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I have a beautiful dollfaced flame point himalayan named marshmallow. I have had him for almost 8 months now. I went to get him neutered today, and to my suprise it is not a boy! I am so confused and do not know how to feel.. The vet and the breeder confirmed that it was a boy. Shes still beautiful to me. I am just so weirded out by it!

2007-04-13 04:23:22 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Cats

13 answers

Lol..i have a 10mnth old kitten who i was convinced was a boy..we named him jack..then after a few months decided he was a she..so my daughter changed his name to princess. Anyway turns out he was just a late developer..and is now all male,poor mite has been saddled with the name princess Jack though!! Get your cat spayed it is even more important for a female cat and is so beneficial for them.

2007-04-13 04:32:29 · answer #1 · answered by pinkkittenliverpool 6 · 0 0

Oh dear! Quite a lot of owners find this out when they bring their cat to be neutered!

I'm very surprised neither the vet nor the breeder noticed this. Can't have been an especially good breeder! Often male cat's testicles take a long time to descend and are not visible at 8 months old - but you can still tell by the distance between their genitals and anus (wider in a boy) so I really can't understand how both of them got it wrong!

I feel sorry for owners when they find this out - but at least the cat is healthy I suppose, it's just going to take some adjustment! At least the name Marshmallow is fairly ambiguous! I can always tell when someone was wrong about their cat's sex, when you get females called Dave, or males called Missy and stuff!!


2007-04-13 14:17:27 · answer #2 · answered by Chalice 7 · 0 0

Hey don't feel bad. It happens to the best of us. When MaiTai was born my daughter told me that it was a boy. I'm not sure how we figured out different, but the cat was at least a year old and my daughter says Tai's not a boy mom, it's a girl.

I thought, no way. I've called him my little boy for at least a year. I couldn't get used to it, it was just natural to call her a he.

MaiTai is now almost 12 years old and I still call her a he 99% of the time. I say how's my little boy, uh girl doing today?

I've only been with my husband for 7 years and he knows Tai is a girl. If I talk about him, I always say he, and my husband corrects me and says, Tai's a she.

After thinking MaiTai was a boy for so long, I just can't get it through my head she is really a girl. At least the name MaiTai could be a girl or boy. At least she doesn't have a definite masculine name.

2007-04-14 01:41:02 · answer #3 · answered by Karen H 5 · 0 0

You are lucky you picked a name that will do for either sex. You can call him Mr. Marshmallow if you want to butch it up a bit.
This happens all the time. Some friends of mine found a cat they thought was a girl and named "her" Doris. When the truth was reveled they tried to change it to Boris but it never stuck. Big 12 pound black cat, too.

2007-04-13 12:00:01 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ya, we had that happen to us, but the opposite. We got a beautiful pewter gray and white long-hair kitty from a friend, and were told it was a girl. Because of her long fur and being told it was a girl, we never second-guessed what we were told. When we took her into the Vet's for shots for the first time, told him her name was Ashlee, he said "I have a bit of a surprise for you". Then he proceeded to tell us She was a He. So "he" walked in there with a name, and walked out without a name. We ended up renaming him Milo. But as long as you love your kitty, does the gender really matter? I know it takes some getting use to. Just enjoy her.

2007-04-13 11:55:36 · answer #5 · answered by porkchop 3 · 0 0

I had that same thing happen to me when I took my cat to the vet to have it fixed. I always though it was a female and discovered I have a male. It was horrible and I felt so bad. In fact, my husband and I still refer to the cat as a female....we just could not get use to making the change. Now, we just call the cat a he-she.

2007-04-13 11:32:21 · answer #6 · answered by flowerpot41 3 · 0 0

I know how u feel.I was told my cat was a girl.When we went 2 the vet about something unrelated and said "she "the Dr. lifted up the tail and said "she is a he".I felt so stupid,but u get over it quickly enough.

2007-04-13 11:33:21 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

my aunt had a cat and she had him for about 3 years and she could not take care of him so we took him in and we also had a cat that was a girl and so before we took my aunts cat she had to get the cat fixed and the cat's name was cole and she found out the cat was a boy so we named him Mr. Cloe so he wouldn't get confused. and how do you not know the sex of your cat?


Nice name

2007-04-13 11:55:16 · answer #8 · answered by kaelyn k 1 · 0 0

I agree with catmad; my Stimpy was in heat the first time when I found out he was a she. I was told my little tomcat would be great for me and went from there. Oh well she listens to my voice not my words anyway. Luck from Brian&Stimpy...

2007-04-13 11:37:23 · answer #9 · answered by renhoez 5 · 3 0

If you still love the cat, it really doesn't make any difference. It's odd that even qualified people couldn't accurately determine the sex, but I suppose it can happen.

She still got spayed, though, right?

2007-04-13 11:33:31 · answer #10 · answered by J 3 · 0 0

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