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Aren't athiest religious in a sense that they choose to believe in something when they believe in nothing? They BELIEVE that there is no God and no need for religion but isn't belief in SOMETHING a part of religion? I once met this guy who was athiest and if you mearly mentioned anything about religion he would try to discredit you and tell you the reasons why you should NOT believe in God or any religion. However, I did not sit there and try to beat into his head the reasons why he should believe. I respected his views in why he believed there is no God but he had no right to question my beliefs and question the reasons why I believed if I did not question his. Why is it so wrong for me to believe in a positive entity that I find inspirational and motivating. I turn to prayer for its healing powers and for the healing powers of others. Why must you attack my beliefs if I respect yours?

2007-04-13 07:08:00 · 23 answers · asked by JNCDGYA 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

i know they need a good dictionary. =o)

2007-04-13 07:11:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

No, athiest don't believe in what religion is, an organized group who preaches about stuff no one has ever seen or probably will ever see. An athiest believes in what religion isn't. Concrete, believable evidence.

Religion was something man created long ago to control people with. Fear of the unknown is pretty powerful. Spirituality is really where it's at. You don't have to belong to a church to be spiritual. Just because someone stands in the middle of the garage, that don't make them a car. Some of the worst bloodiest wars have been over religion, or as I like to say "an imaginary friend". Your friend not believing in religion is not in itself a form of religion, its simply a preference or belief. I believe in life after death, but that doesn't mean I'm religious. But at the same time, he shouldn't push his beliefs onto you either. Next time tell him to please not talk about it.

2007-04-13 07:19:32 · answer #2 · answered by Mysteri O 3 · 2 0

What do you mean take it out of?

Are you talking about money and the pledge?

People of good conscience of ALL FAITHS feel that changing the motto of the United States from E Pluribus Unum (Out of Many, One) to In God we Trust was disrespectful to the founding fathers, especially since it was done as part of an american fascist movement called McCarthyism. McCarthyism is a dark chapter in our history, Joe McCarthy has been called "the little Hitler" by historians and similarly drawn parallels. He was a scary man.

Getting rid of things he and his followers are responsible for, and respecting the will of the founding fathers is not a bad thing.

Likewise, the Pledge was written by a BAPTIST MINISTER and he did not include the words under god. Can you imagine how awful it would be if some country took something YOU WROTE and changed it, without your will or consent?

A lot of atheists are former Christians, and as former Christians many of them have an axe to grind. They are like ex-wives or ex-smokers, and tend to be extremists.

Please don't confuse the actions of anti-Christian atheists with movements to respect the Founding Fathers' motto and to restore the pledge to the author's vision.

2007-04-13 07:26:38 · answer #3 · answered by LabGrrl 7 · 2 0











nothing. THAT is you Christians twisting things.

Religion is only a problem with it butts into other peoples lives. You keep your religion to yourself, and we'll get along fine. The problem is that you religious can't get that through your thick skulls.

NOT EVERYONE IN THE WORLD IS CHRISTIAN. And neither should they have to be. And you Christians need to start learning to respect that fact instead of trying to convert everyone you meet.

And you get attacked because Christians STILL expect that their religion get taught in schools, that their 10 commandments are put on the outside of court buildings, etc.

We're all sick of it and you are being forced to get treated the same way as everyone else.

2000 years we've all suffered under Christianity controlling everything. Under Christian persecution, bigotry and hatred, discimination, and prejudice. In some cases, there has even been mass murders carried out in horrific ways for the sake of the church.

And now that you aren't allowed to kill people in the name of the church, you try to force your religion on others by trying to get laws made to support your religion (like antiabortion laws).

What did you think people would do? That Christianity would dominate the world forever? Sorry, everything that begins, must end. Thats life.

Now YOU may not be doing any of that personally, but you need to realize that there are a great great many Christians that ARE. And people are not known for judging others as individuals. Especially in the US.

Its going to be a long long time, until all Christian religion is treated like all others (and they learn to live with it), until nonChristians stop acting against Christianity.

Edit: Thats not real Pamela. Thats your willful denial of the facts because you're looking for justification of your behavior.

2007-04-13 07:23:29 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I find this a lot with any of my athiest friends.

I dont really care what their beliefs are, they have a right to believe wahtever they want. the only time I ever talk about religion, is if someone asks me something, but for hte most part Ive stopped even doing that, cuz they're just asking to try and descredit it.

even if they're right, and there is no God, and its all pointless, WHO CARES?! Im happy, and Im doing something with my life, so why do they care that my beliefs are different from there's, I leave them alone, they should have the decency to grant me the same respect.

of course, its not all athiests that do that, just the extreme ones. but there are an awful lot of extreme athiests out there.

and, it seems to be more hypocritical when coming from an athiest, because one of their top arguments with religion, is how it is forced down everyone's throats, and there's a lot of pressure to join and stuff like that. so, what do they do?? they take their relgious beliefs, and try to force us to see it their way

and, one more thing. I read a lot of atheist's point of views on here, and why is it, that they always try to spin it into a talk about religion. believing in God is not a religion. you dont have to be talking about religion to be talking about beliefs. if you BELIEVE that there is no God, that is a BELIEF. it has nothing to do with religion

2007-04-13 07:17:07 · answer #5 · answered by Liz 2 · 1 1

Ummm do you suppose that there were other subjects to discuss other than religion?
I believe in the feminine divine.That there are many entities but the most important is me. Not that I am all that but how I act is up to me and do not have an excuse of why I behave in the way I do.

Also sometimes I find that when discussing my spiritual path I feel I want to defend it, sometimes I feel it is like spinning my wheels and it is pointless. If someone does not want to understand they will not and it is pointless to continue.

in Her light

2007-04-13 07:23:00 · answer #6 · answered by DancingStar 2 · 0 0

Atheists always go on about how they are badgered by Christians to believe in Jesus Christ. I think if they were honest, most of them have never even been approached except maybe by a friend or family member, if at all. Christians don't usually hang out on street corners tripping people. This is the religious site, so for sure its on here. Have you noticed how they all pick up on each other and tend to say the same thing over and over.

2007-04-13 07:37:01 · answer #7 · answered by expertless 5 · 0 1

Not all atheists have such an agenda. I myself am agnostic therefor I don't have anything to push onto anyone.

But if you respect others choice of religion that is great. Not all religious people are like you though, I have met just as many christians who don't respect others choice of religion as I have atheists.

2007-04-13 07:14:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Do you believe there is not a turnip on your head? Is that religious?

Should you have to explain to me why there cannot be a turnip on your head simply because I believe there is?

Would you be a bit irritated with me if I followed you around, or groups of people followed you around, insisting that there is a turnip on your head and that if you do not acknowledge this you are going to hell?

If I respected your view on there not being a turnip on your head, but deep inside you knew I still thought there was, would you not be annoyed? Just a little?

Would you not think I was loony? Or would you start believing that there must be a turnip on your head...after all, I have faith...

2007-04-13 07:14:27 · answer #9 · answered by Ferret 4 · 1 2

i'm Atheist, and that i'm in comparison to that, I wasn't even attentive to them arguing this. yet I discovered 2 relatively irrational questions like, "Fellow Atheists, how might you cook dinner a toddler?" It makes me unhappy that folk interior an identical "team" as me are giving others a very undesirable acceptance. i be attentive to each team has some like that, besides the undeniable fact that it variety of feels relatively undesirable for this one. like it grinds me gears while somebody says the be attentive to God is genuine, Buddah etc. they might desire to be asserting some thing like the have self assurance, yet i don't answer and troll approximately it.

2016-10-22 01:57:50 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I dont blame it on the people. I blame it on the devil. The bible predicts the world will get worse and worst as time goes along and people will turn more to the world and less toward him. I dont understand either because even if you dont believe in God look at the princibles thats in the bible: Dont steal, dont kill, love thy neighbor as thy self. It dosent make since to me either, but on judgement day we will all see the truth =)

2007-04-13 07:18:19 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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