People migrated and lived in different parts of the world. Levels of sun exposure changed our skin tone. If we all looked he same life would be so boring --- green, blue, or brown eyes or white or dark skin --- the important thing is that we are all BEAUTIFUL :)
2007-04-13 06:12:21
answer #1
answered by JJ 2
From a purely genetic standpoint, the first human pair had a genetic structure containing all the required genetic data so as to fulfill God's command to "be fruitful and become many". It's only common sense He didn't mean "become a world of clones".
Modern genealogy, though not yet an exact science, indicates the roots of all humanity to trace back to the eastern Mediterranean, exactly where many people believe the Bible indicates where "Eden" might have been.
It was also necessary, in the first few hundred years for family members to intermarry, a requirement deleted when God gave Moses the Law at Mount Sinai, along with the famous Ten Commandments.
Therefore, genetic differences in Mankind were were spread around the then known world, producing the various races. The confusing of languages by God at the fall of Babylon resulted in the scattering of people and the formation of language based tribe/communities that could communicate in a common language. This is what The Bible say happened, but to the unbeliever, it sounds ridiculous, and they remain willfully ignorant of what the Bible actually say. Granted, it's a tough read, but read it you must if you are to have a real accurate basis on which to form opinions.
2007-04-13 06:24:46
answer #2
answered by The Oldest Man In The World 6
Even evolutionary scientist today claim that all people, all the races, come from a single human female. Because of the difference in DNA between men and women, there is no test yet by which they can trace back to find out if everyone came from a single male. (But eventually they will find that also).
The Bible states that following the time of Noah, at the Tower of Babel, God divided the people and they scattered into small groups all across the land. As these smaller groups inter-bred, the gene pool for each would shrink, and the people in each of these population would begin to have the same characteristics (such as all having blond hair or all having dark skin). As each groups gene pool would be different from the others, each roup would develop different characteristics or races. Both the Bible and evolutionary science teach that this is the origin of the races.
So whether the "first human" was a woman named Eve as the Bible says, or a woman name "Lucy" as the evolutionist say, the development of the races is identical.
(Funny how often science and the Bible agree).
2007-04-13 06:18:51
answer #3
answered by dewcoons 7
If one is to believe in the evolutionary process, which I do believe in, that everything has a predecessor, where did the original spark come from. If people, like all other things evolved from something earlier, where did it come from. Can anyone logically and believably say from nowhere. This is why I believe in the Adam and Eve story, however we do not know how much is symbolism and how much is historical. We do know that all humanity has an extremely close genetic link implying we all came from the same source. That's why scientifically, race does not truly exist. Its the same as asking
"why when two people have children they look alike and look different?" God created us with the ability to survive and to be unique.
2007-04-13 07:12:27
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I've come to believe that when Constantine and his group put together the Bible, they left out key parts. If you read Genesis with a watchful eye, you'll see that once Cain was banished for killing his brother, he went to another land and found a city full of people and a wife. Now if Adam and Eve were the 1st two people, you can only come to two conclusions.
#1 Some information or books were left out when the bible was being put together.
#2 The genesis story is a fraud.
2007-04-13 07:27:46
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Adam and eve are at the start of the book. You are an infant to learning of what is being written. Like the stories you tell your infant when they start learning. As you go through the book you learn many lessons and move forward. Like a child. what you Learnt at the beginning is in your infancy not the end goal we are reading for. If the book started with X & Y cromeazone met and all that science you would bore quiclky. Science will tell us how we were created in the meantime they can't explain sole.
2007-04-13 06:25:27
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
God created the 2nd Age in the Land of Nod, Asia. LORD God (Jesus) created the 3 Age and helped Eve escape to a place he MADE (prepared) for her, the Garden of Eden.
God created the 1st Age, he made them Male and Female he did not make them man and woman he made them Male and Female and he prepared the entire earth for them.
After Noah's flood the world was divided as were the heavens. LORD God told Cain I will put a mark on you that will distinguish you from everyone else .
Cain as well as Adam went to the land of Nod, but as children were born of them they were sent out over the mountains and as they went further and further north their skin became whiter and whiter as they went further and further north their knowledge increased to be able to sustain their lives in their new environment
Moses tried to keep his people white, The Germans (Hitler) could not claim he was the pure race in the Hebrews were first. Also Germany was the Great Tribulation, the Fig Tree.
2007-04-13 06:34:58
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It is impossible. Maybe if they were black and had Asian eyes, cause those two things are dominant and can never happen in light skinned and big eyed people.
But in faithful people it is always explained with god being almighty. Short and easy, not think!
EDIT: dewcoons writes nonsens, btw, the human race is considdered to come out of 4 (!) females. You can prove that with the mitochondrial RNA. Males and females have hardly any differences in their DNA! The Mitochondrians are the power plants of our cells and since the cell organism is only given to one by the mother (the sperm contains only the DNA), you just can only go with the females here.
The skins of humans used to be dark, like all mammals, just when some went north, lighter skinned were more likely to survive due to the fact that they could produce more Vitamine D out of the lower sunlight. Mutants survived.
2007-04-13 06:13:23
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The following is the account of the tower of Babel.
"And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth." Genesis 11:1-9
At the time, every one used the same language and appeared to live in the same place, or the surround areas. As you can see in the latter part of these verses, God "confounded" the language of the people to where they would not understand each other. This was the creation of different spoken languages. We also see that the Lord scattered them upon the face of all the earth, which would indicate the start of the various "races" of men.
2007-04-13 06:20:18
answer #9
answered by TG 4
There is only one race-human. The difference we see in people are the result of groups becoming isolated from the rest. There are 3 basic sub-races: Mongoloid, *******, and Caucasoid. Noah (don't forget the flood) had 3 sons. Give it some thought.
2007-04-13 06:13:09
answer #10
answered by DATA DROID 4
Good Question
Look at Genesis chapter 1 : 27, So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
The words for: man, image, and them are particular words in Hebrew.
This means a multiple creation such as many or many different.
This translates more accurately to "mankind"
Image translates closely in one word to "reflection".
"Them" again states the plural form.
With Genesis chapter 2 the bible begins to teach that God "formed" a man, not created. This is a different word to separate it from the creation of "mankind".
The brief explanation is that Adam of Chapter 2 - in Hebrew is: "this very man".
This is different than the man of chapter one. It is a specific forming of a man (genetic structure - family) with which Christ would come through.
The bible is about this family and more. From the first Adam (Genesis) to the last Adam (Jesus)
The bible does teach of multiple creation of mankind and this is backed up elsewhere. The above is the short version.
Hebrew is very complex, yet simple and deep.
2007-04-13 06:11:39
answer #11
answered by cordsoforion 5