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I wonder how many people would have cared about the legalities of the war if the takeover had run smoothly and would Blair and Bush be hailed as great leaders.

2007-04-10 23:57:56 · 21 answers · asked by StevieD 3 in Politics & Government Military

21 answers

No one likes war except the politicians.
Legal or illegal I would care about the victims and not the war.

2007-04-11 00:06:01 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

There is a war in Iraq, when did this happen? Damn, I need to read more.

"takeover had run smoothly" but what about democracy?

My point is everything is a freaking riddle, how about some honesty. They do not own the country they are just elected to manage it. The citizen seems to always become the bad guy when they dare to question them. Instead of being the bad guy the citizen is more like a member of the board of directors when compared to the President or Prime minister. The truth is things have not gone smoothly and the board wants accountability.

I like most do not subscribe to idol worship, these individuals or any elected individual for that matter, where selected to fill a position that in itself is not a position, however the iron law of oligarchies seems to always weigh in and everyone else is just a common idiot unable to think for themselves.

So "how many people would have cared about the legalities of the war if the takeover had run smoothly ", well that's what we thought we were getting. Too bad there is no lemon law covering this.

2007-04-11 00:04:39 · answer #2 · answered by NURDER. 2 · 0 1

It would make no different what-so-ever.

Let's just see this from the point of view of the British people. To understand the British attitude on any issue, war or otherwise, you first have to understand that Britain [UK] is populated by a large group of Germanic tribes who cannot agree on any issue.

The only time ever in the entire history of Britain, were the people ever united on a single issue, was in 1940 when Winston Churchill spoke to the nation and told the people that the "Battle of France is now over and we must prepare ourselves for the coming Battle of Britain".

Everyone agreed about that and we all rolled up our sleeves. Each person had a part to play and for a single year, the entire nation was united. Result, Victory over the Luftwaffe by the Royal Air Force. After this we carried on with our usual squabbling and disagreements. The street gangs continued plundering the homes of those who had gone to the shelters during an air-raid....etc.

Since the end of WW-2 the British have changed very little. We are a nation of people who agree to disagree and so it goes.

There are those who support the war on terror, including the Iraq war and there are those who do not support any war of any kind.

The anti-war side are slowly winning the argument. Both Bush and Blair are irrelevant.

2007-04-11 02:01:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think some would have always questioned our reasoning for going to war with Iraq, however I think your second part and many posts on here (if the takeover had run smoothly) Is the big issue right now. We depend on our leaders to have a plan and to know what they are doing before they proceed, especially when taking us in to something like a war. Many of these post , who to themselves sound like they are Bush supporters, are actually making the biggest point
"If the Iraq war was a success and peace was established, Blair and Bush could have been given accolades instead of hate. " Your right, if they had been Sufficient Leaders who knew what they were doing they would have been given accolades.
I am going to step back from my disagreement with the war for a minute and put it to you this way. Lets imagine the war was justified and necessary - Bush sent half of the recommended troops into Baghdad. And keep in mind all of you Clinton haters no first term president fights a war with his military, they fight it with their predecessors, so Clinton's Army did one hell of a job mopping the floor with Saddam's Troops, what did it take, like three days to take Baghdad? However because Bush failed to send "enough" troops in, as recommended by his generals, he was unable to secure the country and keep the Iranian insurgents (that we are fighting now) out of the country and secure Iraq's borders.

c1523456-"It is legal and right. It is ethical too. You still want that dictator threatening their neighbors, and financing those homicidal bombers killing innocent Israeli? "Do I want Saddam threatening his neihbors, You Mean iran (that Saddam had been at war with for 30 years and had kept at bay) and Syria? Hell yeah I wanted him threatening those guys! But I think you are talking about Amidinajod and Iran-it sounds alot more like them. He calls for an end to Israel, and Finances Hezbolah and Hamas. But my point is this. If you are going to do something and show the world the Might of US forces then give it 100% Put all forces to bear and leave no question as to the superiority of US forces. Had this been a decisive victory that was well led, we would have alot of leaders in that region trying to play nice rather than talk smack. we aren't looking all that tough right now, we're getting our butts handed to us daily by these "insurgents" and its not our Soldiers fault, they are doing the best they can with what their leaders have given them.

2007-04-13 05:21:04 · answer #4 · answered by Myles D 6 · 0 0

Congress was given the same information that George Bush was given. George Bush was even quoting Bill Clinton when it came to WMD. Congress voted for war on Iraq so it was legal.

War is never smooth. Reconstruction after the U.S. Civil War took at least 40 years and the U.S. is still in Germany and Japan after 60 years.

2007-04-11 00:09:52 · answer #5 · answered by gregory_dittman 7 · 1 1

people need to realize why we are there..... and who we are fighting.....

we are fighting radical muslim extremists who want to kill all that don´t follow thier crazy translation of the quran....

sounds a little like that group back in the day... that wanted to kill everyone who wasn´t blonde haire and blue eyes... what were they called again.... oh yeah... the Nazis.... now they killed some 5-6 million other christians.. (gays, priests, pretty much anyone who resisted) along with the 7 million jews.... they simply directed the attention towards the jews...... kind of like how the crazy muslims direct the attention towards the west....

but when it comes to fact.... scores of more muslims have died than people from the west.... why... becasue they are getting in the way of.... they crazy muslims don´t care who you are... if you are not one of them you are an infidel and must be killed.....

and this **** didn´t start with 9-11, we´ve been getting attacked by these ppl since the 70´s..... under every president since Carter.... so it´s not the president either..... its us not believing in thier crazy religion.... and they are determined to kill us all.....

i wish we had that same determination...

2007-04-11 00:48:10 · answer #6 · answered by James R 3 · 2 0

If the Iraq war was a success and peace was established, Blair and Bush could have been given accolades instead of hate.

2007-04-11 00:05:18 · answer #7 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 0 2

If it ran smoothly, Hitlery Clinton and her supporters would have hailed the war as a "war of liberation", and would have analyzed it with Nazis Vs. Jews, like they did with the Jihad against Yugoslavia.

2007-04-11 00:05:49 · answer #8 · answered by Avner Eliyahu R 6 · 1 1

It's not about the takeover. It's about the reason we were there to start with. Yea the mishandling of the war is sickening but the lies that were told are worse.

2007-04-11 00:05:39 · answer #9 · answered by Enigma 6 · 2 1

Of course.
Seems you're trying to judge the public response to war rather than those who created the mass slaughter of perfectly innocent individuals.
Legal or not.

2007-04-11 01:40:30 · answer #10 · answered by jinz 5 · 0 0

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