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Don't tell me all the times I get a thumbs down from a good response that includes the fact I'm an atheist are not from Christians. They make up more than 60%... maybe 75% of this board. I have also noticed that Pagans and Wiccans get thumbs downs from good responses when their admit their spiritual stance.

So what's the deal guys? Are you all hypocrites? Should you really be judging others' responses? And if you think it acceptable to give thumbs ups/downs, why do you do so based on religion?

Not to generalize, but you TOTALLY know who you are.
Note: In this question, if you are Christian I will give you a thumbs up or thumbs down based on how good your ANSWER is, not my beliefs.

2007-04-13 07:49:37 · 46 answers · asked by dmlk2 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Sorry to sound like a whiney asshat but it wasn't really me I cared about. I was trying to make a point that when looking through questions on this board I have noticed that people get graded not on their questions, but their beliefs.
Case in point: there was question last week asking people what their religion was, to get a sort of idea of the people on the board. People who wrote in with "Atheist" would get thumbs down... wtf? That has nothing to do with bad answers, as it answered the question exactly. I find it sad, really.

So anyway, thanks for the responses... good and bad. It brings a bloody tear to my eye to see people aren't above telling others to stop acting like a b*tch. Thanks.

2007-04-13 11:57:37 · update #1

46 answers

That was me..sorry

2007-04-13 07:51:52 · answer #1 · answered by poseidenneptune 5 · 3 1

I give a thumbs up or down based on how good the answer is to the question asked. If the question asks for an answer based on the religion the person is, and a person who is not that religion answers with a comment that doesn't answer it - that would be thumbs down. If the question asks for a comment based on the persons own religion or beliefs, then that's a personal opinion, I do not rate those.
If a person is snide, rude, or blatantly hateful, that would be a thumbs down as it doesn't even address the question.

You know - athiests and non-believers often postulate that Christians are brainwashed and follow like blind sheep. This is an example of that - but not from the Chistian side. We are exhorted to "judge not". That infers that we cannot CONDEMN anyone for their actions. It doesn't mean we can't point out that their actions are wrong. I can point out to my brother that stealing is wrong - that doesn't mean I am condemning or judging him. Just the same for answers. If someone thinks the answer is wrong, based on a belief or opinion, it's not a judgement - it's a statement of truth OR an opinion based on what he or she knows. How would we ever come to learn about each other or grown in wisdom and experience if we don't discuss what is before our eyes? How can true love and understanding grow if we cloister our views inside us without debate or discussion?

Isn't that - after all - what this board is SUPPOSE to be about?

blessings :)

2007-04-13 07:59:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It don't matter what YOU think Or say.
read the rules
I have every right to judge the quality, content and structure of any answer.
I have a christian bias not religious.
I can not conceive your view as an atheist.
Something has put this universal mess in some order.
Or at least set magical rules to keep it from falling apart.
PS : :
I consider this a silly question,,, thumbs down,, but you see,, I can't do that now.
Too bad you think every ones picking on you Charlie Brown.
Is a change of attitude in Order? Just maybe 'your' wrong?

2007-04-13 08:10:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I am a christian and I don't put people down, I try to help them if a question offends me I don't feel the need to answer it by telling them they are going to h**** or whatever I simply do not answer the question. I think it is up to God to judge, not me and I think Judge not lest ye be not judged is pretty much Live and let live

2016-05-19 17:24:32 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I found this and just had to answer. Please keep in mind I'm not judging anyone or anything by my comments.

It's been in my experiance that there are hypocrites everywhere. Whether christian, pagan, or atheist. I've seen it all first hand. We unfortunately judge people and things at times without even realizing it. I have even caught myself doing so. What I do is when I realise that I am judging someone reguardless of why is ask myself why I am doing it in the first place . I know that their truth and reasons are differant than mine. Thinking this way keeps my mind open to anything. this includes mis-understood comments, beliefs, or views of the world around me.

I think if more people did this there would be alot less BS going on about this person or that person reguardless of anyones beliefs or lifestyle. In case you haven't noticed I have declined putting in what my own beliefs system is at this point. I am not ashamed of it but I wanted people to read this first.

To answer one's question yes I am pagan and new on my path. I have found a new respect for things and people in general in learning what I have learned. I have a wonderful group of friends and extended family. They have all taught me alot.

2007-04-13 08:15:47 · answer #5 · answered by jadebird 2 · 1 0

I get thumbs down all the time for being a Christian and I've actually had a question deleted asking Atheists a question. I've had Atheists sending me email messages telling me off because of my faith. You know what, we're all people, some of us good, some of us bad. I have no problem with Atheists but do get upset by the same thing you get upset about....being preached to and having somebody telling me I'm wrong for what I believe in. I respect all people, regardless of their beliefs. My father was an Atheist. I loved him dearly and do not believe he's in hell. He had a good heart and was a good, loving man. I also have many friends who are Atheists, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, etc..

Can't we all just get along? Peace to all.

2007-04-13 08:00:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Sometimes there are people out here who are truly searching, and when you give your advice that could hurt them then we have to give you a thumbs down. We all have to stand before the Lord one day, and give an account for what we believe, do, say, see, or hear. If we see that it is wrong then we have to stand up for what is right. We are not judging the person, but the answer.

2007-04-13 08:00:45 · answer #7 · answered by salvation 5 · 0 0

I hear what you're saying...believe me, I really do. There is defiantly a negative trend in the Christian community that is very judgmental; however, it is a human trait to by judgmental, not just a Christian one.

You actually answered your own question by quoting Matthew 7, verse 1; however, this verse is often misunderstood as meaning "don't judge people." If humanity is truly free of judgment, then we would have absolutely no standards for morality or law since to have either would be judging those who won't abide by those morals and laws. When I give someone a "thumbs down" for being a pedophile or a terrorist, am I not completely justified in doing so? Some people deserve negative assessment for their actions and behaviors. For instance, you are completely justified in calling self-righteous Christians "hypocrites."

I think most people agree that Martin Luther King was a good man (and a Christian). When he said that he dreamed of a day when "all God's children would be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character," he was still implying that some standard of measuring the worth of others would be applied. He never said "don't judge me man!"

Although Christians can often be negatively judgmental in practice, as you pointed out, to do so is to be in violation of their own scriptural teachings. Many religions encourage being judgmental as part of the religion's doctrine. This is especially true of Islam. Again (not being judgmental), I'm not saying that ALL Muslims are this way; however, it is in the Qur'an. Take verse 5:51: “O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends.” Muhammad himself encouraged his followers to murder anyone who left Islam in the Hadith: “Any person who has changed his religion, kill him.” (Al-Bukhari, Vol. 9, p. 45).

This is one of my primary problems with religion and the notion of "religious toleration." How can anyone be expected to tolerate someone who they believe is going to hell? They can pretend to be tolerant of them, but in truth, they don't. One also is being intellectually dishonest to claim that they believe in all religions. Many religions directly contradict other religions. It is impossible to believe them all. My suggestion is that if you MUST subscribe to a religion, make it a purely personal matter and not a public one. The problem with this approach is that the most vocal people are usually also the most crazy (go to Deerborne Michigan some time). To be silent in the face of fanaticism is the same as to condone it.

2007-04-13 08:16:13 · answer #8 · answered by godofsparta 2 · 0 0

I rarely give thumbs down. That's the truth. Christian here, but I also get thumbs down for no understandable reason, not only on R&S, but everywhere. Some people just get in the mood to ruin someone's day in a sneaky, cowardly way.

2007-04-13 08:07:28 · answer #9 · answered by Nels 7 · 1 0

if it bothers you stop posting questions on the religion section. ups or downs just means, whoever read the question or an answer disapproves with the person's idea. today I gave to thumbs up to 2 people by mistake. in something that is important to me. I meant to give them downs, what they answered I thought was very wrong. I tried to fix it but was unable to. the thumbs up I gave by mistake today had to do with beliefs. alot of the stuff I see here in the religion section I think and believe to be disrespectful not to me but to God. at times I tend to take offense so I do not hang out in one category alone.

2007-04-13 08:06:21 · answer #10 · answered by ? 5 · 1 0

I have given thumbs-downs to atheist because judging other is not hypocritical to my belief. Of course, I try not to judge people with a closed mind.

2007-04-13 08:01:55 · answer #11 · answered by ShanShui 4 · 0 0

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