Even if you manage your money wisely, too many credit applications can have an adverse effect on your credit rating, especially if you are making these within a relatively short period of time. This doesn't happen only to you. You should know that there are many people who do this as they are seduced by the many good offers which they perceive at any given time as all the card companies try to compete for additional business. Nevertheless, applying for multiple cards within a short time span does impact negatively upon your credit rating so it's wiser to do your homework on the comparison sites and stick to only making one or two applications in quick succession. You should wait a few months between applying for alternative sources of credit, including mortgages, loans, store cards as well as credit cards an even a mobile phone application. Read more about it at: http://www.credit-card-gallery.com/article/182,Don't_Let_Your_Credit_Application_Ruin_Your_Credit
2007-04-11 22:42:27
answer #1
answered by farran abat 3
As long as none of the info is correct, then no problem, but if you sign your name stating that everything is true, and it isn't, and your name is on there, you can get into big trouble.
The guys don't even care really, they get paid by the hour or maybe a commission on applications filled out. Fill them in as Fred Flinstone, they usually don't care.
2007-04-11 12:04:52
answer #2
answered by Hans B 5
By the time you get the so called "pre-approval letter" in the mail they already know who you are. That is why you get the letter. They just dont randomly send you the letter in the mail without knowing your social security number and name and address. There are lists everywhere to get that kind of information. Im sure they have a process in place to check your information to see what you put down matches theirs. If that werent the case you would have everyone doing that and the economy would go belly up. So have no fear, they know who you are before you even get the letter of approval.
2007-04-11 12:41:31
answer #3
answered by Richard 2
Yes, it is Fraudulent, regardless of your intent, and it is illegal.
People can argue all day about the legalities of it. The odds are very much in your favor that you will not get into any trouble in this particular situation, not unless the guys catch on to your little free sandwhich scheme.
But when it comes down to it, it is illegal. And you can pay fines and even spend jail time for it if you were to get caught.
2007-04-11 12:47:05
answer #4
answered by lionsworth 3
Your real problem is that you keep posting this question! Stop providing false info and you will have nothing to worry about. You are probably one of those identity thieves who is just trying different combinations of info to see what will get approved so you can run it up and never pay it back! better suggestion get a real job/life and find something better to do with your time and energy!!!!
2016-03-17 23:37:19
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
If you actually get a card as a result of this, I would be a little concerned. If that is the case, the best thing to do would be to cancel the card immediately.
2007-04-11 12:08:42
answer #6
answered by Angie 6
Technically, that is fraud. If NONE of the information is true, how will they find you to prosecute? If you don't get a card, hunting you down is not worth the effort.
2007-04-11 13:44:35
answer #7
answered by STEVEN F 7
Tecnically you could....its called fraud!
However, those bastards who sucker in poor college students into getting high interest credit cards are scum and therefore...
2007-04-11 12:04:19
answer #8
answered by carchitectress 3
Well, it is not leagl per se' however I am sure you are not the only person who has done this.
2007-04-11 12:06:28
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
No i dont think so
2007-04-11 12:00:16
answer #10
answered by atari 2