The testimony of the Bible, however, is that all men who have ever lived in the world are descendants of Adam and, therefore, are of essentially the same race—the human race. “God hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth” (Acts 17:26). Furthermore, all men in the present world are also descendants of Noah, after the great Flood. Before the Flood, God had said: “The end of all flesh is come before me; . . . behold, I will destroy them with the earth” (Genesis 6:13). Then, later the Bible says: “All flesh died that moved upon the earth . . . and every man” (Genesis 7:21). After the Flood, “God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth” (Genesis 9:1). Finally the Bible says: “And the sons of Noah, that went forth of the Ark, were Shem, and Ham, and Japheth: . . . and of them was the whole earth overspread” (Genesis 9:18, 19).
Now although the Scriptures do not mention races, they do have a great deal to say about nations and languages. These distinctions are even noted in heaven. In Revelation 7:9, the vision of the heavenly throng was given as of “a great multitude, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues.” The description of the eternal city includes this remarkable statement: “And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it” (Revelation 21:24). Thus, in some sense, national identities are to be retained, even in the ages to come.
The most distinctive characteristic, and the most divisive, possessed by various groups among men, is not skin color or physical size, or some other physical trait, but language. Communication is of paramount importance for understanding and harmony, and language is certainly the most basic element in communication.
The origin of human language, and especially of the tremendous diversity of human languages, is as yet quite inexplicable to the evolutionist. 6-4 There is nothing even remotely comparable to such an ability among the higher animals. That human speech and language are divine creations is by far the most reasonable explanation. Furthermore, the fact that the great variety of languages reflects a divine judgment on early man, as the Bible teaches, is also the most reasonable explanation we have.
After the Flood, when “the whole earth was one language and one speech” (Genesis 11:1), men disobeyed God’s command to scatter and fill the earth, preferring to remain together and erect a single great world empire, with its capital at the first Babylon, and centered in the worship of the “host of heaven.” For this purpose they erected a gigantic temple tower, or ziggurat, at whose apex was a shrine dedicated “unto heaven,” undoubtedly inscribed with the signs of the Zodiac and other astrological emblems. The “host of heaven,” frequently mentioned in the Bible, refers both to the stars and to the angelic and demonic hosts identified with the heavenly bodies. The great Tower of Babel, therefore (part of which may still be standing in or near the ruins of Babylon), was essentially a temple dedicated to Satan worship and evolutionary pantheism.
God’s judgment on this great rebellion was to “scatter them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth,” through “confounding their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech” (Genesis 11:7, 8). This must have been some kind of physiologic miracle, an instant change in those centers of the brain controlling speech, so that each family suddenly found itself identifying various objects and actions with different words and tones than other families used. The confusion and incoherent arguments which resulted finally led each family to go its own way and eventually to establish its own national and linguistic identity.
Since physiologic changes were necessarily involved in this sudden confusion of tongues, it may well have been that still other physiologic changes were also induced by God at the same time, in order to hasten the establishment of each group as a distinct national entity. Whether or not this is the case, it is certainly true that the development of specific national, or even what we call “racial” traits, could not take place as long as men lived together and inter-married freely. A certain amount of isolation and national inbreeding is genetically essential for the establishment of particular characteristics in a nation or race. Thus, these could not have developed until after mankind was dispersed from its first post-diluvian home in Babylon.
Even apart from the miraculous changes suggested above, such characteristics could have developed quite rapidly, assuming that the different genetic factors (for skin color, stature, hair texture, and the like) were present in the ancestral stock, and that isolation and selection pressures of some kind—whether climatic or social or others—operated in favor of certain characteristics in each tribe. These, however, are all basically superficial and could never result in a new “kind” of man.
All nations are alike before God in that all are in need of a Savior, and in that all can come to the Savior if they will. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
2007-04-10 02:54:27
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The same way the science today explains the different races when it also maintains that all humans come from a single ancestor. The advantage the Bible has is that in Genesis it details for us the different movements of Noah's sons, grandsons, etc. to show what the origin of each race is, and how the bloodlines relate. Science has get to be able to track the DNA back accurately enough to match that information.
2007-04-10 02:22:08
answer #2
answered by dewcoons 7
that is because they don't believe in the doctrine of serpent seed. If you read in genesis it states that the serpent had a seed/child/son.
the tree of Life symbolized christ and the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil symbolized the serpent. the serpent looked just like man in his original form, only he was much bigger and better looking. eve lusted for sexual knowledge and the serpent gave her what she was wanting. the scripture says the serpent beguiled/seduced eve. that is why God cursed her at the womb because that is where the sin took place and why women go thru that monthly sanctification as a testimony to what eve did. she desecrated her womb which was consecrated to bring forth life. there was a cross in the garden where every man died(the crossing of the blood lines) which is how we became polluted in our own blood, through this sex act. that is why jesus had to come without sex and die on a cross as the antidote to the poison injected to the human race in the beginning. cain was the product of this act. eve gave birth to twins cain and able but cain was the serpents child and able was adam's son. people say that eve said she received a child from the lord when she had cain but the scripture says eve was deceived/wrong, dead wrong! eve was the most beautiful blue eyed blond you ever layed eyes on, hence the term dumb blonde. eve means the mother of all living but adam is not the father of all living.
you can go to to find out more info or or
2007-04-10 02:29:17
answer #3
answered by God help us 6
what makes you think of that adam and eve have been white? multiple the bible become written in the midsection east so i'd assume that they have got been isrealites or arabic. Genesis 11 The Tower of Babel a million Now the whole international had one language and a hassle-unfastened speech. 2 As adult men moved eastward, [a] they chanced on a common in Shinar [b] and settled there. 3 They pronounced to a minimum of one yet another, "Come, enable's make bricks and bake them thoroughly." They used brick as a replace of stone, and tar for mortar. 4 Then they pronounced, "Come, enable us to construct ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so as that we would make a popularity for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth." 5 however the LORD got here right down to work out the city and the tower that the adult men have been development. 6 The LORD pronounced, "If as one human beings speaking the comparable language they have started to do this, then no longer something they plan to do would be impossible for them. 7 Come, enable us to pass down and confuse their language so they gained't understand one yet another." 8 So the LORD scattered them from there over each and all of the earth, and that they stopped development the city. 9 subsequently it become spoke of as Babel [c] —because of the fact there the LORD at a loss for words the language of the whole international. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth.
2016-10-02 11:37:10
answer #4
answered by linnon 4
One partial explanation. One of Noah's grandson's, from his son Ham, had a name which translated "burnt face". This could very easily have been the beginning of dark skinned people. Possibly when God separated the languages at the time of the Tower of Babel, He could also have causes changes in their appearance to further divide the people.
2007-04-10 02:22:23
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Of course there is Bable... and the flood.... but I find it interesting to link it back from the opposite way. I have spent some time in China and I found some interesting things out about their old language characters. I grabbed some of these from a website for you.
For example: the Chinese symbol for “garden” is composed of four symbols – one meaning “dust,” one meaning “breath,” one meaning “two persons,” and one meaning “enclosure.”
and: The ancient Chinese symbol for “boat” is formed by three symbols – one meaning “vessel,” one meaning “eight,” and one meaning “mouth (or people). Centuries later Moses would be inspired to record the story of the global flood in which eight people were saved from destruction by a boat.
and Finally: symbols meaning “man,” “one,” and “mouth” are combined to form the Chinese symbol for “united.” The symbol “united” is then combined with the symbol for “grass,” which makes it mean “undertake.” This combination is then combined with the symbol meaning “clay” (brick), and from all of these combinations of symbols you have the ancient Chinese symbol “tower.” Does this not sound like the story of the Tower of Babel?
2007-04-10 03:19:52
answer #6
answered by tlcbaotou 3
So say it was at the tower of babel. I have also heard that imbreeding will cause the different colors to come into play after a certain amount of time.
2007-04-10 02:25:25
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
the difference races came from Noah' sons ,and because of the wrong they did. looking at Noah's penis
2007-04-10 02:27:05
answer #8
answered by chin 6
There's only one human race on planet earth is globe-all.
The first "finished" the human race is one winner take all.
Second "finished": biblically called give "place" to d-evil.
Check out the two mentions of "finished" in John 17 & 19.
Then see what James 1:15 says of "it is finished" in Jn19.
Do will of God precedes receive the promise: Heb 10:36.
Will of God: "I will have mercy, and not sacrifice".
Allegory meaning: I will have grace, and not law.
Our Father, deliver us from "evil": Mt 6:13
We are delivered from the "law": Rom 7:6
Connecting the biblical dots: "law" = "evil".
Law Law is notably "both good and evil". Discern it!
Both good and evil ends bad: "evil concupiscence".
It(Law) notably makes good people feel "wretched".
Ask soldiers with PTSD how they feel. "Wretched"!
Ask exposed priests how they feel. "Wretched"!
Only way to avoid "wretched" is flush all law law.
Grace cannot lie(law) nor die(law). Law Law does both.
Grace neither tempts(laws) nor can be tempted(lawed).
The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.
2007-04-10 02:39:57
answer #9
answered by Anonymous