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I am a woman with children. I believe you have to do what you have to do to support your children of course and that should always come first but lets say your family has all the money it will ever need to do so and money was no object, would you want to be home with your children? How important is it that moms are there for their kids? Your honest opinions! I respect everyones opinions. Try to anyway LOL

2007-04-13 05:34:43 · 40 answers · asked by daisyduke070 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

40 answers

If I had all the money I needed, I'd stay home with my kids till they were all in college. I'm one of those kinds of women who just feel that way is best. Kids need their mothers, and mothers are often the best equipped (my personal opinion, no knocks to guys) to care for their children in a way that raises them to be caring citizens.

2007-04-13 05:38:37 · answer #1 · answered by ? 5 · 3 3

Yes, I am home with my children. It's really just a matter of individual choice, no right or wrong answers. If you wish to stay home then you should. If you wish to work out of the house - then you should. A large number of us that stay home also have jobs that we can do from home, most involve our families in one way or another. I have 2 different home party plan business' and yes, I do usually take one of my children with me to the party as an assistant- they love it! The kids and I love to sit and stuff envelopes with the invitations, wrap the little give away goodies, sort order if they're shipped to me. I believe that not going to an 8-5 has been the best for MY family. As a FAMILY you have to weigh the pro's and con's. I am 100% totally available for my children at a moments notice, don't have to beg a boss if I can leave for a few minutes to attend a school meeting or whatever. I'm at all the school parties (love that part!) I'm here when they walk in the door or have a problem with homework. I'm here when they need a hug or a sholder to cry on. I'm here when they have great news that just can't wait to share! It's just a matter of what is best for YOUR family.

2007-04-13 05:57:56 · answer #2 · answered by TupperMom 2 · 0 0

I feel like parents can raise their children better than anyone else, provided they give them the love and support they need. I also think mothers AND fathers have crucial roles in a child's development. That being said, I am a stay at home mom and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm so happy that I get to raise my child instead of a stranger and that I get to be there instead of someone else to see all the milestones get reached. If money is not an issue but a woman would choose a career over children, I personally feel she might reconsider having children or having them later in life after pursuing a career. Or if a woman wants both a career and children, it would be fantastic to find a man who wants to stay home with the kids. I think it's important that at least one parent stay home with children. Just my thoughts and opinions!

2007-04-13 05:45:30 · answer #3 · answered by Madylyn 2 · 0 0

If the Mother would like to, it's a better support for the children than going to a daycare. Now of course, play dates should be arranged for toddlers, seeing staying at home with mom may not allow for much outside interaction. As long as the Mother is willing to devote her self and time to her children's every day demands I believe it's an excellent decision made. I have a two year old daughter and 6 week old son. It's tough being here all day with hardly any time to shower or think, but when I lye down at night I feel like I've accomplished something on a picture picture. My daughter can count to twenty, say her ABC's and just is an intelligent child all around. Day cares seem to give the child a social advantage, but if the Mother can take the child to the park and let him or her play and interact with other children, the family gets the same advantage, without the price of daycare. Do what your heart feels. For me it works.

2007-04-13 05:46:16 · answer #4 · answered by reincarnated/beauty 2 · 0 0

Hi Daisyduke,

In my opinion it's really about what works best for the family. Some mom's are able to stay home.... while others have no choice but to go out and work even though they want to stay home. Some mom's just have no interest in being home with their kids and it's not hard for them to leave them to go to work... I think women just have to do what is best for them and their family. Remember happiness plays a role in everything too.

I am a Mom of 5 (my oldest being 11 almost 12, and my youngest is 3) and I stay home with my children. That is just a choice my husband and I made when having children together. We don't have all the money that we need to get by but we do. I have found a way to help support my family without having to leave them to go to work. I have a website: (www.mycolorfultreasures.com) where I hand make all the jewelry and sell it. No it's not easy but I do what I can to help my husband support our family. Alot of times the money from my jewelry website will pay for my children's shoes, coats, or anything extra they need.

Whether a Mom works or not..... what matters is if the child is their main focus. Studies have shown that children who were the main focus of their parents grew up secure, happy, and knowing that they are loved, wanted and cherished. When they are older they remember their childhood years with happy memories.

One big concern is babysitters.... I honestly don't trust my kids to anyone but me...(my husband, parents, his parents) because too many people who look normal and act normal could destroy a child's life by doing something nasty to them.

I hope my answer helped.....

Take care...... and good luck.

My Colorful Treasures

2007-04-13 06:04:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If like you said I had all the money I would ever need and I would be able to give my children a great life then yes I would stay home. Thats just me though, I think that women should be able to make the choice on staying home or going back to work without people saying shes making a bad choice. Either way both SAHM and working moms have it hard. SAHM have so much house work to do, and kids to entertain and look after, while working moms work hard and might not get to see their kids as much as they would like to. However I do think its different when the child is in school, because then a mother can work, without missing out on anything if she would like to.

2007-04-13 07:29:08 · answer #6 · answered by smwat03 6 · 0 0

I stay home with my son. Our money is rather tight, but I budget it very well. (My fiance is 21 and I am 20 and we bought our first home back in November). I worked for a little while- about a year, and the job was not worth the time I was missing with my son that I can never get back. He is three, and I only have a year until he starts school. The way I see it, if you have good friends to stay in touch with so you don't go bonkers talking about Diego and Spongebob with a preschooler or toddler, and you can be ok without extra money, those first few years are irreplaceable. And I am glad I got to see my babies first steps, and potty trained him, and all the other things that you may have missed. And who knows what I did miss when he was at daycare.

2007-04-13 05:41:47 · answer #7 · answered by A K 4 · 2 0

To Be honest. At least one parent. Children are in a society that they are now raised by daycare providers. Thus the Dr. Jeckel & Mrs Hyde. Many daycares are very good also many are not. A child needs too be supervised & guided in the direction you want & not what the daycare providers want. Many young children start out on the wrong foot by simply not getting the correct path to follow. How can a daycare provider watch 8 cildren at once? They can't unless they run their daycare like a prison camp where all the children are in the same room with the provider at all times. Even then they can't watch you rchild while they are watching another child. I grew up as most refer to as the older generation. My mom was a stay at home mom & so were 90% of my class mates mom's. In that day and age it was acceptable & women we not looked down on or felt down graded because they didn't share in the family income. The children were more well behaved & never thought of talking back to an adult.
The current generation is all about me & you don't count. They want the high paying jobs but don't want to work to get to that level. The old "No experience, No Talent but I want to start at the Top." It makes me wonder when people my age get ready to retire who is really going to mind the store. (So to speak) It is our fault, we all tired to make more money & to have everything that we forgot to raise our own children. Instead we raised a monster that is selfish & don't care about anything except themselves. Our only hope now is that we don't fail our grandchildren. We must make sure that we get them pointed in the right direction. Guide them on a better path than the one we put their parents down.

2007-04-13 08:37:29 · answer #8 · answered by oilfieldinsultant 3 · 0 1

if the family I have when I get older has all the money in the world then I could pay for maids to keep the place clean and higher a sitter until like 5:30 then take care of my kids cause think about it they'd have school then what do you really do? Technology is improving with the rohmba and scooba so no vacuuming or moping all you basically have to do now is like cook and dust while machines do most of the work.

2007-04-13 13:04:00 · answer #9 · answered by newbie ice hockey fan & TV serie 3 · 0 0

Personally, I think it's great when one of the parents stays home to be the primary caregiver. If they resent it, and really would rather work, it's better to put the kid in the best quality daycare they can afford, rather than be a bad stay-at-home parent.
I am a stay-at-home mom myself, but I did know one guy who stayed at home with his kids for a year while out of work, and secretly I think he was better at it than his wife-- they sure seemed to go to the park more, and did more projects and fun stuff. The kids actually cried when he found a job and she cut back her work hours to stay home with them...
Yeah, if money was no object, the best scene would be for one parent (either one) to be primary caregiver, and for the other to work part-time and then spend lots of time with the kids (also giving the other one a break!)

2007-04-13 05:42:29 · answer #10 · answered by Kristin H 2 · 2 0

I think that if you want to work you should work. No woman is entitled to having to stay home with the kids. Even if you had all the money in the world and you would never need any more money you should still work if you want too. If you want to work then work if you dont then dont but you have to make sure that you are stable finiacially.

You dont want to not work and then it come down in the end and you not have any money to support your kids. Your kids are you number one priority. They are all you have and will have so you want to make sure they are taken care of. I love being at home with my daughter but I know that I have to work so I can provide for my child. I hope this helps.

2007-04-13 05:52:27 · answer #11 · answered by teen_drama_queen1 1 · 1 0

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