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I am an Immigrant myself, I'm from Acapulco
Do u think I want to leave my beutifull home town?
I went to med school but we were so poor so I had to strugle between work and school something no easy to do when you are at a high level education on any country, plus the future for MD's or any other professional on Mexico is not the same then here. There are a lot of people like me on this country, we are not just berries pickers.
We are educated people looking for a better life.
So next time you see a dark skin guy thing about the surfer with and MD degree on his country and not just a regular cherry picker.
ps: excuse my ESL. still working on my final essay.

2007-04-13 06:33:15 · 25 answers · asked by sancho l 1 in Politics & Government Immigration

Alaiwa, If you are educated can you tell me: How can you tell when someone is legal or illegal?

2007-04-13 07:15:57 · update #1

Thank you.
Sorry for your little aurguments with my fellow "paisano" but the spanish flavor added to your relationship will be rewarded very soon, we are sweet and romantic not dubs about it.
trust,love and honesty is the answer for a long relationship.

2007-04-13 07:25:19 · update #2

25 answers

IDeh, is that the way you stink , like a white trash Pendejo Boy.

You all ever noticed there is always somebody that says they worked very hard,Impling nobody worked as hard as they did . Or one who suffered, and nobody has suffered as much as he has. Some of them without knowing you make the determination that you have not worked as hard or suffered as much as they did, They even will come up to you and let you know it.

Jessica, why do people like you keep putting out the bullshit.I am a Mexican-American that grew up in south Texas. It has always been about racism against hispanics. I was there I saw and heard it.It still continues today.

2007-04-13 07:02:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

Before answering the question, I see I have to defend the fact you even asked it. Here are some quotes from above:

"There's no hate for immigrants".

"I haven't seen hatred for immigrants...that followed proper procedure"

"Nobody Hates immigrants".

Well these people obviously have not spent much time right here on Y!A. If they did, they would have seen questions using a hateful term that rhymes with "wiener", questions and answers with tasteless "jokes" about other ethnic groups, and other assorted slurs and hateful speech. Admittedly, it's hard for me to "prove" this because Yahoo quite rightly deletes this stuff as soon as they are aware of it.

Folks, no matter how much you want to deny it, it is NOT a legal vs. illegal issue. Fair enough, maybe for YOU. But others just hate ALL Mexicans or ALL Immigrants or ALL [fill in the blank here]. Just because it's a clear cut legal vs. illegal issue for YOU doesn't mean there isn't Racism here and in the world. Spend more than a few minutes a day here and you WILL see it. Anyone getting it yet?

OK, to answer your question. I think it is because we have some REAL big problems here (in the U.S.) that we are frustrated with - Education, Unemployment, low wages, Unending War in Iraq, high taxes. These will take a lot of work to solve. Nobody WANTS to fix these things. It makes it easier on everyone if you blame ALL OF IT on [insert group here]. The Irish, Jews, Blacks have all had their turn. Now it's the immigrants.

2007-04-13 14:49:09 · answer #2 · answered by clueless_nerd 5 · 3 1

I completely support legal immigration. I truly believe in diversity and its numerous benefits on society.

However, I hate illegal immigration. I am absolutely sickened by the amount of illegal immigrants living in this country. I feel it is unfair that they do not pay taxes and they still expect hospital care and protection from the police as well as other rights that we, as tax paying citizens, are entitled to. Wanting a better life is one thing, but to take it at the expense of others? Give me a break! And when people say that the illegals take the jobs that "no one else wants" or "no one else will do" I want to shake them. Illegal immigrants take jobs that pay under the table (or they use fake names and social security numbers - even more disgusting!) for pay that is sub-standard to what legal Americans would need. This creates more money for the business owners and upper management and widens the income gap even further. As far as I'm concerned, we need to do some major raids and kick out the illegals ASAP, even if it negatively impacts American businesses. There are plenty of unemployed people here and there's no reason that all the lower paying jobs should be given to someone who'll work for peanuts and yet still not contribute to the wellness of the country as a whole. KICK OUT THE ILLEGALS OR GIVE THEM NO RIGHTS TO HOSPITAL CARE OR POLICE & FIRE PROTECTION!!

2007-04-13 07:30:35 · answer #3 · answered by joanna2982 1 · 1 2

This is not a response to Sancho's Question, it is another question to those who to those that answered Mr. Sancho's question. I just wish to know what would any of you do if you where you live you can't even provide the essencial needs of your child or children such as clothing, food, shelter, education, etc.? Would you try to look for a way to save their future, or just stay in the same situation that you currently find yourself in? What would you do if someone told there is a place where you can work and earn enough money to nourish your kid.? Well, as of now the best answer for this problem is in the United States of America. Now, as much as many illegal immigrants wish to come to this country LEGALLY, they simply can't. One of the reasons is that they do not have the money (that is why they leave their country in the first place). Thus, they cannot meet the minimum requirements to even request the proper documents to come here legally. So,now they have to make the decision of entering this country illegaly or leave in extreme poverty for the rest of their lives. What would you do? Exactly, save yourself, even if it means breaking the law. I know that it is not the right thing to do, but there is not many other options. What would you do if you were in their shoes?



Many illegal aliens get an ITNG number which they use to do their taxes. And since they do not have a SSN, they have to get a fake one to work in this country. How can the government decide in a life-death situation who not to help (for example a fire in a complex in which 20 out of 50 tenants are illegal)

Ms. or Mrs. usajustice101

You still did not answer my first question, please do so.
Thank you for the advice, though.

2007-04-13 07:20:46 · answer #4 · answered by Julio R 1 · 2 2

I haven't seen hatred for immigrants...that have followed proper procedures to come here.

Overall, Americans do have a problem with people that are here illegally. Meaning that they haven't gone through the proper channels or followed the rules and regulations to be here.

The reasons for the strong feelings against illegals are many.....We are supposed to be a law abiding society. People here illegally have broken the laws. Many of the people here illegally have little to no income. When they have babies, an additional burdon is placed on the US economy to pay for medical expenses and often welfare because the illegals have little income or no insurance. Additionally, many illegal immigrants dont seem to want to adapt to the US way of life...language, history, pride for country, etc... Because there is an unwillingness to adapt, the US educational system is further bogged down. Some schools are becoming 'bi-lingual' in order to cater to non-english speaking students. It is hard enough that kids are trying to pick up the basics of math, but then to have to do it in another, foreign language makes it more difficult. If an immigrant family didn't want their children to adapt and learn english..why come to america? How much money has been spent by business and government creating signs in English and Spanish? Also, our prisons are becoming over crowded with non-citizens that have broken laws. Another drain on our economy. I've read multiple articles about people that were killed by illegals driving under the influence. I know that this is a very small percentage, but it is difficult to understand when you are a parent of a child who has grown up here in the middle of america and somebody that is here illegally got drunk and killed your kid. The media like to portray illegal immigrants as people who are just trying to seek out a better life. But that isn't always the case.

Many people from many countries come here legally, embrace america, it's language, it's culture, and make a real effort to adapt and follow American laws. These people are respected. It's the ones that don't that have a certain amount of anger directed at them.

2007-04-13 06:58:41 · answer #5 · answered by BAM 7 · 3 3

People on here can't reason or have feelings for others. I've seen them advocate "killing illegals", running them over with a bus, and other horriffic things. NO human being deserves this treatment, no matter where they come from.

Good for you, you are becoming a doctor.

My aunts live in Mexico.
One is a psychologist (children's play therapy), the other a dentist, and the youngest a business owner.
They don't have the need to come here. If people don't have the need to come here, they won't. Who wants to leave such a beautiful country?

2007-04-13 07:13:57 · answer #6 · answered by Psi Chi member 3 · 2 1


There is no hate for LEGAL immigrants. Most people are livid about the ILLEGAL alien criminals (they are criminals as soon as they cross the border).

Don't start claiming that Americans are racist against Mexicans. Illegal immigration is not a racist issue. It is only about the LAW! The law says they are criminals and they shouldn't be here.

The illegals are sponging off the tax payer because they don't pay taxes (beyond sales tax and property tax from their rent). They get an estimated $23,000 per year more in services than they would ever pay into the system. They can't pay income tax since they have no SS# and they aren't suppose to even be hired.

They are destroying our health care system and our schools. They bring in disease that had been eliminated due to immunizations. They steal jobs Americans WANT. They steal identities. Crime and gangs have increased. MOST are poor and uneducated.

Sorry, but the "average" illegal alien is a drain on our economy and it would be better if they just left. We don't need them (proof - May 1, 2006 protest was suppose to cripple our economy for a day. It didn't)

2007-04-13 07:08:58 · answer #7 · answered by JessicaRabbit 6 · 2 4

If you are legally here, welcome.

I don't assume specific people are illegally here, but I know the numbers, and that our government estimates that 50% of Mexican nationals in this country are illegally here. By that rate, a huge amount of the overcrowding in the LA school district my children attend would not exist if people hadn't come illegally. Along with the overcrowding being gone, we would be able to put back a bunch of gifted programs, PE and other programs that have been cut from our schools for our own children.

The better life of those illegally here is at our children's expense, and there are too many now, and the impact is too great, not to speak out about it.

2007-04-13 17:37:39 · answer #8 · answered by DAR 7 · 0 3

I don't have anything against immigrants, we are in the middle of the immigration process (legally) with my husband. What I hate is people (of all races, backgrounds, ethnicity and religions) coming to this country illegally and whining that we are being unfair about being outraged that they have disregarded our laws (and continue to disregard them by staying here illegally). I think it is wonderful if you came here legally and wish you all the best. If people want to immigrate to this (or any country) they need to do it legally, learn the language and ways of that country and assimilate into that country's way of doing things...it is expected everywhere else so it is infuriating when people whine about the US expecting it.

It is people like "Jennifer M" (who answered this question earlier) who (by her own previous postings-two of which she has pulled) is married to someone who entered the country illegally and falsified a government document to obtain a mariage license but wants to say people are being unfair and only judge him on his skin color...these are the people who make the rest of us who follow the rules upset.

2007-04-14 04:32:45 · answer #9 · answered by Starshine 5 · 1 1

How can we tell you are a surfer with a MD degree just by looking at you?

Nobody hates "immigrants", we love immigrants, they make this nation strong, they are the ones who come here LEGALLY.

We don't hate illegal aliens either, we are disgusted that they disrespect our nation so much they cross our borders without waiting their turn in line to immigrate LEGALLY. Now, that is just plain RUDE. How much class does someone have, who pushes you out of the way at the supermarket so he can get checked out first? NONE!
We have a glut of millions of illegal aliens in the US right now who are scammers, criminals, thieves, users, takers, and along with all that, they spit on our flag, and don't learn ENGLISH.

If you are educated, and have a MD degree, you are intelligent enough and savvy enough to earn enough money to apply to immigrate legally to the USA. It costs less than you will pay the coyote, and you can hold your head high with pride, and use your degree to get a GOOD job, LEGALLY, and not have to clean toilets or mow lawns for a few dollars a day.

You are smart, use your brain.

2007-04-13 07:39:38 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

I have no hate for immigrants, in fact many of my friends are immigrants. However, I do have a problem with illegal immigrants, but I do not hate them. I understand their plight. They generally either hate their home country or they cannot make a decent living there, so they come here. But that does not mean breaking our rules and laws right or should be rewarded with amnesty.

2007-04-13 06:54:57 · answer #11 · answered by Ĵ∞ņ 2 · 4 2

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