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2007-04-09 01:49:07 · 27 answers · asked by simon p 1 in Politics & Government Government

27 answers

George Bush is a lot of things, moron is among them. .

2007-04-09 01:51:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 6

No, George W. Bush is not a moron. You don't get to be the President of the United States by being stupid.
I do, however, believe that there is a reason that he is portrayed as being stupid. I believe that there is a reason that the government 'in general' is portrayed as being incompetent.
How frequently has the myth of government incompetence been used to excuse the government of horrible actions or inactions? After the attacks on September 11th 2001, government incompetence was given as the excuse for allowing a man in a cave halfway across the world to have out-smarted all of our defenses here. We are to believe that the government agencies tasked with the security of our country are too stupid to have 'allowed' the attacks to happen, but they just simply missed it.
Just recently, the FBI abuses of National Security Letters were being written off as mis-management and incompetence. Here again, we are to believe that the FBI is good and honest, but just too stupid to have filed reports and followed the proper procedures that would have prevented them from abusing their new found powers to investigate innocent 'American Citizens'.
Don't believe the lies and deceptions. George W. Bush is a very intelligent man and is surrounded by some very smart people. Through the Security and Prosperity Partnership as well as the North American Super-Corridor Coalition the President has been making plans to merge the United States, Mexico, and Canada into a North American Union. Doing this all without Congressional oversight is not an easy task and requires a level of foresight and intelligence that many people are not willing to give the President, yet it IS happening and most people don't even know it or believe it because they are too busy laughing at his grammatical errors.
In the end, calling the President a moron says more about you than it does about him.

2007-04-09 11:00:33 · answer #2 · answered by Goodman Green 2 · 1 2

I ask this question to all you Bush bashers out there. What have you done for your country besides ***** and complain. How many of you serve or served in the military? I'm sure it's easy to be left wing nut and criticize the President when he is fighting 2 wars, the economy strong, unemployment rate at an all time low and strong foreign policy. Lets not forget Bill Clinton getting a hummer in the Oval Office, shitty economy and poor foreign policy. Sure it's easy for you to sit back and talk **** about the man in a position to run the most powerful country in the world and to make decisions that effect all most every person in the world, directly or indirectly. Oh lets not forget how will Congress is doing, crap. So talk your **** you self righteous libs and have a wonderful day.

2007-04-09 09:42:38 · answer #3 · answered by shark 1 · 1 3

I think he is crazy like a fox. The media is playing on you to make you think he is dumb.

He has made the rich richer and the poor poorer with this illegal war.

Exxon execs make millions and regular Joes can barely get by with crumbs while his cronies make millions.

Personally, I think he is a criminal, a warmonger, selfish, egotistical, but he is no moron. He is just a puppet for the elite bankers, oil men and others who own this world

I voted for Bush so I have the right to. It is the gov who serves the people, not the other way around.

Personally we need to not vote for a Dem or Reb because its already rigged. We need an independent or a Libritarian and vote out the senate and house people who now seem like fixtures at the capital. It is time to clean house so to speak or we will get more of the same.

2007-04-09 09:08:00 · answer #4 · answered by KTR 3 · 1 4

Well, he has a Master's Degree in business, was the Gov. of Texas, and two-term President of the US. You may disagree with his politics, but to call him a moron is an emotional response, not a logical one. Liberals make the same claim against every conservative president, that he is somehow stealing money, enriching himself, and so forth. There is no proof, just the constant claim.

2007-04-09 08:59:24 · answer #5 · answered by The Scorpion 6 · 3 3

He graduate from a good college - was an "A" student in public school - I think he is being judged on a shallow understanding of his public perception of his policies. We are against the long war in Iraq and elsewhere, but evidently we lost our concern for a repeat of WTC. I think we Americans should see some film of people jumping out of the WTC from the high floors to avoid the intense heat & smoke. We should also see the film on beheadings - We must see our enemy for what he is, before we judge our leader and how he is fighting it.

2007-04-09 08:59:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

You don't get to be president by being a moron. Even Clinton wasn't a moron.

2007-04-09 08:52:15 · answer #7 · answered by Cybeq 5 · 5 2

Sorry, but you are stuck with him until Jan of 2009...

i did not vote for him in either election but you are entitled to your opinion...

i used to think he was but i believe what he has done in Iraq had to be done..and even though we are paying the price its the right thing to do..
Lincoln was not a popular president either and he got elected twice..

History rates Honest Abe as one of the best president...

So even though i agreed with you we could be long and in the wrong run this George W. Bush could turn out to be one of the best presidents in our history.

Just read history and see how the various presidents were not very popular in their times but now they are heroes..??

2007-04-09 08:56:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Cybeq is wrong. Brains didn't get Bush into the White House. His Daddy's influence did and the fact that the polls were rigged in the state that his brother, Jeb Bush was governor of - Florida. Clinton was no "fortunate son". He didn't have a rich daddy calling in favors. Is Bush a moron? You give him too much credit.

2007-04-09 08:56:40 · answer #9 · answered by Debra D 7 · 1 6

oh he is much more than just a moron. He has put the US in an unimaginable amount of debt, just for a stupid war we shouldnt even be in.

2007-04-09 20:02:18 · answer #10 · answered by [Caitlin<3] 2 · 2 2

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