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I read on a message board that if you make a mistake of telling people that you are depressed and suicidal that they will take custody of your child. Obviously he isn't born yet and I guess I'll wait till after he's born before doing myself in. My question is, can they take custody if you let it slip that you want to do yourself in before you give birth. Or do they wait until after you have your baby and then try to take him? I'm married, btw.

2007-04-10 05:58:19 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I'm sorry, I should have clarified something. I have been on and off depressed from being a teenager onward. This isn't pregnancy induced hormonal depression, I've been this way for awhile before getting pregnant. Sorry about the omission.

2007-04-10 06:11:19 · update #1

My dh isn't really the problem. He does try to be understanding. I feel terribly guilty because I got pregnant by accident and we are in some bad financial straits now. I know he wants the kid and I don't want the CPS taking the kid if I tip my hand that I want to leave planet earth.

My avatar is not me, it's someone I know.

2007-04-10 06:14:44 · update #2

I don't care if I am dead, but I don't want to make my dh or family not be able to have the kid if it gets put in a foster home or something.

2007-04-10 06:25:29 · update #3

11 answers

When you have depression you are not always able to make the best decisions for yourself but you are making good decisions and looking out for your family and that makes me think that you have alot more going for you than you think.

You need someone to advocate for you so you can get the right help. Look into Alternative care if you've been having this problem since your teen years the help you've had or care you've had is not working. I know what your going through and I can tell you there are non medicated and medicated ways to cure you of depression for good. It doesn't have to be a struggle. Please let someone help you get the care you need. You deserve better than to feel like you don't care about yourself.

2007-04-10 11:12:39 · answer #1 · answered by marmstrong1877 2 · 1 0

If you were to attempt suicide social services could take temporary custody of your child until you were evaluated. If your husband is fine and you aren't dangerous towards your child don't worry about that. Get some counseling and try to be excited about motherhood. Sometimes I think the scary side of having a baby and all the responsibilities, plus all the hormonal changes can really mess with your mind, plus you already have a tendency towards depressive cycles. Seek counsel immediately in your area, call a suicide hotline and find resources in your area. Your depression does not mean you will be inadequate as a mother. No one will judge you or want to take your child away, you just have to decide whether or not you want to try and live for your baby. You have to want to feel better and work at feeling better and you will. You are reaching out and that is a good start.

2007-04-10 06:20:45 · answer #2 · answered by Serena L 2 · 2 0

I don't know the answer, but as someone who has been there, please don't even talk like this. Obviously, your life is pretty screwed up and someone has hurt you really badly. But, I can't imagine a worse way to screw up a child than to commit suicide.

You don't really want that, right? You want help, but you don't want them to threaten to take away your kids. So, you need to find somewhere to go to get help which is confidential. Try a crisis pregnancy center. They are GREAT! It's confidential, and you can give them any name you want, or no name at all, and meet with a counselor as often as you want for free!!! Call right now!!! Do a search on Yahoo Local.

2007-04-10 06:09:16 · answer #3 · answered by purplebinky 4 · 1 0

You don't say how far along you are in your pregnancy, but at certain stages depression is completely normal due to hormone levels changing, feeling like gonna be pregnant forever, hating the way the pregnancy has made it impossible to see your feet, and worries about labor and delivery. You need to discuss your concerns with your husband, mother, doctor, or a minister. Just think about that beautiful baby and how much he will need you to care for him. Once you see your child and hold him, I hope and pray that you forget about trying to do away with yourself. Your child will need you to be there for him.

2007-04-10 06:09:40 · answer #4 · answered by Country girl 7 · 1 0

You need to get some help. Why do you feel this way. Your child is worth living for. I am pregnant and it was something I was not sure of but I am happy. Think of the good things this child will bring. If its your husband that is bring you down - dump him. There are people out there that will listen and help you. Talk to family. Please think of your baby. Take care.

2007-04-10 06:05:33 · answer #5 · answered by Lisa B 3 · 2 0

A lot of women who are pregnant have depression at times. You should talk to your doctor about it and they can help you with it by therapy or even medications that won't hurt the baby. You are not alone in feeling this way.
Good luck

2007-04-10 06:03:20 · answer #6 · answered by jenlynn42 3 · 0 0

I would not think they can take your child away at least not yet. I would discuss problem with your OBGYN. They might be able to give you some medicine to help, or refer you to a specialist. Your hormones are not all right, and the feelings you are having are probably more common then you think. Please go and talk to your doctor, pastor, or other professional.

2007-04-10 06:04:09 · answer #7 · answered by shann1211 1 · 1 0

attempt utilizing person-friendly and sound to assist your toddler regulate nighttime and day. at the same time as that's daylight hours have the homestead very vivid and loud, then at the same time as the solar is going down out is going the light fixtures and stale is going the music/television that would help him to verify it out. Do you've a rocking chair? or an workout ball? those will continually get my daughter to sleep, it will be to that he's more suitable hungry at nighttime, feed him at the same time as he acts hungry, breastfed little ones will in many cases 'cluster feed' interior the evenings which potential they're going to devour on and stale for some hours earlier nodding off for the nighttime. this may nicely be your son's instincts telling him to do the same, make a small jug of formulation then supply him 1/2 an oz. or an oz. at a time after his finished 3oz bottle, that would nicely be sufficient to positioned him to sleep. and because you're pouring it from a bottle into the bottle that his mouth will contact, you is only no longer dropping any, what he does no longer drink you are able to feed at the same time as he wakes up. you are able to do this, attempt to loosen up, your toddler will pickup on your capacity and pass with it. make constructive you aren't any more ingesting espresso or some thing else with caffeine, you opt to have the capacity to objective to sleep at the same time as he sleeps even even if that's in the course of the day. Worst case situation... no longer some thing works... and also you'll stick it out for yet another few weeks till he hits both.5-3month aspect the position he's gentle with the perception of being out of your abdomen and interior the international. From there it only receives a lot less confusing and bigger interesting. you are able to do it, women each man or woman is nice. you may want to choose some St. Johns Wort that's an organic antidepressant, extremely person-friendly and with very very low chance of uncomfortable area consequences, compared to pharmaceutical antidepressants it does no longer block off receptors interior the mind turning out to be the numb dopey feeling they could. you are able to do it, grab a senseless novel, pass curl up in mattress and see in case you are able to't nod off at the same time as your toddler sleeps. Daddy can do the house responsibilities at the same time as he receives homestead.

2016-10-18 00:27:30 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

i don't know about that. but i would talk to your doctor about your depression. when you have the baby, they will be able to help (probably medication). but it is totally normal to be feeling this way, so don't let that bring you down anymore. just take it easy and be patient. everything will be ok.

2007-04-10 06:03:18 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Wel f you are going to be dead then what do you care if they take your baby away from you?

If you are married theb your husband will get the baby automatically.

2007-04-10 06:23:14 · answer #10 · answered by cigaro19 5 · 0 3

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