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A rainbow is caused by dispersion of sunlight as it goes through the raindrops.

However, a rainbow is also God's gift to us, it seems to be His promise to never flood the earth again. Luckily He only breaks that promise in a few minor incidents, like Katrina. God is a loving God who almost keeps His promises.

But if rainbows only appeared after the flood, what did the sunlight do before the flood? It just avoided the raindrops? Or it never rained?

2007-04-13 05:11:56 · 29 answers · asked by ? 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

Well, from what I have heard, there was this dome of water covering the earth, and the plants got water from a type of magical mist. Sounds reasonable to me...

2007-04-13 05:16:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

In antidiluvien times ("before the Flood") the Earth had ice particles all around it. A rainbow cannot be seen through ice or air, and the rays run parallel too, which would make it impossible. When God sent the Flood upon Noah and the people, the frozen particles had melted and then the people could see the rainbow. Newton's rainbow test proves this. Also, the reason people lived 900 or more years before the Flood was that they were equilibirumed to nature. Once the ice went away, the lifespan dropped dramaticaly. And also Katrina wasn't a world flood, it came down on that small spot because God was unhappy that the Democrats wanted us to pull out of Iraq when they were obviously a threat to us. It was just a warning. He promised to never again destroy the world by flood but since he is a just and righteous God he is showing that he might destroy it bit by bit if we don't stop the terrorists in Iraq.

Glory be to His Name on High.

2007-04-13 08:27:23 · answer #2 · answered by Gunning4Jesus 3 · 0 2

That verse is not from Noah's time. It's from the second account of when God supposedly created everything. In verse 7 he creates Adam. The next two verses of that verse that you quoted is "but streams came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground- the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being." Noah doesn't show up until Chapter 5, and the flood happens in Chapter 6. But yes, most Christians take that (and the Bible omitting anything about rain until it talks about the rain of the flood) to mean that rain didn't happen until the flood.

2016-05-19 16:45:25 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Early in the history of earth's preparation, “God had not made it rain upon the earth,” but “a mist would go up from the earth and it watered the entire surface of the ground.” This is evidently early on the third creative “day,” before vegetation appeared. (Ge 2:5, 6; 1:9-13; see MIST.) The first time in the Biblical record that rain is specifically mentioned as falling, is in the Flood account. Then “the floodgates of the heavens were opened,” and “the downpour upon the earth went on for forty days and forty nights.” --Ge 7:11, 12; 8:2.

Meteorologists have extensively studied the formation of rain, what all that have emerged are, as The World Book Encyclopedia says, is “theories.” As warm air containing water vapor rises & cools, moisture condenses into tiny water droplets:
#1. One theory is that as the larger droplets fall through clouds, each collides with smaller droplets --combining with them-- until they become too heavy to be supported by the air any longer.
#2. Another theory holds that ice crystals form in cloud tops (where the temperature is below freezing), changing to rain when they fall through the warmer air below.

Theory #2 seems to go along nicely with the fact that there was a water canopy of sorts around the earth prior to the flood:

God went on to say: “Let an expanse come to be in between the waters and let a dividing occur between the waters and the waters.” Then God proceeded to make the expanse and to make a division between the waters that should be beneath the expanse and the waters that should be above the expanse. And it came to be so." --Gen 1:6,7

BTW, God never said that there would never be any other floods. He said that HE would never again bring All life to ruin by an Earth-Wide flood -- not that he would prevent flooding caused by man. And since it was man's wickedness that the global Flood was in direct response to, it was brought on by man. God doesn't keep other man-caused floods from happening. The extreme change in environment was man-caused, therefore anything happening because of that is also a result of man's disobedience. The recent terrible storms we have begun seeing more of, are recognized to be caused by man's tinkering with & exploiting the environment even further. Scientists note that --due to man's pollution-- the storms are expected to become Much Worse in thenear future...

True: after the Flood, man's lifespan took a nose-dive, going down to approx. one-tenth of what it had been. And storms have caussed a lot of trouble in various places... However,...

"When under trial, let no one say: 'I am being tried by God.' For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone. --James 1:13

Mankind's ongoing, exceedingly foolish behavior is what has brought on all of our troubles, not God.
therefore the most important thing for us to consider regarding the Flood, is the reason for it in the first place, & learning from that how to avoid a similar fate in the near future.

Why Was an Ancient World Destroyed? :

The End of False Religion Is Near, then...

- A Catastrophic End / A Happy Beginning -- Which?
We each have the choice of which it will be for ourselves...

2007-04-14 06:05:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

First of all God did not break his promise in any hurricane at any time...because the promise was to never destroy ALL of mankind in a flood..that is the entire population...secondly NO there was no rain before the flood..That's why it was an unbelieveable thing to the people of that time..How can this man be right..when we don't even know what rain is...But consider that Jesus said it would be as in the days of Noah...that He would come again...because people don't believe right now that destruction is coming...they have gotten to a place where they regard Gods word as a fairy tale..you yourself just said that God keeps his promises SOMETIMES..that is a blasphemous statement..Because God is amighty and powerful and there is none else like him and when He makes a promise heis not a man that he should lie...He KEEPS his word...Let me show you one scripture to prove this ...you can take it any which way you want....from Jeremiah 33:20-21...saying..... 20. Thus saith the Lord; If ye can break my covenant of the day, and my covenant of the night, and that there should not be day and night in their season;
21. Then may also my covenant be broken with David my servant, Another words it would take you to be able to change the covenant or the relationship of something that occurs everyday...NIGHT and DAY...if you can stop that from happening...then you can change Gods promise or covenant from happening...There is no way that God will promise something and renig...I would rather call you the liar you are then to say he reniged or failed...He will do exactly what he said he will do

2007-04-13 05:26:05 · answer #5 · answered by soldier612 5 · 0 2

God has never destroyed the world with a flood since his promise. I don't think we can classify Katrina as a wholesale destruction of the earth by flood- thus using this to make God seem as though he does not keep his promises. You might want to rethink that logic.

There was no rain before the flood. That is why it took Noah such faith to build the ark. God told him it would rain that the world would be destroyed, and he had no idea what rain was. His neighbors must have mocked him terribly. But he acted in faith.

Good question, though.

2007-04-13 05:20:39 · answer #6 · answered by blondie 8591 2 · 2 2

There was no Rain before the Flood-----Earth was Watered by Mist that came from the Earth.

I saw a double Rain bow after a 5 inch Rain Mar 30,It was complete,from the south to the north/ I am 65 yrs & never have I ever seen one like that/ I remembered Noah & God"s
Covenant with Man.

2007-04-13 05:25:06 · answer #7 · answered by section hand 6 · 1 1

That is correct and he gave the rainbow as a sign that he would never against destroy humanity by means of a flud.

Please, though allow me to correct you. God never breaks his promise. While He brought about the flood of Noah's day, the extreme weather situations we see are not his actions. They are the result of global warming and other things that affect the earth's climate. Aside from that the Flood was a global event. The incidents you mention are quite localized.

2007-04-13 05:20:39 · answer #8 · answered by Q&A Queen 7 · 1 1

Genesis 2:6 But a mist would go up from the earth and it watered the entire surface of the ground.

So during this time it did not rain.

But I would not say NEVER. If we read Genesis 1:2 we can see the whole earth is flooded. It is possible that God released the water in the expanse to flood the earth, just like he did again with Noah's flood. 2Peter 3:5, 2Peter 2:5....for judgment.

John 12:28 "I BOTH glorified it and will glorify it again."

2007-04-13 05:37:36 · answer #9 · answered by tienna 3 · 1 2

I don't know about it not raining before the flood, but God never promised to not send another flood. His promise after the flood was this: Then the Lord said in His heart, " I will never agian curse the ground for man's sake, although the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; nor will I again destroy every living thing as I have done. While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold nad heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease. Genesis 8:21 and 22.

2007-04-13 05:19:25 · answer #10 · answered by VW 6 · 0 3

It never rained before the flood. That's why everyone thought Noah was crazy. Water from the sky? Never! The atmosphere was perfectly balanced so plants could grow. That Changed after the flood. God promised not to wipe out the whole world with a flood. Katrina and the tsunami did not wipe out the whole world. Please don't try to disprove god, it'll make you tired, He's always a eternity ahead of you.

2007-04-13 05:19:31 · answer #11 · answered by Teresa 5 · 2 2

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