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I am a drama queen..and God is delivering me from this! He is doing it by witness. I have been witnessing to others lately, but by gosh, I just felt this morning, its not all about ME, ME, ME.. What has God done for you lately? What character defect is HE changing, how are you growing? What was the trick to letting him into your life and helping him change you? Do you believe it is Him through the Holy spirit changing you, or do you believe YOU are changing you? I need some joy, so spread some on over here! Revival people?

2007-04-13 04:54:04 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

I saw a sonogram of my baby boy yesterday, due in August. I know it is a sinful world I am bringing him into, but God is good to give me strength and make me the spiritual leader that will raise my son into a man who reveres God.

2007-04-13 05:00:22 · answer #1 · answered by wassupmang 5 · 4 0

In December, I became deathly ill and ended up in the hospital. I believe God allowed this to happen to me just to make me slow down enough that I could hear Him speaking to me. What God told me loud and clear is that my job (purpose) on this earth is to serve Him by telling others about His love for them.

A week or so after I got out of the hospital, I got a call from a friend from church. She said that the Senior Youth Leader was quiting and she wanted to know if I would be interested in co-leading with her. Over the past year and a half I had been asked a few times to become a youth leader at our church. I always said I was too busy, but this time I decided to trust God and I said yes. It is going great.

I have had such a change in my attitude toward people. I no longer feel that it is okay for me to just make it through the day. I feel that I need to at the very least smile at every person that makes eye contact with me. I try to say something positive and uplifting to everyone I can. I understand now that my kind actions and words can make a very big difference to all of those I meet.

2007-04-13 12:30:05 · answer #2 · answered by T W 3 · 1 0

Hey there Deborah,
God has been teaching me to trust fully in Him, because at the moment, that's all I can do! I don't know what the future holds in some areas and I can't see the road ahead. So I am doing some footwork and prayerfully believe that my decision will be His One for Him to work His Perfect will in my life.

-Proverbs 3;6 in all your ways commit to Him and He will Guide your Path.

Once I realised the depth of what I had done, I was a Christian, (I gave my heart to Him) it is I live for Him.
(there's a song that goes, 'It's not only I that Liveth, but Christ that Liveth in me..)
For me change didn't come fast, good things rarely do.
But He has gradually changed me to the person I am today and tommorrow, I'll keep moving closer.
I think it's a matter of asking God to be Lord of your whole life, not just parts. And dying to your 'Flesh' in that area! The Oh I am not going to think about God now, but I'll have a few drinks and probably go home with Fred tonigh, like last weekend- It felt so good. No The Lord should come first in all!
A good way to know if what you are doing is not pleasing to God, is, ask yourself If Jesus was here, would I do this in front of him? Do I think He'd be happy to sit with me and watch this satanic horror show?
And if you find you just can't overcome some things on your own Tell God! And ask a trusted friend or Pastor and his wife to pray for you.
God speaks to me, you'll learn to know the Shepards voice.
For me it's never been like the heavens opened and...lol but it is a journey, a great one at that. And whether your praying or running.. you might think "......." Oh yeah thats an area I have not given to God. That is Him talking to you!
Or like me sitting inoscently in Church one day and then you start looking around and shrinking in your seat, because it seems the whole sermon is just about you! hmm.. who's been talking to the Pastor ay? just Almighty God *smile*
He changes us and speaks to us in so many ways.
As unique as you are that is how He will change you!
Have a beautiful day Deb,
and Bless you..

2007-04-14 03:57:26 · answer #3 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

I have been dealing with a women's bible study group. We have both retired ladies and active Duty spouses involved. Over the past 3 or 4 months, there has been a great divide between the leadership and the some of the 'we've been here forever and we know' retired ladies.
Things have changed and the regulations we have to go by have changed and we have had to change with it.
One lady in particular has been absolutely venomous. She has been spreading lies about me, our financial liaison and our Chaplain.
After months of prayer, our Chaplain intervened. He spoke with her one more time. Finally something got through. She suddenly realized we were not pursecuting her by making her follow the rules and that 'it's against regulations' is a perfectly acceptable answer. She was told she needed to publically apologize, just as she publically criticized.
She has, and continues to, privately going to those she talked to as well as publically thanking us for what we have been doing to help her. (I think what she did privately means so much more than a public apology)
We are finally unified.
God works on even the hardest heart.

2007-04-13 12:06:36 · answer #4 · answered by Sister blue eyes 6 · 1 0

God is here for me twenty-four hours a day. My life has not always been easy, losing my parents when I was 16 was very difficult. I was mad a God for 5 years and felt cheated. Never to have my Mother around as I grew into a woman, children and family and just to talk to about growing up. I learned as I began to grow up that I was only feeling sorry for myself and that there is a reason for everything, that is when God began to work in my life. I always went to church when I was young but that was different. Everyday I am grateful for the blessings God has given me, my children and family, a day with sunshine or rain, my beloved pets, clouds in the sky and every breath I take. I thank the Lord each and everyday for everything in my life.

2007-04-13 12:38:04 · answer #5 · answered by Misty S 1 · 1 0

Honestly... It doesn't FEEL like He's doing a whole lot... Things are going really bad around here for me and my family. But then I realized I'm always asking God "WHY???" Why can't my life be better, why did this happen to me? It finally occurred to me that, I am being tested, like Job was. Job never lost his faith, even when God took everything he loved from him, and everything turned out fine for Job. So when something bad happens (for example, when my husband totalled my car a couple weeks ago...) I don't ask God why the bad thing happened... I ask Him to give me the strength to help me through it.

2007-04-13 12:03:06 · answer #6 · answered by Sarah R 6 · 2 0

God has brought me to a better understanding of doing for others and it's not all about me.

He has given me an ability to teach young adults and college students. When they say something nice about my teaching or touch my arm as they leave or pause and give me a hug before they go back to their busy schedules, I know God is there in them. At that moment, I feel touched by God! Wow! Was that about me or did they respond to the inner Christ in them?

So what did God want to put into my face today? You blogging maybe? If I respond the best that I can respond to anything that happens, I know by my faith that I did God's job. He gave me to the world, for today and some will give themselves to me too!

I think happiness and cheer are a worldly thing. I believe that you can feel down and at that time God is giving you all of his love. It is like the "footprints in the sand." God is always there and is always giving us all he knows we need.

So God Bless you for your faith to trusting in him when your dealing with his subjects. We that believe you need cheering up, Bless you and know it is possibly the rotten weather that is dealing you, gloom. Ho-ray for spring!!!!

2007-04-13 12:28:03 · answer #7 · answered by hot wheels 3 · 1 0

The other day I was working in my garden and when I pulled a root-bound plant from a pot, big red ants swarmed out. They swarmed all over my arms. I was able to stay very calm and get them off. God’s Spirit is teaching me to be calm and patient. I am sure this was the reason I was able to do this without getting a single sting.

2007-04-13 12:10:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

When I woke up I saw a beautiful sunrise, heard the birds singing, felt my heart beat, had everything I needed to enter the day. I knew more of myself and Him than yesterday, and that was all I needed to be thankful for.

2007-04-13 12:07:59 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

god has done so much for me. he has given my mom the strenght to handle a divorce, he has helped her find a job that makes us richer than the average family. well by that i mean like we dont struggle for bills or anything. he has helped my family thru alot. with the death of my grandmother. my dads surgery and the abduction of my cousin. i love god and i will never stop loving him

2007-04-13 12:03:32 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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