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Calling himself "a good person" who made a bad mistake, radio host Don Imus said Monday he would check his acid tongue after being lambasted for making racially charged comments about the Rutgers University women's basketball team.Imus said he was "embarrassed" by the remarks, in which he referred to the mostly black team as "nappy-headed hos." He said he had made the comments in the course of "trying to be funny," but he was not trying to excuse them.
"I'm not a bad person. I'm a good person, but I said a bad thing. But these young women deserve to know it was not said with malice," he said."It's not going to be easy, but I'm not looking for it to be easy," Imus said.Sharpton has said he wants Imus fired and that he intends to complain to the Federal Communications Commission about the matter."Somewhere we must draw the line in what is tolerable in mainstream media," Sharpton said Sunday. "
" That's some nappy-headed hos there, I'm going to to tell you that," Imus said.

2007-04-09 01:54:10 · 27 answers · asked by mrkache 1 in News & Events Media & Journalism

27 answers

Though Mr. Imus has already been fired, and in my opinion he should have been. The reason I say this is because unlike your "hip-hop" artist his words were spoken with racist intent and to make those who think like him laugh at the expense of these young women who are striving for excellence in higher education.

I'm in no way making an excuse these rappers that use disgusting and downgrading remarks for women. For those of you that feel there is a double standard do the same thing to the rap artist that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson did and turn up the heat on these groups. They didn't get him fired the media got him fired by their constant coverage of it. Just because these two chose to step up and get some air time doesn't mean that all Black America stood behind or beside them for that matter. I nor anyone else elected them to represent me.

Bill O'riely had Ludacris fired from Pepsi why not do the same with all these rappers that you feel are so demeaning to women, minorities and homosexuals. There is no double standard it's just that every person can't be everywhere. With that said why don't you America (I'm including everyone) stand and address what you are able to address stand up and speak out against all forms of hatred.

Stop pointing fingers at black and white. Some of us are so blinded by our hatred for one another that we can't wait to point out the others mistakes and shortcomings. There have been mistakes on both sides of the spectrum, so when we are able to stop blaming one another there can be a collective exchange of thoughts and ideas.

Once again I do feel that Don Imus should have been fired but I am one man with my simple opinion, I'm not the media that helped it happen.

2007-04-13 00:41:09 · answer #1 · answered by shakyshahn2 2 · 1 1

Absolutely! This is NOT the first time Imus has made insulting racial comments...and perhaps if he is canned, it might be the LAST time. How do you say "nappy headed hos" without malice? However, Imus is not the only public figure who has disrespected black women. What about Eddie Murphy with is disgusting Norbit movie? What about the producers of Big Mama's house? When are people going to stop treating black women as we are fair game when it comes to stereotyping, defaming and demeaning? I for am just tired of it! It's almost like you have to be thin and blonde to get any sort of respect or love in this society...and it stinks!!!

2007-04-10 07:10:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Excellent question...but here is the thing. I think yes he should be fired. The remarks were totally inapproiate and no form of apology can make it right. Have you seen the video? He was laughing-he did not see the malice in what he was doing.
The thing is with society the way it is he isn't going to be fired! Look at what everyone else has done and been forgiven.
In response the the other posts P.Diddy is as popular as he is mostly due in part to white america!!! You guys are the ones who buy his music..we have no use for him! Farrahkan? Please. Ninty percent of us don't pay him any attention either. You can't put that on us. People do what people do..and you can not blame an entire race for that...we don't blame all white people for a few ignorant ones like you!

I am finding that most people have not seen the entire Imus video..and are making comments based only on the nappy headed hoe line....listen to him laugh...listen to the line about good and bad hair "from that Spike lee movie" then make your comments

2007-04-09 03:03:35 · answer #3 · answered by SpringBreeze 2 · 0 1

I do not like Don Imus, but he should not be fired for this. How did Howard Stern get away with his job so many times with the n-word popping every five minutes? What about all the black celebrities and artists who say that word and even worse slurs? Al Sharpton should be imprisoned or deported. Who is he to tell me what is acceptable in the media. Maybe he should focus on the general laziness and lack of concern for education in the black community rather than go after the dollar signs of the always corruptible media. He is the one who should be on trial here.

2007-04-12 11:28:03 · answer #4 · answered by scubacrazy70 2 · 0 0

I think the drip has a ego problem, probably all his life he was catered to, someone always wiped his azz etc...

Today, society is full of problems that are never corrected, our political system is corrupt.
Actually, no different than 3000 years ago with the Roman empire...
Example: Pornography is a 10 billion dollar industry, drugs are even more.
These individuals that are involved in the latter decadence are mostly uneducated ignorant people that spend all their money foolishly.
(ignorant meaning not know any better)
The Country loves the spender, taxes along with merchandise keep the dollar moving, a few people all the way at the top get extremely rich.
Remember, this failure is at the cost of the little person that on his or her own is helpless.
The Government must introduce a policy where this fault ENDS!
Severe penalty should then be noted on ANY RACISM remarks!
The above is the only way a society will intergrate on common terms and form a bond of unity.
Sadly, i speak as a practicing Catholic where racism is not tolerated; black, white, asian we are all a family, strip the skin from anyone of use and all you would see is bones.
Then try to tell us apart?

2007-04-10 15:42:52 · answer #5 · answered by Kazoo M 7 · 0 1

The only racist thing I see is an Black basketball team and a group called Black media. If it was and all white basketball team and a group call White media.
The blacks would be screaming racist LOL

They have a much bigger problem then Imus or anyone one saying a few meaningless words.
As far as Al Sharpton he just like being in the media he doesn't care what it is about just so long as it doesn't take much effort in doing anything except getting on TV.
He is pathetic, meaningless and self serving.

2007-04-09 03:15:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

If his job required that he watches what he says..then some form of punishment should be implemented. However, as a black female....I have always found forgiveness for ignorance. I therefore believe that as a race we must find forgiveness for all of the wrongs bestowed upon us and move on. If Imus is genuine, then he already knows about eating his words. Perhaps some community aid to blacks will appease the situation.....words already stated....damage done. There is no way to correct that which was said.

2007-04-09 02:06:51 · answer #7 · answered by whewbahamas 1 · 2 0

Yesterday, Jesus rose up after being crucified for our sins and told us all to 'turn the other cheek'. While what Imus said isn't right, it's time for us to follow Jesus and forgive a basically good man who helps cancer-stricken children at the Imus Ranch.

If everyone would forgive just one person today (whether it's Imus or not), the world will be a better place.

2007-04-09 02:03:11 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

I agree with Dave. If rappers say these things, then why is Don Imus the only one in the spotlight. If he's getting in trouble then there should be way more people going down with him.

2007-04-10 05:30:23 · answer #9 · answered by rosie768 3 · 0 0

I definatley do not think he should be fired. America is about freedom of speech, and that's what he practiced. He may be emberassed about it, but he had every right as an American citizen to say it. How many liberal people say things that offend other people? Just because if offends someone doesn't make it ok to terminate his job! He should apologize if he's emberassed, but that's it... it's not worth losing his job. Another question is... would this still be a big deal if a black man said what he said??? I don't think it would have even been acknowledged.

2007-04-09 07:56:36 · answer #10 · answered by JoHanna 3 · 1 1

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