Do not blame Jesus for what you assume is wrong. Assume everything is right in the eyes of God. He is the guardian of the universe. You cannot question him, it's all his will. The instance of your complaining Jesus for the defaults of this earth is in the thought what you assume, which itself is unfair in the first instance. Such is the saying "beauty lives in the eyes of the beholder", why?. It does mean that every individuals' actions, reactions, belief, fulfilment and thoughts are not necessarily matched at all times, in this numbness the world runs amock. Truly, we are the ones who administer wickedness, and why blame poor Jesus and the Almighty God for our wickedity.
Reason, not to contradict and confute, but to reason. Thank You.
2007-04-08 21:20:56
answer #1
answered by RexRomanus 5
lol... read Job. in the bible it said by God himself that there never was, are, or will be a man more faithful than Job, but then God allowed the Devil to use his power to destroy everything except Job's life. Job asked God why he allows such things to happen.
God came into the form of a whirlwind and basicly said that the answer was in the mear vastness of the world. if someone decides to sin, and murders, that isnt Gods fault. God gave us free will. sometimes how we use it kills children.
God also does this to test us, because after Job was finished asking all this, god increased his wealth and wives and children 5x then before it all started. (and he was more wealthy than the kings too before it started.)
God basicly does not interfere with our lives, if we pray he may decide to make the correct path more "wantable".
As for the reason we are here, that is very confusing. he created us because he was alone and wanted someone to worship him. but at first we were gonna live forever, and Jesus would never need to take us. but Adam and Eve changed all that.
overall the answer is, its our own fault. god does not enjoy all this. but pain and death overall, is our punishment.
2007-04-09 04:17:49
answer #2
answered by Ancient_Doom 2
sorry homie,
In buddhism, everyone is trying to escape the illusion. Some people who have discovered the truth, must come back to life to repay their debts. A baby that dies after a week of life may be repaying a debt or helping someone else repay a debt.
In Christianity, there is no idea that everything happens for a reason...even though many Christians say things like that... Jesus says, God maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust"...
The idea being that good deeds and bad deeds do not account for the randomness of life.
2007-04-09 04:17:58
answer #3
answered by Julian X 5
Firstly Jesus is not Lifegiver.He is the Son of God whose name is Jehovah.Jehovah is the Lifegiver.
Jehovah God does not take life.He created the first human pair in perfect health.He designed them to live forever and he placed them in a garden paradise and told them to be fruitful and fill the earth with offspring.This was God's original plan for mankind(and still is).However,Satan tricked Adam and Eve into disobeying God and as a result of that sin they lost all that God had given them.As offspring of Adam and Eve,we too all inherit sin and as a result of that sin,we all age and eventually die.Because we are all born imperfect,some as you mentioned do not even have an opportunity to experience life before they die.But this is not God's fault or plan or doing.Satan is behind the suffering and violence and despair facing mankind.The Bible describes the great love Jehovah showed for mankind by allowing his only begotten Son,Jesus to come to earth as a perfect man to offer that perfect life as a ransom sacrifice to free man from the enslavement to sin and death caused by our first parents.John 3:16 states:"For God loved the world so much,that he gave his only begotten Son,in order that everyone exercising faith in him,might not be destroyed but have everlasting life."
The Bible also tells us that all the dead will be resurrected and also have an opportunity to serve God and live forever.(John5:28:Acts24:15)
Jehovahs Witnesses offer free home bible studies.Why not go to your local Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses.Someone there would be only too happy to answer your questions and help you to understand why things are as they are and what our Heavenly Father has in store for all of mankind.
2007-04-09 12:47:45
answer #4
answered by lillie 6
Read 1 Corinthians 13. I guess the answer to suffering and pain is not there in the Bible but i am sure that we will know about it when we reach heaven.
2007-04-09 04:10:59
answer #5
answered by Angel C 1
wait. so ur question is y give a baby life if it dies really fast? it's satan's work. either influences the parent(s) to kill it, or by naturl things like diseases and such things.
2007-04-09 04:23:00
answer #6
answered by 지태영 4
God has a plan for our life but not all forfill that. as for young children or babys dieing God had a reason even for that maybe that others learn from it. as humans we can not expect to understand God's reasoning. not all Goes as he would wish but he does know in advance who will go against him.
2007-04-09 04:15:42
answer #7
answered by Mim 7
you're assuming that your jesus-myth is real or fact. no proof of that.
that's why your argument is flawed and cannot be answered truthfully.
remember, it's 2000 years later, and over 70% of the people on the planet still reject the bible, for the nonsense that it is...
2007-04-09 04:09:31
answer #8
answered by Phyllis 4
type the word in the search engine: "why does god allow bad thing to happen to good people" and you will find soo many answers
2007-04-09 04:10:12
answer #9
answered by Wasabi 737 2
Why not?
If babies didn't die then people would be able to say, "look God doesn't let the babies die". Then Satan wouldn't be able to fool many now would he?
2007-04-09 04:10:24
answer #10
answered by Rock N' Roll Junkie 5