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I am Christian, but my relgion does not sit there and say that homosexuals are trying to take over, or that they are an abomonation to God, and need to be stopped...

thats rediculous, they are just people, trying to live their lives in the way that makes them happy...

and, why even bother to do anything about it?? if they really are an abomination, as people say, than God would deal with it, you have no right to judge, or take action against them

2007-04-13 07:44:16 · 24 answers · asked by Liz 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

just to add a few details

Im not gay, so Im not asking for myself, Ive just seen some of the questions and answers on here...

and yes, Ive read the bible, just because something is a sin, doesnt mean the sinner is an abomination (unless they are murderes and rapists) everyone sins, we all have temptaions we need to work through. its no one else's business

2007-04-13 07:54:04 · update #1

24 answers

it's probably seen as an abomination to god because homosexuals can't breed due to the same sex

now days we have ways of gay couples to have kids (donor sperm etc)

but back in those ages, the only way to breed would be via hetrosexual intercourse, and being homosexual would prevent breeding

so the priests and all that who compiled the bible probably worried that homosexuality would cause the human race to die out and wanted to prevent it..

that's just a theory... but it makes more sense than "god said it's bad"

2007-04-15 13:49:40 · answer #1 · answered by TedRoy 5 · 0 0

No one (inside or outside the church) has the right to demean those, or discriminate against those, who have homosexual inclinations and tendencies.

That said, homosexual activity is a seriously disordered behavior that is destructive and demeaning to the individual, and destructive to the fabric of society, simply because if it's own inherant nature.

By their blatant attempts to get others to accept these abominations as normal and healthy, which they are not, homosexual groups have succeeded in polarizing the issue, but they will never be able to turn their lies into God's truth, no matter how hard they try, or how loudly they demonstrate.

The homosexual issue is not at all like the civil rights movement, where an entire race of human beings was descriminated against, simply due to skin color.

Homosexuals choose to engage in seriously disordered and abberant behavior, and such actions will always have negative social consequences.

Most people have a sense of propriety, and at least try to keep their personal sins private, acknowledging the error of their ways, and hoping to eventually overcome their sin, by the grace of God, and with the assent of their will.

Blatant and unapologetic homosexuals want to operate under their own rules, and that is where the real problem really lies, as God deals with sin in the very same way, for everyone.

Without contrition and true repentance ... there can be no forgiveness of sin.

It has always been so ... even when Satan and his angels fell from grace.

Homosexual behavior has been proven to be damaging to society, time and time again, throughout all of history.

That's why good people must stand against it, just as we are all called to stand up against evil of every kind.

Failure to do so would be foolish and cowardly, and it would also constitute a sin of omission.

Quit kidding yourself.

This is a serious problem. It's been with us for thousands of years, and it's not going to simply disappear.

2007-04-13 15:29:58 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

VERY well said. I answered a question a bit ago about how to love your neighbor as yourself if the neighbor was a different religion.

Christ taught that what we do to "the least of these" we do to him. The parable of the Good Samaratin showed that despite vast difference, we must look beyond them and do what is right.

By saying that homosexuals are an abomination, we presume to judge them when that is not the way Christians are supposed to be (I'm not a Christian, by the way). I firmly believe that homosexuality (and no, I'm not asking for a debate from anyone here, this is MY belief from a medical standpoint) is at least partially genetic and if that is the truth, then how can God's own creation be an abomination to it?

Regardless, we are to show one another compassion and love, justice and mercy (Micah 6:8), THAT is what God expects of us.

Although we have no verifiable words from Jesus, none that were written by him, we do have at least some assurances from his apostles that his message for humans was one of love. Christianity is a wide-spread and interestingly varied religion and as easy as it would be to judge everyone based upon the actions of some, that in itself would be wrong. Just as it's wrong to judge another based upon their sexual orientation.

Do we judge the hermaphrodite for being gay if they appear to be a woman but are attracted to women? Or the one who appears to be masculine but is attracted to men? Did God not make them that way? The message of love and compassion has long been lost by many who wish to monopolize the Christian faith (money's a great god, isn't it?) and control others.

People who make a living (Christ said to turn from the ways of the flesh and to give up all worldy goods) terrorizing people and taking their money, are more of an abomination and scourge to society than any homosexual could ever be.

Sounds like you're one Christian that has the message of Jesus down pat.



2007-04-13 14:52:52 · answer #3 · answered by Tat2dNrse 3 · 0 0

Should you actually be real and you actually think that way, spread it around if you can. Put it in a jar and market it. Rational intelligent thought from some one who claims to be christian. This may sound a little sarcastic, but I am sure you have read at least some of what has been written here - in the name of god - whomever that may be. The bible says a man who lies with a man is an abomination, but then it was put in a section that has much to do with health - there is no mention of lifestyle. A man lieing with a man can get an infection - even bacterial not AIDS - that he can infect whom ever he sleeps with. 4000 years ago that made sense. Medicine has improved a bit since then. Please spread your thought processes as far and wide as you can.

2007-04-13 14:59:14 · answer #4 · answered by bocasbeachbum 6 · 2 0

If your religion does not act like that, then why is a Christian leader such as Reverend Jerry Falwell saying things like this:

"[homosexuals are] brute beasts...part of a vile and satanic system [that] will be utterly annihilated, and there will be a celebration in heaven." Jerry Falwell: Quoted in Jim Hill and Rand Cheadle, "The Bible Tells Me So", Anchor Books (1996), Pages 69-70

Or, why is another Christian leader such as Reverend Pat Robertson saying things like this:

"Many of those people involved with Adolph Hitler were Satanists, many of them were homosexuals--the two things seem to go together."--Pat Robertson, "The 700 Club," 1/21/93

2007-04-13 14:51:34 · answer #5 · answered by SB 7 · 0 1

I agree with a poster above: I believe religion is being used to support bigotry.

I Corinthians 6:9 reads "male prostitutes", not "homosexuals". There is a difference between the two.

I like the part about Sodom and Gomorrah; I thought Mosaic Law did not apply to Christians.

2007-04-13 14:57:49 · answer #6 · answered by The Doctor 7 · 2 0

How can you say you are a Christian and don't believe God's Word? It is God's Word that calls homosexuals a abomination not Christians. We are to give them the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ dying on the cross for their sins. Homosexual acts are a sin not only against God but also a sin against nature. Romans 1: 24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Romans 1: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. Romans 1: 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: Romans 1: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. Romans 1: 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

2007-04-13 14:59:53 · answer #7 · answered by Ray W 6 · 1 2

Because people are hypocrites who fail to read and study their religion fully.

A good explanation of what I mean: "I dislike this terminology more than any I hear the organized church spout off. They say it so piously and they have no idea what they are talking about. Nowhere do I find the idea of "love the sinner, hate the sin" in scripture. What I do find is this:

If anyone says, "I love God," but hates a Christian brother or sister, that person is a liar; for if we don't love people we can see, how can we love God, whom we have not seen?
--1 John 4:20
You cannot hate and love at the same time. It is that bitter and sweet water that should not flow from the same fountain that James 3:10 talks about. You may say you love someone but your actions are the bitter or sweet water (blessing and cursing) that prove your words.

Sin is disobedience to God. It is a heart attitude; you know that thing (evil thoughts) on the inside no one can see. Jesus said that it is the abundance of the heart that controls what we do. We can cover it up with false words but eventually what we really feel with come out. I might see you do something I think is wrong but that doesn't make me better than you are. You may see me do things you would never do but that doesn't mean you are better than I am.
...Pointing the finger at another person and saying you hate what they are doing is never neutralized by saying, `but I luv' ya.' Give me a break. God is love, not condemnation. Life has to be reflected off that love to be effective. If you really love someone, you don't make a big deal about what they are doing. Homosexuals are the most hated and feared group of people on earth. Most Christians say they love but just let that word 'gay' come up and a wall (log) comes with it that shuts off love and the understanding that comes with it.

God loves us, not because of what we do but because he sees something in you and me that is worth loving. That something isn't Jesus because God sent Jesus because he already loved us. What he sees is his own spirit, which he breathed into mankind on the day of creation. That spirit never dies.

...If I get hung up on someone else's shortcomings, I can't see my own. It is that simple. I could tell the person who criticizes me that I hate the way they are acting but I really love them. Do I? No, because love never notices when others do it wrong.

The best thing I can do is to love others with a pure heart, fervently, and mind my own business."


2007-04-13 15:05:40 · answer #8 · answered by jenn_smithson 6 · 1 1

Yes, what right do we have to take God's place when he is judge of all. No right, because Jesus was killed by the self-righteous and was not threatened by anyone else at all. The abomination was surely the hypocrisy of the religious

2007-04-13 14:51:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

They say that because a certain political party (which shall remain nameless) has been spending millions of dollars on propaganda campaigns designed to shift the popular focus from administrative failures and the loss of personal freedoms to a non-issue.

2007-04-13 14:52:28 · answer #10 · answered by NONAME 7 · 2 0

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