have anyone they would like to name as a spokesperson, but Christ is really the only person Christians should point to as representative of our faith. Christ is the Only One Who has lived Christianity perfectly. The rest of us do the best we can (hopefully), but we fail. And really, what good does pointing to the worst examples of any religion, race, or belief system do anyone? I'm white. I don't want Don Imus to be a reflection of what it means to be white.

I think Hitler and Stalin are excellent examples of how each belief system can be used for horrible purposes in the wrong hands. Other than that, I don't know what use it is to look to them for anything.

2007-04-13 09:24:34 · answer #1 · answered by Contemplative Chanteuse IDK TIRH 7 · 2 0

The answer is yes. As an atheist, I never use the "Hitler was a Christian" argument to prove that Christianity is bad, but will often pull it out to confront someone with the foolish idea that all Christians are good people, and that Christianity doesn't allow for errors in judgement. There are some bad Christians, and Hitler was the worst. I'm sure that as I type this, others are typing about how ou are wrong, Hitler was an atheist. They are wrong. Hitler was a devout Christian, wrote that he was "doing the work of the lord" by "defending [him]self against the Jew," and had an early deisre to be an abbot. And saying he was a bad Christian doesn't work, because he followed the scriptures exactly, eliminating the heathens and the antichrist justas the bible prescribes.
I don't actually know whether Stalin was an atheist (I've heard conflicting accounts), but remember that atheism is not an organized religion and therefroe its followers have very diverse views. The behavior of one atheist is less indicative of of other atheists than the behavior of one Christian is of other Christians, who are supposed to follow the same moral codes.

2007-04-13 08:18:22 · answer #2 · answered by Dan X 4 · 0 0

The real question is, how well do they understand and follow their faith/religion. A Christian who is a nominal Christian (goes to church on sundays but has not have Christ at the center of his life) is not a Christian at all... they don't know God. A Christian who out of love (not fear, social pressure or self pacification) serves God, because he knows God's character and rejoices in serving God... is a true Christian. These two individuals could very well see life from a different point of view... to one relativism and humanism will be appealing, to the other some absolutes will exist along with spiritualism.

I am sorry I could not answer in the framework you indicated... I answered "yes" meaning they have the same religion but your comment attributes Hitler as Christian and Stalin as an Atheist. They are not the same religion or ideology, so I am not sure how that example would apply to a "yes" answer.

2007-04-13 08:21:21 · answer #3 · answered by DoorWay 3 · 0 0

nicely, they'd not have the top same non secular reward, for the reason that the advantages they suspect in is diverse. for example. The Jew might have the delight of understanding that he did many mitzvots, and did his best to fulfill the regulation. he will additionally be fulfilled in understanding that interior the time to come again, he would be with G-d interior the Messianic age. The Hindu, as a replace, would be finding forward to a extra powerful place interior the Karmic chain, he would not care relating to the Messianic age. It would not result him and he reaps no rewards from the promise of it, including wish. The Buddhist might have gained extra wisdom and escaped suffering it is existence. He would not think of relating to the tenets of the two Hinduism or Judaism, as a replace he's extra actualized. The atheist only constructive factors delight in understanding he lead a sturdy existence. there is not any genuine wish or cycles in touch for him. See what I propose? upload: even if if there is not any deity, it is going to nonetheless have a diverse result on them, spiritually. wish for the subsequent existence as against no choose for the subsequent existence, as against delight is a distinction, and a bankable one so a techniques as the way it effects them spiritually.

2016-10-22 02:07:53 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Absolutely, why do you think there are so many different christian denominations? Why are there two different sects of Islam? Why are there two different kinds of Buddhism and like 5,000 different kinds of Hinduism? I do not know what you mean by the Hitler/Stalin argument so I cannot explain it.

2007-04-13 08:12:13 · answer #5 · answered by gerafalop 7 · 0 0

My answer is yes, but the Hitler and Stalin escapes always upset me, so I did not choose to study those. I hope someone offers a satisfactory explanation.

2007-04-13 08:22:49 · answer #6 · answered by 1985 & going strong 5 · 0 0

Yes! A Pagan friend of mine was shocked and totally disagreed, in a very verbose way, when I said I was one with the universe.

Oh and I didn't use Hitler or Stalin examples because I didn't know them. I not that old.... yet....

2007-04-13 08:14:42 · answer #7 · answered by Janet L 6 · 0 0

Yes. There's no consensus among "carnal" people.
Carnal people are "them" who "oppose themselves".
Them -vs- Them have "division" by their Law -vs- Law.
Grace Us people have "peace", rather than "division".
That's why grace us people are called body of "Christ".

"Jesus": "division" and not peace: Mt 10:34; Lk 12:51
"Christ": "peace" and not dividead: Jn 14:27; Eph 2:14
MARK & AVOID them which cause DIVISION: Rom 16
To wit: "that God" was in "Christ" reconcililng the world.
(that God was not in Jesus dividing & alienating world)

Both the old and new "twelve" were like a hung jury.
They could never agree, due to the sons of thunder.
Said "sons" notably moved ten to pt of "indignation".

Of "Judas" it's notably said he "also betrayed him".
So it's pretty obvious others of the twelve did too.
Peter betrayed thrice, twice, in and out the gates.
That's why God chose Saul to be Paul The Apostle.
Saul more zealous for law; But when Paul for grace.

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

2007-04-13 08:42:37 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


The argument is an ethical appeal based on the identity of the person being sighted, and is a logical fallacy.

Note: An ethical appeal is not actually about ethics, but is an argument based on the identity and reputation of a person. Thank you.

2007-04-13 08:13:09 · answer #9 · answered by Lao Pu 4 · 0 0

Hitler wasn't a Christian, he was a "good Catholic". Whether the church wants to step up and admit this or not--until the turning point of WW2, many Catholics hated Jews (as my devout Great Grandmother stubbornly did) because they blamed them for Jesus' death. I think that is dumb, because it was the Romans who physically killed him, and most Italians are very Catholic!! Talk about double-standard. Anyway, untli the end of WW2, it was popular for Catholics to "hate" Jews.
BTW, I am NOT Catholic, and I am not anti-semetic or anti-Jew or whatever, for the record.

2007-04-13 08:12:47 · answer #10 · answered by Lisa 6 · 0 0

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