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Especially, when women were burned at the stake, accused has witches. If you look in history, Women, were killed for stupid things. Some were killed just by talking to another women, accused of plotting evil things against men. Women, had no rights, if they were speak up, they were burned and accused of being possessed by demons. Their are alot of evidence proving this. I am just wondering why so much media is making Isalm, a women hating society? I think we need to stop putting down islam.

2007-04-13 06:48:30 · 14 answers · asked by Metal_sickness 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

Because people are ignorant.

2007-04-13 07:14:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

All that as you cite happened 300 years ago and yes it was terrible but it was long long ago and it has nothing to do with the present. The nasty things said about Islam is brought on by people that are of that religion and do the things that they do in the name of their God and their religion. If you are a consumer of the evening news then you well know that there are some Muslims that are a disgrace to their religion and right now there are so many radicals doing some devastating things in the world that it is casting a dark shadow on their religion. Flip side of that 10 Roman Catholic Dioceses have filed for bankruptcy in the United States because of the lawsuits filed against them for sex crimes. Flip it one more time and you have the Rev Ted Haggard whose sex/drug scandal has rocked the conservative right in the United States.
But there are so many fine muslims in the world and christians that are peace loving people and that are faithful to their religion but the fantaticals and the hypocrites always are a turnoff to the world. Whatever we claim let us be faithful and true and set a good example by being faithful to the brotherhood of mankind. If muslims and christians were true to their faith the world would be a better place in that both should loving and tolerant.

2007-04-13 07:02:30 · answer #2 · answered by ansearcher@sbcglobal.net 3 · 0 0

AJ it is easy enough to just say something that has been brain-fed to you but if you actually believe in it then give evidence, don't just put Qu'ran as your source because you have never read the full version of the Qu'ran, only little sentences on anti-Islamic sites which have been manipulated to change their meanings. It sure seems that your religion is tolerant if you're saying that about Islam. The media are just trying to sell their story in order to compete with other TV. How often do you hear anything good on the news? People aren't interested in hearing about the good people, they are more interested in the bad things. For some reason if a person is killed and he is a Muslim, people immediately say that he was corrupted by Islam but not that the man himself was deluded. But if there is a murder case and the person is Christian then nobody takes any notice of his religion. People are accustomed to hearing about Muslim terrorists so they just presume the worst. Women make up the majority of the converts to Islam by far so they must feel that it does respect women otherwise why would they want to ruin their lives? Islam teaches utmost respect for women and it is a well-known fact amongst Muslims that it says in the Qu'ran the only way to heaven is through your mum (if you give her respect then God will respect you). It doesn't say anything about the father. Don't get confused with Islam and the evil actions of the followers.

2007-04-13 07:00:08 · answer #3 · answered by lol 3 · 2 2

There is nothing wrong about Islam. People should understand that it is the Islamic extremist groups who are potraying Islam as such. Others should not judge a religion on the basis of what the people do. Those who think that Islam is women hating then i must tell them that they should go through the Quranic text. I am a muslim woman and i think Islam gives me more protection than anyother religion could give. I feel safe under the laws of Islam and it is not because i am a muslim that i m saying that. If people disagree on that then tell me why is it that the Islamic countries have the lowest rape rate.

2007-04-13 07:04:18 · answer #4 · answered by anum 2 · 1 2

I think you know not of which you speak. Read the Koran - especially the hadith or surya. Islam is woman hating. It is just as horrific as the bible in it's treatment of women if not more so. I lived in Saudi Arabia for 15 years and know just how poorly women are treated. Ancient Islamic acts against women are just as sickening and violent as any committed by Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and the like. Religion in any form has never been a friend to women.

2007-04-13 06:53:54 · answer #5 · answered by Lilith 4 · 3 1

This is a smart question and an intelligent statement on your part. People love to villify what they dont know or dont understand. Islam has given women back their rights their dignity and the respect they so richly deserve. What people dont seem to get is that Muslims are just ordinary people. There are good people who happen to be muslim and there are bad people who happen to be muslim. People should stop listen to this stupid media and that worthless fox channel (cant say news that isnt news) and find out for themselves what Islam says.The media isnt interrested in what islam truly says. The truth isnt newsworthy.

2007-04-13 07:13:10 · answer #6 · answered by Nunya 5 · 2 2

I agree. The True Islamic Faith has about as much to do with Muslim Terrorists as Christianity has to do with Jim Jones. You all remember who he was right? Just in case, he was a leader of a Christian Sect/Cult. He took his followers to (damn, I forget the country) then when there was a perceived threat to their way of life, because of a visit by, I believe it was a Senator and news crew, he had them killed and then had his henchmen make over 900 of his followers drink poisoned punch and killed them all.
So, every major religion has its "bad guys", the religion itself should not be judged by them at all.

2007-04-13 08:08:46 · answer #7 · answered by meg3f 5 · 1 2

Islam needs to worry more about the followers who are giving them a black eye more than what the media is saying. If only good things were done in the name of Allah, the media would only report good things.

2007-04-13 06:52:28 · answer #8 · answered by S K 7 · 0 2

It's not Islam, it's the extremists. (all religions have them).
Then again some people have alot of hatred towards someone's religion just because they believe differently than they do. God is no respector of persons, I believe.

2007-04-13 06:53:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Get some thicker skin friend. All religion comes under fire from somewhere. Move on.

2007-04-13 06:52:17 · answer #10 · answered by Scott B 7 · 2 1

And you're going to say muslims haven't done anything nasty?

Come on.......get your head out of the sand.

2007-04-13 06:52:40 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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