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Set me straight. When was "Freedom of Speach" taken out of the Declaration of Independence? This is getting rediculous!

2007-04-09 01:33:38 · 9 answers · asked by mari 2 in News & Events Media & Journalism

9 answers

Everyone thinks things are funny, then when you step outside of your color, it becomes racist. It is a load of crap. The people that find his humor offensive need to just change the channel.

2007-04-09 01:44:12 · answer #1 · answered by Chris 3 · 0 0

I am black and I am defending Imus here. The problem is that deep down the black man knows that the white man thinks he is superior to him. But sometimes we do give them reason to think that. And true, there are some evil white men out there who would wish all black people dead, but some certainly don't fall into that category.

I see Imus as a mischievous man who believes that money and power allow him to do anything to anybody, but having said all that, I don't think Imus is racist the way some white people are.

I don't know, maybe I am too forgiving, but watching Imus on the TV now, I can see he is hurting, and is truly sorry for what I think he spontaneously said. I don't believe we should kick the man while he is down. After all Imus doesn't need the money he makes on MSNBC, although the slot does give him power which he wouldn't otherwise have.

And to be truthful, when some of us do things that let down the race, we say some really spiteful things about each other, that no white man ever could say and some white people say things about themselves, that if they were ever directed against a black person, would be hell.

Let's move on and remember that we ourselves are not lilly white (I am sure that is not the right expression to use here) and do express racist tendencies ourselves.

2007-04-09 01:53:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anthony F 6 · 1 1

To set you straight, 'Freedom of Speech' is nowhere in the Declaration of Independence, genius.

YOUR freedom of speech ends when you think for some reason you can say what you want, about whomever you want, and there not be consequences. Most people defending this are your closet bigots who don't have the spine to say these things within arm's reach of the party they offend like this anyway.

The same applies to anyone who works for any company anywhere. There's codes of conduct. There's a reason why Wal-Mart employees can't tell ignorant trailer/ghetto trash to "Go to Hell" while their on the job. Get a clue.

2007-04-10 00:52:35 · answer #3 · answered by Tough Love 5 · 0 0

1. You may try using "spell check."

2. Freedom of speech (not speach) is not guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence. It's the 1st amendment to the Constitution of the United States, see: Bill of Rights.

3. It's not "ridiculous" for people to respond to others. A response to racial comments sometimes come in the form of verbal backlash. Calling for someones firing is a form of free speech, protected by the 1st Amendment.

2007-04-09 01:59:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There is indeed, freedom of speech. There are many rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights. Most people know them pretty well. What most people do not understand is the responsibility that goes along with them. Mr. Imus has the right to say what he said. Other have the right to speak out against it.

The Constitution does not grant the right of anyone to have a radio show. If you want to cross the guidelines of what is and is not publicly acceptable, that is your choice. Don't be surprised at the resulting turmoil.


2007-04-09 01:42:26 · answer #5 · answered by Jacob W 7 · 3 1

It is ridiculous. The Wayans Brothers regularly say what Imus said. Imus meant it as a joke. The PC racists like Al Sharpton have taken control of all speech in this country.

2007-04-09 01:36:14 · answer #6 · answered by FCabanski 5 · 1 1

I am black and I forgive IMUS for his sincerity in knowing what he done was wrong.

His producer is the same and the asker of the question is the same.

However as a long time listener of Imus. I forgive him and I can move on and hopefully witness his change today. It truly brought tears to my eyes in how he was changed.

2007-04-09 04:21:51 · answer #7 · answered by hello T 7 · 0 1

The PC in this country is way over the top.

But when louis farrakhan said White people are potential humans…they haven’t evolved yet." and
"Farrakhan called 'the white man' the 'anti-Christ' to rousing applause."

These comments are ok but say one bad thing against the black and all hell breaks loose. These double standards make me want to puke.

2007-04-09 01:41:43 · answer #8 · answered by evildragon1952 5 · 0 1

Read the book 1984 and all will become clear.

2007-04-09 01:37:18 · answer #9 · answered by Cybeq 5 · 0 0

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