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“Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 10:32-33

2007-04-11 09:09:58 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

Very simple answer. Do you believe that Jesus is the son of God who died on a cross, rose again, and is the only way to the Father? Do you repent of your sins, do you accept Jesus as your savior? If your answer is yes, Jesus will confess your name before His father at judgment. You will enter heaven, based on your faith in Jesus.

If your answer is no, Jesus will not confess your name before His father at judgment, and you will be lost forever.

2007-04-11 09:13:32 · answer #1 · answered by Esther 7 · 3 0

Well, very good question. I've studied a lot into this in please understand that it means more that just confessing Jesus as your Lord. With the mouth you confess and with the heart also. In Titus, the Bible says that to the pure, all things are pure but to the defiled, is nothing pure, even their mind and conscience is defiled or in other words not working. In vs 16 it says, they profess that they know God: but in works they deny Him, being abominable, and disobedient. In other words, there will be a lot of people who claim to know Jesus as their personal Savior, but just b/c I confess to be in a garage, doesn't make me a car. Jesus also said, "why do you call Me Lord, Lord, and do not the things that I say?" In other words, your calling on me in vain and He will say depart from me all that work iniquity or who don't keep His Word. Those who love Him will keep his commandments and they won't be grevious to them the Bible says. And here is how to know if your denying Jesus or not. Look at the fruit your producing...do you still lie? Steal? Commit adultry or idoltry? These are sins that can only be forgiven if you repent which means turn from them and allow the Blood of Christ to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. That's what the Bible says. I hope that anyone who reads this looks deeper than just believing with a hope that you are saved. Jesus said you will know the tree by it's fruit. If the tree produces bad fruit, it will be cut down and thrown into the fire which is hell. Check out John 15 where Jesus talks about the True Vine. He says that those who don't produce good fruit the Father takes away. We serve an awesome God who knows and sees ALL. God bless...I hope this helps.

2007-04-11 16:28:06 · answer #2 · answered by lawsonglenn200 1 · 0 0

It means just what it says, Kari:

And many people foresook their lives in obeying their Lord.
At the time of Christ "Rome's parliament could declare someone a god, and ceasar was always deified. The Christians who had been in contact with the original Disciples knew that they could not even offer the smallest pinch of incense to Ceasar--several thousand died in Rome.

Coulc we expect to maintain the faith in the face of intimidation? All the disciples affirmed they would die before they forsook their saviour--Passover dinner was hardly over when they scattered like sheep--even Peter cursed like a rooster.

We will have our faith tested, too. Revelation tells of a time when we can not buy or sell unless we have the mark, and then must die if we do not worship the Beast. No, I won't boast like the disciples, but by study, prayer, and trust in our Savior, He will give us strength to endure whatever trials He has prepared for us.

This is talked about in a Bible code that identifies Antichrist, among other things. Read all five chapters free on the Internet at www.revelado.org/revealed.htm

Blessings AND AGAPE LOVE, OneWay

2007-04-11 16:26:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What he is saying is that if you are confess that you know him before man then he will confess that you are indeed a believer to his father who is in heaven,If you deny knowing him then he will deny that you are a believer to his father.that is what he is saying in Matthews10:32-33

2007-04-11 16:28:56 · answer #4 · answered by David L 1 · 0 0

All the time you hear and see people typing that they don't believe in Jesus - therefore, they have denied Jesus.

Therefore, Jesus will deny them before His Father God in heaven. Jesus said this while He walked the earth, but it is the same today.

If you deny Jesus and God, you have no chance of eternal life in heaven with Him. If you confess that Jesus Christ died, was buried and resurrected and believe on Him, then you can receive eternal life with Jesus.

DENY you lose. CONFESS you win.

2007-04-11 16:16:44 · answer #5 · answered by Jeancommunicates 7 · 1 0

Romans 10: 9-10 says to be saved you must confess with your mouth and believe in your heart,Jesus,
also Jesus is refered to as our advocate with the Father, like a lawyer if you will, he pleads your case thru his atoning blood, if you receive him.
so if you deny him when you come before God to see if you name is in the Lambs book of life ,you will be deny before God.
How can we deny what we believe? if we don't believe our very lifestyle and actions speak for us.


2007-04-11 16:21:54 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Some of the answers are right except for one point... Accepting Jesus won't get you in heaven per say as this is the "Washington's", or the "Ottawa" or the "Jerusalem" of God's Kingdom, its government but it will get you in the paradise earth after Armageddon... That I am sure of!!! Although what is truly in your heart only Jehovah, the heavenly Father and His son Jesus know that for sure....

2007-04-11 16:18:44 · answer #7 · answered by Teri 4 · 1 0

Consider these other Scriptures, which shed light on the Scripture you've quoted ...
Regarding the first part of the quote:

"Let us ALWAYS offer to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips which make public declaration to his name." --Hebrews 13:15

"Let us HOLD FAST the public declaration of our hope without wavering, for he is faithful that promised." --Hebrews 10:23

"With the heart one exercises faith for righteousness,
but with the mouth one MAKES public declaration for salvation." --Romans 10:10

"Fight the fine fight of the faith, get a firm hold on the everlasting life for which you were called and you offered the fine PUBLIC declaration in front of MANY witnesses." --1 Timothy 6:12

Notice that they do not say that the confessing would be done in just one admittance of acceptance. Rather, it was an ON-GOING confession, a 'public witnessing campaign', which they would always be responsible for.

"How Can I Be Saved?"...
- Have You Been Saved?
- What Must We Do to Be Saved?
- - Following Jesus
- - Belief Prompts Action
- - Jesus' Own Messages ... http://watchtower.org/e/19960201/article_01.htm

... is a Bible-based article that Scripturally explains dedication in more detail.

The latter part of what you've quoted is in line with what Christ said:

"“Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?’ And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew YOU! Get away from me, YOU workers of lawlessness." --Matthew 7:21-23

In other words, he recognized that many who actually claim to be his followers would really be his enemies. Cnsider:

Unbiblical Doctrines + Ungodly Actions = Not Christian http://watchtower.org/library/pr/article_04.htm

2007-04-11 20:20:51 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Speaking of those who either acknowlege Jesus or deny him.

By confessing to be in Union with Jesus to others, you have Jesus' and God's approval. By denying him, you will not be found with favor among them.

2007-04-11 16:14:17 · answer #9 · answered by ♥LadyC♥ 6 · 2 0

We will all, as sinful humans, stand before Holy God. If we accept and profess Jesus as Savior and Lord, He is our advocate before God, speaking on our behalf. It is through Him that we are able to spend eternity with Holy God.

If you deny Jesus as Savior and Lord (as many on this site do), Jesus will not speak on your behalf before the Father, and you will have no means of spending eternity with God--your sin will forever be a barrier between you and God.

2007-04-11 16:18:16 · answer #10 · answered by happygirl 6 · 0 1

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