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are aquarius children VERY DIFFICULT? I also have a Leo teen and a Virgo teen. My Leo is very difficult also! But My virgo is not. What is your opinions on these signs in kids? Thankyou!

2007-04-09 23:57:21 · 6 answers · asked by Crissy 5 in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

6 answers

Leo Girl

If the prom queen isn't a Leo, the vote was probably rigged. Leo ladies are the center of attention all day, every day -- and that's exactly how they like it! The Lion girl always looks good. Her mane is always perfect and she is always sporting the latest fashions. The only labels she wears are designer, which means it's someone else who'll be shopping at the Gap. As for the heart, she tends to take things far too personally. Her flamboyance and love of the spotlight make her a natural for Tinsletown. With her creativity and drive, she could be the next Madonna. Her hobbies outside of acting and other artistic endeavors include things like playing tennis, riding and sailing. The ever-sociable Leo will always be the leader of the group, and the bigger the group, the better. That's why big schools will be on her radar screen once it comes time to choose a university. She may be a handful at times, but she's definitely going places! And getting there will be plenty of fun for the Leo girl.

Aquarius Boy

A bit aloof, the Aquarian young man is probably busy thinking about something terribly important -- how to save the world, for example. This fellow is both creative and smart and needs plenty of freedom in which to do his "work." You won't ever see a sappy display of affection from him -- he's not sentimental at all. He's likely to forget your birthday every year. Or he'll take you out to a lavish restaurant -- and actually forget his wallet! On the other hand, he's likely to remember obscure facts and random bits of information. After a while, you'll come to expect the unexpected from this guy. To his credit, the Aquarius lad loves to keep moving and will enjoy the company of someone who can keep up with him. He also loves technology and gadgets; don't be surprised if he winds up creating a great piece of software which leads to a successful start-up company. Since he may be spending a lot of time in front of a computer screen, he won't be very focused on his looks or on spending a lot of time playing sports (save for the occasional oddity like, say, fencing). Knowing an Aquarius young man will be one big adventure and a unique experience.

Virgo Boy

Both particular and fussy, the Virgo young man is a neat and clean fellow. He's likely to be looking sharp in his perfectly pressed khakis and collared shirt. He wouldn't be seen wearing something slouchy like baggy jeans. Certainly not a big spender, the Virgo lad is practical with his money. But then he takes a logical and practical approach to all aspects of his life, not just his money. The Virgo young man isn't much of a smooth talker, either, so expect a recitation of his feelings in an honest and straightforward manner. Much the academic, this young man thrives on things which stimulate the mind like chess and advanced Calculus. The tradeoff here is little time or energy left over for physical endeavors. All of that mental energy means that the Virgo boy will get top grades, gaining him entry into the best schools. This is all part of the big plan, a plan which includes a successful career, possibly as a businessman or a doctor. While the Virgo boy may appear a bit anxious and shy, he's going places and can be counted on every step of the way.

And dont forget that because your a taurus you may have a hard time understanding the leo and aquarius because they square your sign, virgo trines your sign so you and the virgo get along pretty good

2007-04-10 03:36:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

My youngest Daughters an aquarius and she was difficult when she was younger but as she gets older she has become a very good person. Here are some of the traits of an aquarius. Vision, originality, charity, tolerance, independence, individuality, eccentricity, neurosis, disobedience, cruelty, popularity, style, accomplishment, selfishness, rebellion, haste and anxiety. I also have a leo son and he was a very hyper child but he too is now a very good husband and father. Good luck they will be fine.

2007-04-10 03:38:04 · answer #2 · answered by milo2angel 2 · 2 0

I've heard somewhere that as long as your child is little, their moon will come out more than their sun sign. (go to http://www.astro.com to find out their moon signs - I should really talk to the creators of that site about advertising... ) For example, I'm a scorpio, but my moon sign is gemini. According to my mother I was way too curious when I was a child - and I still am - and asking too many questions, analysing everything I could get my hands on and was already perfectly bilingual at a very young age. Gemini's characteristics are intellect and language - Gemini's ruling planet is mercury and mercury rules the mind.
My brother, who is a taurus, has Aries moon. He was a very active, energetic tomboy who loved to fight and was quite bossy when he was little. All traits typical to Aries, if you know that mars is its ruling planet and mars is the planet of war.

2007-04-10 00:08:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

No matter how you feel about it, you will always be your mother's child -- or your child's mother. This relationship -- fraught with emotion, expectation, joy and unconditional love -- is one of the most fundamental and complex of all human relationships. One step toward understanding one another is to realize and appreciate your differences. Run a Sun sign compatibility reading and use what you learn to reach new levels of closeness and appreciation.

Aquarius and Taurus
When an Aquarius child relates to a Taurus parent, together they can move mountains. Since they bring out the best in one another, their shared energy is irrefutable positive and constructive. However, progress is only possible between these two if they acknowledge and respect their unique and opposite qualities. This could be the classic case of the Republican parent who has somehow raised a liberal child. Taurus has a practical, down-to-earth approach to life, while Aquarius has an unconventional, out-of-this-world attitude about nearly everything! Both Taurus and Aquarius can be stubborn and opinionated. They like to do things their way with as no questions asked. Taurus appreciates routine, while Aquarius finds the daily grind dull and boring. This parent-child pair may appear to have few common interests, but they share a very strong desire to succeed without compromising their principles. An Aquarian child's ideals will grow stronger with a push from their parent, and a Taurus parent could use a dose of innovation sparked by their child now and again. Once these two combine forces, they can succeed at anything. The best aspect of the Taurus-Aquarius family relationship is when they decide to come together, they are a determined, unstoppable team. Both Signs have very powerful personalities, so neither will dominate the other -- no matter how hard they try. Once they can work out their superficial differences, decide to unite and agree on their individual roles within the team, the dynamics of this family relationship can be rewarding.

Leo and Taurus
When a Leo child is born to a Taurus parent, they really enjoy one another's company. They understand each other's needs well. While Taurus needs to be loved and cherished, Leo likes compliments and wants to be adored and admired. Fawning over and flattering one another are a big part of this family. They are both strongly loyal and are often possessive of each other's time. Both family members are able to provide what the other needs because their desires are so similar. Although both Signs have very powerful personalities, neither will smother the other -- no matter how hard they may try for center stage. Taurus is an Earth Sign and Leo is a Fire Sign. Both are ambitious but in different ways. Leo wants fame and fortune, while Taurus yearns for security and stability. While Taurus needs to be loved and showered with affection, Leo wants to be adored and admired for their fine parenting. They are both strongly loyal to one another and to the family and are often possessive of each other's time. Both want to be the boss, and they may have a number of arguments over this bone of contention. Their loyalty to one another will ensure that any conflicts will be resolved. The best aspect of the Taurus-Leo family relationship is their mutual admiration of one another. They understand the need for a close family bond. They are seen as a model family by outsiders. Their mutual commitment to fulfilling their goals and creating a nourishing household makes theirs a relationship of great support and devotion.

Virgo and Taurus
When a Virgo child is born to a Taurus parent, it's a union of innate practicality. This duo is matched chromosome for chromosome. Both Signs are logical and down to earth, strongly disciplined, and possessed of high moral and cultural standards. This is a family relationship that may take time to develop, but it will get stronger over time. Parent and child both have keen common sense and strong principles. They can be materialistic, as both individuals enjoy the little comforts in life, but they are a hardworking team. Both Signs are logical and down to earth. Strongly disciplined, they possess high standards. Neither child or parent is emotionally gushing. Taurus and Virgo are sincere people and devoted to one another, and both have a great deal of integrity. They share much admiration for one another.Virgo admires their parent's strength and dedication, and Taurus appreciates Virgo's quick mind. Virgo looks to their parent as a role model, and Taurus feels great pride for their offspring. The best aspect of the Taurus-Virgo family relationship is their dedication to working towards the same goals and their enjoyment of the same sort of activities and lifestyle. This family enjoys luxury and nice things, and Virgo likes helping Taurus to achieve their goals. Their common interests and hobbies make theirs a highly compatible family.

2007-04-10 00:57:16 · answer #4 · answered by ♥gigi♥ 7 · 2 0

Bringing Up Young Aquarius

Young Aquarius has an inquiring and analytical mind and is constantly on the go. He or she needs plenty of opportunity to make discoveries, try out inventions and communicate ideas to others. Young Aquarius tends to be detached and dispassionate, finding close relationships difficult. A peaceful, calm, and harmonious environment is essential to young Aquarius, because he or she is so sensitive to underlying tensions. Young Aquarius often looks more confident than he or she is, so parental understanding and genuine encouragement are needed. Like any child, Aquarius needs love, especially in the form of respect, listening, appreciation, and friendship.

What To Teach Young Aquarius

Their minds are always working at lightning speed, so often they get in a mental muddle. Consequently, young Aquarius should be taught how to think logically. In practical terms, they will need to be taught simple methods for remembering things and for finding their way when they get physically lost.

Aquarius At Home

If a person has the personality that is typical of those born with a Aquarius sun sign, home is a place where he or she can fully express unconventional ideas. There are two types of Aquarius: the suave and the messy.

Bringing Up Young Leo

Most Leos enjoy the limelight at school and often take the lead. As they grow up, they will be attracted to the opposite sex and fall in and out of love. Their emotions will be turbulent and often dramatic.

To be able to grow and experiment, both sexes need freedom, which they will use well if they have become used to a discipline that is tempered with love.

Leo girls are naturally happiest when doing something physical.

Young Leo's Needs

Young Leo needs plenty of love and honest compliments. Lies, even flattering ones, are very harmful to the trusting Leo child. He or she also needs a good balance of affection and discipline: plenty of hugs and praise for their achievements.

What To Teach Young Leo

Young Leo should be taught from early on that too much boasting is undignified. This explanation will probably work because even in the messiest situations, Leo likes to keep his or her dignity. The friendly Leo nature endears Leo children to everyone, including strangers. Leo children should be watched over very carefully until they are old enough to understand that not everyone is as warm-hearted as they are. Young Leo needs to be trained to take a share in the jobs around the home. If not, doting parents may find a little tyrant on their hands. If the jobs are given special titles, little Leos will enjoy doing even menial tasks. He or she needs to be taught the importance of regular study and given an understanding of the rights of others. He or she should be taught to handle money, including the need to save it, as they are likely to use it generously.

Leo At Home

If a person has the personality that is typical of those born with a Leo sun sign, home is the most natural territory.

Bringing Up Young Virgo

Young Virgos will try very hard to please, as long as they know what is expected. As they grow up they will often find close relationships with the opposite sex very difficult. Virgos take a lot of convincing that they are attractive people. Lots of genuine praise and encouragement early in life will help to smooth the path to true love in teenage and early adulthood. Parents should never interfere when their young Virgo begins to notice the opposite sex. Even the slightest hint of criticism or teasing may cause Virgos to withdraw and choose the single life.

Young Virgo's Needs

Young Virgo must have physical affection, in the form of hugs, and sincere compliments every day in order to build the self-confidence that every typical Virgo child lacks.

What To Teach Young Virgo

Myths, fairy tales, make-believe, daydreams, and how to use imagination should all be taught to young Virgos so they have plenty of magical moments to remember in their adult years when they often feel lonely. On the whole, young Virgos aim for good grades at school, are helpful around the house, and are usually tidy about their own things, almost to a fault. An untidy Virgo will have some other strong influence in the astrological birth chart. Virgos can be exacting about time, orderliness, and food. They also have a tendency to be critical about everyone else in the family, especially when asked an opinion. They, therefore, need to be taught to accept the little foibles of other people and not to get upset when someone else leaves the top off the toothpaste.

Virgo At Home

If a person has the personality that is typical of those born with a Virgo sun sign, home is a place to thrive.

Love & Blessings

2007-04-10 01:01:18 · answer #5 · answered by milly_1963 7 · 1 2

Is there anything such as a "good" kid?
I'm pondering selling mine to a traveling circus...

2007-04-10 00:24:27 · answer #6 · answered by Captain A-Hole 5 · 1 0

umm...im a child and im a aquarius... any problems with that? eh?

2007-04-10 00:43:51 · answer #7 · answered by ? 1 · 0 3

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