Good Question and good point.
I think we need to respect each others opinion on here, even if You don't agree with me or I don't agree with you.
I see Christan's and atheist being down right rude to each other. No need for that .
If you ask for my point of view I'll give it to you, if I ask a question I want your point of view, but not to be berated, miscalled, bashed, and yes I even had filthy pornography said to me. Whats that about?
this site is for fun and to inform one another, not for venting anger.
in closing:
if We (Christan's) truly are like Jesus we will be full of love for one another , but when asked we will tell the truth as God's word points it out us to. Not Bashing or berating people who don't agree with us, it's their free will to choose what they want to believe just like my free will to choose what I want to believe.
and (atheist) want to tell their point of view they should do it with respect of others in logic and truth as they see it, not bashing and berating others for what they believe, because this causes other to think your not really "open minded" as I thought atheist were suppose too be.
Thanks for asking...good Question
2007-04-11 09:05:34
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Honestly, not all of the time, but then I don't think anyone claims to be perfect in their following the Master or representing Him. I personally wouldn't ever claim to have the perfect answer, but only an opinion and personal belief. A true representative of Christ would be able, under most circumstances, to answer questions in humility without striking back at those who mock. However, even Christ on occassion was drawn to anger when certain people mocked His Father, God. It's a hard line to draw and I don't think anyone on this site can draw it. Only God will/can be the Judge. I respect all people, whether they believe as I do or not and I only ask they respect me, but I won't feel offended if they don't.
I am far from perfect, and therefore don't always honor or represent Christ. It's unfortunate and hopefully He will someday forgive me.
2007-04-11 09:49:23
answer #2
answered by straightup 5
First I would say that not everyone that Claims to be a Christian IS a born again Christian...Secondly...How can your faith in a group of people be shaken by the way someone answers a question on a random site such as this, and NOT EVEN KNOW THE REAL PERSON! come on...dont make judgements based on this......If you know what Jesus represented in the Bible...why does it matter what these posers say?
2007-04-11 08:54:33
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Half the Christians in this world are fakes. You've got preachers shouting out against bed-hopping, then turning around and commiting adultry. You've got self-proclaimed Christians going around speaking words of profanity every minute of every day. And you have supposed Christians renounce Christ when there's a gun pointed at their head. Hillary Clinton says she's a Christian, for Pete's sake. And I can swear on the Bible that if she had an Islamist with a bloody sword against her neck, she'd very quickly and agreeably say she is leaning most heartily toward Islam... And there are many, many more like her out there... A real Christian is like Jesus. Steadfast in their faith. Ready to die for Who and what they believe in.
2007-04-11 09:02:15
answer #4
answered by Evanescence16 2
I pray that I am, we are called to witness with actions more than words.
The only action on here is words, that makes things harder.
There are going to be a few bad apples in every basket, I think some of the evil things I have seen written by "Christians" may have been written by non-Christians to make us look mean.
I would not stake my faith and eternity on a few posts on this or any forum. I suggest you find a Church to go to and see real Christians work in real life.
Not just talk.
Peace and May God Bless you!
2007-04-11 08:55:12
answer #5
answered by C 7
very many who post here claiming to be "Christian" are not... they deliberately misrepresent Christian teaching.... There are some others who are well intentioned but in error in there presentation... The forces of evil are very real. They influence those who they can to spread dissent ion... and this YA R&S forum is one of the best examples of the asault against the Christian Faith.
I am of The True Christian Faith. If you have a question concerning the basics of The Faith you may email me... That is why I stick around here... I try to intecept a few of the honest seekers befor they get disgusted and leave. I offer an email alternative... one honest question will receive one honest answer to the best of my ability.
2007-04-11 08:58:06
answer #6
answered by idahomike2 6
I appreciate your concern. I try to give an honest answer to honest questions. There are many that do not ask with honesty and sincerity and there are many others that do not answer with honesty and sincerity. I believe in the power of words to convey thoughts and emotions as well as facts and figures. I am careful what I write to give the best answer I am able to give in the short time and space alloted. Jesus said that it is not what goeth into the mouth that defileth a man but what cometh out of the mouth that defileth a man. When we eat something bad, our body passes it on out through the waste process, but when we speak evil words, they cannot be recalled, the damage is done. Thus, we need to speak edifying words, not detrimental ones.
2007-04-11 08:55:09
answer #7
answered by rac 7
How can we change your mind? I can't control what others do. Some people aren't very bright sometimes. The loud people are the ones that misrepresent people from any group. Unfortunately, you have chosen to listen to the loud people who probably don't know a whole lot of what they are talking about. Talk to the ones who don't show what they are in front of the whole world.
Isa. 29: 13
13 ¶ Wherefore the Lord said, For as much as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honor me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:
Does this sound familiar to you at all??
2007-04-11 08:59:48
answer #8
answered by GoatGirl 3
I can't speak for all Christians of course, but I pray that the witness I put forth is the witness of Christ.
I don't for a minute believe that anyone, Christian or not, could possibly accurately represent Christ in every aspect of their life. I am fallible, I am sinful, I am human. These are not excuses - these are reality. While I strive to live a Christ-like life, to love as He commands, and to follow His will - the sad truth is that I can never 100% do that. I can only be humbled by the fact that He died for me, a sinner, in order that I might receive His grace and be reconciled to Him. I can only pray that my fellow man finds and receives this salvation as well - by His grace alone.
I do agree that there are many questionable answers given by many who profess Christianity.
ps - are you incognito?
blessings :)
additional details
thank you for this - The current "Christian" population of the world rests at about 2 billion according to world statistics. That's just shy of 1/3 of the world's population. now for your question.
I'm sure there are many people that have experienced the same as you.
I, for one, do not for a minute want that to be the case. For myself - If I interact with someone who I know is a follower of Christ and misrepresents who He is, I will rebuke them as scripture commands. (that is of course, if I catch it). Just as I am rebuked if I should stray. It has to be done in love and in such a way that we are both reconciled back to God. Following Christ is all about humility not pride or arrogance.
As for being judged by God - I have no choice. I will be judged. My only hope is in Him. He knows my heart. He has that right.
He also knows the heart of those who are not of Him as well - and they too will be judged. I don't find great joy in that revelation however. My desire, just like Jesus, is that none are lost and that all come to repentence through Christ Jesus.
2007-04-11 08:59:07
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Let me explain here. Christian is nothing more than a title. It use to have meaning but it no longer does. Its all about the relationship with the Father. I have viewed some people who have stated themselves as a Christian at one question and an atheist at another. So remember on the internet you can be whatever you want to be at anytime. So please dont catergorize Christians for this because you cant see that persons fruits produced. Thanks have a great day and God Bless Peace out........
2007-04-11 08:55:03
answer #10
answered by powerliftingrules 5
I understand that some Christians represent Christ negatively but those Christians who are anointed by Jesus Christ have met Him personally and they do represent Christ as the only King of kings and Lord of Lords to which they belong to Him and to His coming kingdom..Sorry for those who lack the power of God in their walk for if they do not have the fruits also of the spirit they too may be cut off...
2007-04-11 08:58:51
answer #11
answered by *DestinyPrince* 6