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I just became curious about this,I wanted to know if a Christian or A Born Again Christian can get divorved?It doesn't make sense to me why the bible says you can't because what if you fall out of love with someone?Or you realize your not as in love with the person you married as you were when you married him/her?I also don't get why the only good reason for divorce is adultry?I mean Ok..in a Womens case what if a guy beats her?It's wrong for her to leave and want to divorce the guy doing it?I believe in God and everything I'm a Christian myself I just don't understand why Divorce is so wrong in the eyes of God thats all.

2007-04-13 07:43:04 · 14 answers · asked by Diana 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

Only if his/her partner cheats on him/her.

2007-04-13 07:48:58 · answer #1 · answered by ShineAsIlluminatorsInTheWorld 3 · 1 1

Think in terms of vows being commitments before God. That's why God joins the couple together, not the minister. I think there are times when a divorce is permissible (such as the case of protecting the children or abuse). But I have not figured out whether remarriage is considered the same as adultery as there are many references to this fact in the Bible.

Jesus stated that divorce for adultery is acceptable. But does that mean a person is free to remarry? I don't know.

In terms of your other questions, I don't know the answer to that either.

I know that many wonderful Christians have divorced and remarried. But only God should judge whether it's right or wrong.

But I do know that this is why a pastor always states that entering into a marriage should not be taken lightly. As brides we get caught up in the focus on the wedding instead of the marriage.

2007-04-13 07:54:07 · answer #2 · answered by Searcher 7 · 1 0

Yes, a Christian can get divorced. Though Jesus quite clearly states that divorce is not part of God's intention for marriage, it is biblically permitted because of the hardness of our hearts. This basically means that while divorce is always wrong, there are times when the evil caused by keeping the marriage together is greater than the evil caused by a divorce. Such cases are what make the divorce provision necessary.

And, the Bible is quite clear that with a certificate of divorce in hand, remarriage is permitted.

2007-04-13 08:05:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous Lutheran 6 · 0 0

God created marriage, between a man and a woman as the foundation for society, and also as a metaphor showing Christ's relationship with the church. Christ wouldn't forsake us, so we shouldn't forsake each other in marriage. Of course sin is a reality, and people to become abusive, and commit adultery, along with a host of other evils. During the time when Levitical law was in place, solutions existed for these problems. An adulterer was put to death, so no divorce was needed. There were strong penalties for abuse, so a deterrent for abuse existed. Now our laws reflect the sin-sickness of mankind. Adultery is not punished, neither is abuse. So, divorce has become common.

Just because a practice is common, doesn't make it right. Divorce is not right. But, because our laws favor the destruction of family through adultery and abuse, some remedy is needed. My personal opinion, backed up by the Bible, is that it is better to separate than to divorce. If you have no choice but divorce, you must remain unmarried. I know this sounds harsh, but we as Christians need to live differently than the world.

2007-04-13 07:56:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There are situations when Christians do get divorced. Yes, God does frown on divorce, but I don't think that God would want anyone to stay in a marriage that was filled with violence, or where the marriage was not Spirit filled. I am a Christian and I was married for a little over 3 years, but my husband ended up being very abusive, and plus his parents(especially his mother) got involved in the marriage. He let his parents tell him what to do. I wanted the marriage to work, but it was his parents that told him to divorce me, and he was the one to file for the divorce. If Christians do get divorced, I do believe that God will forgive them, and give them another chance.

2007-04-13 07:54:17 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Sure, they can, and do with amazing alacrity.

As far as the Biblically correct behavior, God came up with the rules, who am i to argue?

On the other hand, most Christians who divorce, do so, without taking the Bible (or God , for that matter), into consideration; while, conversely, many people who should have terminated a marriage for safety's sake are erroneously encouraged or mandated to stay in them.

To understand why divorce is so wrong in God's eyes, you have to consider his orginal purpose: happy, godly spouses, raising happy godly children, to be productive members of a church body, but also of the societies they lived in, and ultimately the world. To reveal God in his true light to the same world.

(My area of experience and knowledge is not the Catholic Church. Just so you know.)

Hope that helps!

2007-04-13 07:57:19 · answer #6 · answered by 1985 & going strong 5 · 0 0

The sacrament of Matrimony, once perfected, remains binding on a couple until the death of one of the spouses.

Divorce (permanent legal separation) presents no real problem, but remarriage after civil divorce does, as there is no provision in God's law to dissolve an existent sacramental marriage bond that was properly entered into by both parties, and replace it with another ... for any reason whatsoever.

2007-04-13 08:46:02 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Bible does not say that adultery is the only reason for divorce. It says that divorce for any reason but marital infidelity makes the woman an adulteress.

Points - 1) marital infidelity needs not be limited to sexual acts. Abuse is another form of infidelity.

2) If you accept that it is sin, divorce is no more wrong than any other sin - and it is forgivable.

So yes, a christian can get divorced.

2007-04-13 07:49:56 · answer #8 · answered by awayforabit 5 · 1 1

Divorce is what caused England to split from the Catholic Church; creating the Prodestant reformation. The Catholic Church still is against Divorse. Christopher West, author of "Good News about Sex and Marriage" writes this:

"Q13. Why doesn’t the Church get with the times and admit that some marriages don’t work?

It’s obvious to everyone, including the Church, that some marriages “don’t work out.” As mentioned earlier, in serious circumstances the Church even encourages separation of “bed and board.” But this is very different from accepting divorce.

It’s hard to overestimate the importance that the Church places on defending the permanence of marriage. History tells the tale of entire nations separating from the Catholic Church because of disputes over this point.

Why is the Church so obstinate? Because marriage is where human and divine love “kiss.” To diminish in any way the permanence of married love is to diminish the permanence of God’s love. As a sacrament, marriage is a true participation in the love of Christ for his Bride, the Church.

If we truly understand this, to admit divorce is to say in the same breath that Christ has left eh Church. IMPOSSIBLE! Christ will never, ever abandon his Bride (we Christians). This is what’s at stake. But we’re not God, people say. How can we love as Christ loves?

On our own we cannot. But “with God all things are possible” . It’s no coincidence that these words of Christ from the Gospel of Matthew appear shortly after Christ’s teaching on the permanence of marriage . When Christ’s disciples learned what the permanence of marriage demanded of them, they though it would be better not to marry at all . Jesus responded, “Not all men can receive this precept, but only those to whom it is given”

To whom is this teaching on the permanence of marriage given? To men and women who remain slaves to their weaknesses? No! To men and women who have been given the power to love as Christ loves through the Holy Spirit!

This is the GOOD NEWS of the gospel. Christ’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit . This means husbands and wives can love one another as Christ loves.

What’s at stake in the permanence of marriage is really a question of faith. Do we believe in the good news of the gospel, or don’t we? Do we believe it’s possible to love another as Christ loves, or don’t we? To admit the possibility of divorce is to say that Christ cannot save us from our sin. Woes to the Church if she were to ever say such a thing. The permanence of marriage is an objective reality to which the Church must bear witness if she is to tell the truth."

2007-04-13 07:55:09 · answer #9 · answered by Giggly Giraffe 7 · 1 0

You can get a civil divorce if need be to protect yourself or your children from abuse, or to protect your assets (you live in a community property state and your spouse is a compulsive gambler who is destroying your nest egg). HOWEVER, a civil divorce does NOT change your marital status in the eyes of God! Jesus said it is adultery to "remarry" after divorce.

2007-04-13 07:53:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

No, basically because in the Sacrament of Matrimony, the priest says a line like "what God has put together, Man cannot divide". To divorce is to undermine God, and in that way, violate the first commandment. "Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain."

Hence Marriage is a big thing, and alot of thought, counselling has to be put in before actually getting hitched.

2007-04-13 07:48:02 · answer #11 · answered by elijin77 1 · 3 1

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