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without requiring any proof whatsoever, why do they insist that science hasn't proven evolution?

Why isn't proof required for their nonsense but actual scientific proof is rejected as 'unproven' or 'speculative' or somehow 'religious' in nature?

2007-04-13 04:31:53 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

Why is it that Atheist actually beleive that most Christians believe in talking animals? Did you do any polling? Do you have any scientific studies to back your claim? Have you started with a simple hypothesis and test this repeated for a set amt. of time?
Hmm,...seems like you may have a lot in common with us then huh? Sounds like to me that you are a closet Christian!!

2007-04-13 04:40:17 · answer #1 · answered by Chrissy 7 · 3 3

That is a good point. I guess a lot of Christians feel that their belief and their deep sense of faith is proof enough. There are a lot of Christians who rail against people who believe in science and I don't think that's right. Just because man figured it out using science doesn't mean that it's not true. Christians don't hold a monopoly on truth. You really can't prove either side.

Watch one of those shows where the scientists look into creation, the flood, whatever else they look into on those shows. Science is slowly coming in sync with what the Bible says. I don't know if the scientists will ever be preaching that Jesus was risen from the dead and a donkey talked to a guy, BUT there are a lot of scientific facts that things recorded in the Bible actually happened. The flood thing, for example - there has been some scientific evidence that our earth was completely covered by water at one time. It's probably obvious now, but just an FYI that I do believe in God and creation.

2007-04-13 04:39:15 · answer #2 · answered by Katie L 3 · 2 2

Well, I think its hard for those who have not had an experience with God to understand just how awesome He is, and how plain unworthy you are. When you flick through the Old Testament prophecies concerning Christ, every single on of them were fulfilled by him. The chances of anybody else doing this is approximately the same as if you covered the state of Texas in coins, blindfolded someone, and told them to pick out a single marked coin.

An interesting link to follow would be this - http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Evolution%20Hoax/evolution_the_big_hoax.htm - and read some of the arguments AGAINST evolution. (I don't agree with everything on that site, mind you.) It goes into great detail about the flaws with the evolution theory.

2007-04-13 04:44:11 · answer #3 · answered by Sa E 1 · 1 0

That's does sound hypocitical.

Maybe it's because science itself says it hasn't proven evolution. Science says the most of the evidence supports the contention/theory that life evolved out of non-living materials.

Maybe they would say that they can see miracles and that's proof enough.

Both sides of the arguement should be honest and open minded enough to admit that there is evidence that argues against both contention/theories.

2007-04-13 04:48:04 · answer #4 · answered by ChuckBoutwell 2 · 1 0

Most all the Holy sites of the Bible have been identified, and coring has shown the great flood. Darwin's Theory is just that, a theory saying that everything accidental came together and man was formed. If we descended from apes, why are their still apes???

As complicated as the human body is, how was it done or created by "accident". Scientists want you to believe that all this cosmic goo just blew up one day and over time, man was created and evolved to what we are today.

History is a written record of events, and so is the Bible. If Jesus was recorded doing miracles, walking on water, healing the sick and raising the dead, then that recorded history is just as good as the history of Europe, or the Mongols, or the world wars. It is a recorded record of events.

You have to have some faith in things, or you fall for everything. You have the right to refuse to believe, but, me, I will trust my instincts and go on with my life. Many people, about a quarter of a second after they die and bust Hell wide open, will wish they believed!

2007-04-13 04:40:44 · answer #5 · answered by George C 4 · 3 3

Perhaps you have never encountered a person who has a personal relationship with God and who walks in authority and
power as the Spirit of God flows through him or her. Perhaps
even if you did you would not recognize that it was God's power since you are walking in spiritual blindness.

Your whole life will be an endless list of questions until you repent of your sin and ask God to forgive you and reveal Himself to you. Your mockery would be an affront to God if it weren't for the fact that He loves you enough to give you every
chance to repent before you die.

Evolution requires blind faith because it is based on theory without factual basis. Commonly called a hypothesis - which is supposed to mean an intelligent guess, it takes incredible faith above and beyond what is asked of Christians who see evidence of God in creation everywhere they turn.

I have said it before and will say it again, "CREATION DEMANDS A CREATOR." To believe all creation stems from an impersonal cosmic event after studying the intricate world we live in requires more faith than I care to exercise.

You can allow fools to make a monkey out of you if you like!
God understands your limitations! Great thing about Him is that He is willing to remove the blinders when you are ready to open your eyes and heart to truth.

2007-04-13 04:50:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Their unwavering faith is all the proof they need. They have faith in a 2000 year old story, written by who know's who, meant to entertain the sheep herders.

Are you saying you've never heard an animal talk? There used to be a show on TV about Mr. Ed, a talking horse. check it out.

2000 years from now, people will have unwavering faith in Harry Potter. It's a better book, with lots more magic and power and will eventually overtake the Bible, which is too full of those endless begats.

2007-04-13 04:44:07 · answer #7 · answered by bandycat5 5 · 1 2

Because YOU are the ones calling for proof all the time, so it's only logical that you should be able to provide proof for YOUR stand.

Unless, of course, scientific proof is moot in the real world.

2007-04-13 04:41:36 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Pardon me, Father, but there IS scientific proof that a major flood DID occur thousands of years ago.

And, FYI, I'm a Christian, but I do believe in Evolution... I just believe that God got the ball rolling, so to speak.

Proof isn't required for what we believe... That's why it's called FAITH. Faith is a belief that is not based on proof. That's why Christians know we're going to heaven, because we have faith in God, even tho science can't prove He's here.

2007-04-13 04:40:01 · answer #9 · answered by Sarah R 6 · 4 3

True believers universally adopt a solipsistic philosophical viewpoint. They imagine their own perceptions actually are reality. Any explanation that is outside of their direct experience is considered false. (If I don't understand this it can't be true.) The only known cure for Christianity is a good secular education.

2007-04-13 04:43:08 · answer #10 · answered by Diogenes 7 · 2 1

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