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#1 removed dictator regime
#2 found no WMD's
#3 drafted a leagle consistution
#4 held free elections
#5 found & executed saddam hussein

2007-04-13 02:54:38 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

14 answers

"Why are we are still at war?" Well, the first thing to recognize is that America is not at war. The Bush administration is at war, its own "war," and it is using the military to pursue its war.

The American people are not at war. Nobody is sacrificing anything. There is no food rationing or gas rationing. Nobody is selling war bonds. There is no massive tax increase earmarked to pay for a war. People are still spending money on luxuries and pleasures just as they do in any prosperous peacetime economy.

Yes, the Bushites will tell you America is at war but that scam is to keep the peasantry docile, confused and obedient. Trust your masters, obey, grovel, don't think. And take no notice of those chains your masters are fastening on you; after all, your leaders know what is best. Bow down, pray and obey. Relax and be sure that pretty soon you won't even remember what freedoms you have lost a little at a time. Just keep in mind that Big Brother is watching over you.

America is not the government. America is the people. For America to go to war, Congress - not the president - has to declare war. Read the Constitution.

So why does the president keep telling us that America is at war? For an answer, read George Orwell's "1984". When Big Brother wants to keep you obedient and subjugated, his Ministry of Truth will keep feeding you news of his ongoing wars overseas.

They must maintain a continuous series of these faraway foreign wars. If one ends, then another must be started up without delay. And the actual enemy must be only vaguely identified, such as "terror" and "terrorism", an emotion and a tactic, rather than being anything as recognizable as an actual state.

By keeping up a series of ongoing foreign wars which do not affect the lives of people at home very much, Big Brother is able to justify his keeping "wartime powers" over the civilian population.

We saw this deceit in action after 9/11. Instead of recognizing the attack for what it was - an attack by civilians on civilians, a crime to be resolved by police methods - Bush rushed to call it a "war". This gave him the excuse to claim unprecedented powers as a self-declared "wartime president" to start taking away your freedoms. And if you dare to question this seizure of power you can be called "unpatriotic." So don't think, just submit, bow, trust and obey.

2007-04-13 03:34:51 · answer #1 · answered by fra59e 4 · 0 0

You know I thought this way too. I was thinking emotionally and not rationally and just wanted all the service people in my family to come home.

But you know, it is one thing to accomplish something in a country. It is another to achieve stability.

It is just like how people feel about my people: slavery is over, so is Jim Crow, what is the problem now? Well the issues and problems still remain.

The military must achieve stability for Iraq (at least as much as we can..in the end the people themselves will have to want peace more than war). It is critical. And to paraphrase Colin Powell, "you break it you bought it". We need to "finish the job".

Also consider what one my good friends in Israel told me and what my brother in the Marines agreed on: this war keeps the war on terrorism AWAY from the US. I had never considered this before until Pavel told me. The terrorist agents will flock to a Muslim nation far quicker than the US.

And the people still have to deal internally with the issues of living so many years under a repressive regime, the break down of ANY (even a dictatorship) government there, and the various clans and Islamic sects of people have to learn to live in peaceful existence.

2007-04-13 03:24:17 · answer #2 · answered by soulflower 7 · 0 0

Because you invaded a country, you had no right to invade. Saddam had been lying low for a while. The decision for the invasion was not taken from solid evidence. Even after that you stood with a country, whose infrastructure was largely destroyed. This is when local militias saw the opportunity to take over Iraq. Ýou are fighting a losing battle in Iraq and in the middle east. You cant leave cause then the puppet government will collapse and militia leaders will struggle over the leftovers and you cant stay cause you are losing troops every day.

2007-04-13 03:35:34 · answer #3 · answered by Rajashan 1 · 0 0

I agree with the person earlier who stated it is all about stability in that nation. They have been fightening against each other for years and years and I know for some of the more ignorant Americans it is hard to imagine why we need to be there.
As Americans, we have commited our selves to this war and we need to keep strong and support those men and women willing to put their lives on the line for our country. Enough of all this political crap. Let's just get this finished the right way. Support our Country and support our troops.

Why are there so many American's that enjoy having the freedoms they have...but seem clueless on how our nation became....and don't realize the great sacrifices of the many other wars that allow them to leave so free?

2007-04-13 03:16:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'll put it very simply: We're there for power and control, like any government would be. It's simple. There are no weird, hidden agendas. It's the truth; because if we don't have control, someone else does, right? Right now we have extra establishments; military bases and such. We're there to establish a grounding and influence their economy, because, for one, it helps our economy in the long run. Not just that, but if we can "stabalize" their "economy" and "rid their land of terrorism" (impossible, but we'll still try, I betcha), we'll "benefit". "We will benefit."

Now, if you don't want to be part of the benefit, good for you. >_> Good luck with that one. Try doing something about it. If you're a real patriot, you'll fight for what you believe in no matter what another's opinion on the matter is. Just don't destroy your vision of your own country in the process.

PS- We can't withdraw "just like that." Nothing in government can be swiftly executed without bad side effects. Even if it IS unconstitutional and unlawful for us to be doing what we're doing, and even if we've garbaged up their home with depleted Uranium and destroyed and crippled part of Earth's land in the process, we can't stop "just like that." Initiate some sort of withdrawal group and get active, if it means so much to you. : )

PPS- Legal is not a Beagle. Spell it as it is in our dictionaries and you'll be greatly rewarded! *showers of gold*

2007-04-13 03:25:13 · answer #5 · answered by Pyro_Orip 1 · 0 0

One objective is June 2007 when the Iraqi president said the Iraqi police and soldiers would be fully able to handle themselves.

The second objective is to hand back providences back to Iraq providence by providence. That plan finishes in May 2008.

2007-04-13 05:46:07 · answer #6 · answered by gregory_dittman 7 · 0 0

We are still at war to give this country a chance at stability. And so we don't have to fight them on our soil. Do you want another 9/11? I certainly don't.

My husband was seriously wounded in Iraq. It has taken him a year to learn to walk again. That isn't the only problem he has come home with..but he still would love to return and do his duty so we can sit here on our computers and talk about how we shouldn't be there.

2007-04-13 04:55:02 · answer #7 · answered by GhostlySpector 1 · 0 0

however the story did not end. It went on for 8 years and Bush even gave up attempting to win asserting that it replaced into as much as the subsequent president. @DouceBag...:: Germany began international Wars I and II. the international replaced into in probability of being occupied by using Germany and the US Democratic president went to conflict to end it. The North Koreans via standard McArthur violating presidental and UN orders to not pass north of the thirty 8th parallel. standard MacArthur replaced into relieved of accountability because of the fact of it. The Bay of Pigs replaced right into a secret CIA venture. It failed because of the fact JFK ordered it halted against the objections of the CIA genuine brass. the truthfully start up of the Vietnam conflict replaced into interior the Eisenhower administration, JFK replaced into approximately to withdraw the troops we had there while he replaced into shot. Johnson and Nixon more advantageous the conflict on suggestion of the US militia generals. z

2016-10-22 01:28:03 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Actually the fact that WMD's were found debunks your whole argument. Saddam used them on the Kurds. Over 500 found since 2003.

2007-04-13 02:59:11 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

What about stability? Still have that one to accomplish, hopefully congress will stop interfering so we can achieve it. They keep sighting Vietnam as a parallel, how did Congressional interference and fund limiting work out then?

2007-04-13 03:01:14 · answer #10 · answered by Centurion529 4 · 2 0

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