The God Almighty, Allah has sent several Holy Prophets on deferent people in deferent time and deferent places.
Al Qura'n mentioned 25 by names.
According to saying of Prophet Muhammad, God Almighty has sent about 124000 Prophets and messengers.
Allah has revealed several books on deferent Holy Prophets, Four are mentioned in Qura'n, Taurah, Zaboor, Injeel, and Qura'n, revealed on Prophet Moses, David, Jesus, and Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Almighty on all of them), respectively.
Qura'n is the last and Final Book revealed to Last and final Prophet Muhammad(pbuh).Like the Torah and the Bible, the Qur'an (sometimes spelled Quran, Koran, Coran) is revelation from our Lord and Creator. The Qur'an is the final revelation, revealed to Muhammad, the last Messenger, in order to return people to the true monotheistic religion of all previous Prophets and Messengers. The Qur'an is still preserved in its original, Arabic language and is free from error, addition or subtraction. The fundamental message from our Creator in the Qur'an is the same as that revealed in the previous scriptures; to worship not but God, not to associate partners in worship with Him and to enjoin good and forbid evil. This message was confirmed and implemented by His appointed Prophets and Messengers. And who believe in (the Qur'an and the Sunnah) which has been sent down (revealed) to you (Muhammad Peace be upon him) and in [the Turât (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel), etc.] which were sent down before you and they believe with certainty in the Hereafter. (Resurrection, recompense of their good and bad deeds, Paradise and Hell, etc.). [Qur'an, 2:4]
The Ten Commandments?
The Bible has the famous 'Ten Commadments.' What about Islam? Does it have such a code of conduct which overviews some of the beliefs and rights of the reliigion? This short article will help to educate the enquiring mind better about the Qur'an, and perhaps knock down some misplaced notions about the Noble Qur'an and its message.
Is there anything in the Qur'an similar to the Ten Commandments of the Bible?
All praise is due to Allah, thank you for directing this question to us indicating your interest in the Quran. We would be delighted to provide you with an answer.
There are verses in the Quran that were called the ‘Ten Commandments’ or the ‘ Ten Instructions’ by some scholars due to containing ten great commandments to mankind by Allah. These verses can be found in two places in the Qur'an.
The First: In Surat Al An'aam, Allah says:
(Say (O Muhammad): "Come, I will recite what your Lord has prohibited you from:
[1] Join not anything in worship with Him;
[2] be good and dutiful to your parents;
[3] kill not your children because of poverty" – We provide sustenance for you as well as them –
[4] "Come not near Al-Fawahish (great sins and illegal sexual intercourse) whether committed openly or secretly;
[5] and kill not anyone whom Allah has forbidden except for a just cause (according to Islamic law). This He has commanded you with that you may understand.
[6] And come not near to the orphan's property except to improve it until he or she attains the age of full strength;
[7] and give full measure and full weight with justice" – We burden not any person, but that which they can bear –
[8] "And whenever you give your word (i.e. judge between men or give evidence), say the truth even if a near relative is concerned,
[9] and fulfill the Covenant of Allah. This He commands you that you may remember.
[10] And verily, this (i.e. Allah's Commandments mentioned in the above two Verses) is my straight path, so follow it, and follow not (other) paths, for they will separate you from His path. This He has ordained for you that you may become Al-Muttaqoon (the pious.)[1]
The second: In Surat Al Israa, it is as if it is an explanation of the previous verses. Allaah said:
[1] And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him.
[2] And that you be dutiful to your parents. If one or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of disrespect, nor shout at them but address them in terms of honor. And lower to them the wing of submission and humility through mercy, and say: "My Lord! Bestow upon them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was young." Your Lord knows best what is in your inner-selves. If you are righteous, then, verily, He is Ever Most Forgiving to those who turn to Him again and again in obedience, and in repentance.
[3] And give to the kinsman his due and to the Miskeen (needy) and to the wayfarer. But spend not wastefully (your wealth) in the manner of a spendthrift. Verily, the spendthrifts are brothers of the Shayateen (devils), and the Shaytaan (Devil-Satan) is ever ungrateful to his Lord. And if you turn away from them (kindred, needy, wayfarer and have no wealth at the time they ask you) and are awaiting a mercy from your Lord for which you hope, then speak to them a soft, kind word (i.e. Allaah will provide for me and I shall give you). And let not your hand be tied (like a miser) to your neck, nor stretch it forth to its utmost reach (like a spendthrift), so that you become blameworthy and in severe poverty. Truly, your Lord increases the provision for whom He wills and straitens it (for whom He wills). Verily, He is Ever Well-Acquainted, All-Seer of His slaves.
[4] And kill not your children for fear of poverty. We shall provide for them as well as you. Surely, killing them is a great sin.
[5] And come not near to unlawful sex. Verily, it is a Fahishah (i.e. anything that transgresses its limits: a great sin), and an evil way (that leads one to Hell unless Allaah forgives him).
[6] And do not kill anyone whose killing Allaah has forbidden except for a just cause. And whoever is killed wrongfully (intentionally with hostility and oppression and not by mistake), We have given his heir the authority [to demand Qisaas, Law of Equality in punishment – or to forgive, or to take the Diyah (blood money)]. But let him not exceed the limits in the matter of taking life (i.e. he should not kill anyone except the killer). Verily, he is aided (by the Islaamic law).
[7] And come not near to the orphan's property except to improve it, until he attains the age of full strength.
[8] And fulfill (every) covenant. Verily, the covenant will be questioned about.
[9] And give full measure when you measure, and weigh with a balance that is straight. That is good (advantageous) and better in the end.
[10] And follow not (O man, i.e., say not or do not or witness not) that of which you have no knowledge. Verily, the hearing, the sight and the heart, each of those one will be questioned (by Allaah). And walk not on the earth with conceit and arrogance. Verily, you can neither rend nor penetrate the earth nor can you attain a stature like the mountains in height.
All the bad aspects of these (the above mentioned things) are hateful to your Lord.
This is (part) of Al-Hikmah (wisdom, good manners and high character) which your Lord has revealed to you (O Muhammad). And set not up with Allaah any other ilaah (god) lest you should be thrown into Hell, blameworthy and rejected (from Allaah's Mercy)) [2]
After you closely examine these verses O questioner, we hope you attain a better perception towards the Qur'an, a lot better than what preceded it, a stance that opens a way for you to make fundamental changes in your life, a noble way that enables you to embrace the religion of Islam. We wish you continuous success, and may peace be upon those who follow guidance.
Source: Al Mawsoo’ah #2273
[1] Al An’aam: 151-153
[2] Al Israa: 23-39. Note: Numbering of the ‘Commandments’ or ‘Instructions’ has been added by the translator for easier reading.
Qura'n very clearely and visely instruct to its follower invite others to comon points and narrow down deferences fpr peace.
Qura'n says:
“Say: O people of the Scripture: Come to an agreement between us and you: that we shall worship none but Allah (God), and that we shall ascribe no partners to unto Him, and that none of us shall take lords besides Allah (God). And if they turn away, then say: Bear witness that we are they who have surrendered (unto Him).” (Qur’an: 3:64)
2007-04-08 19:24:41
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Just take a look at the nations that do not believe in God at all, like China and North Korea, they have prisons where those that say anything against their Government is put into prison permanently at hard labor, in a condition of starvation, not only them but their intire families and when they have children and those children have children they are born and inslaved in those prisons for life, sounds great doesn't it? Got any flaws? If you where a drug attict, homosexual, elderly say over 65 or women, they would be barefoot and pregnant, with no voters rights, and no education, or anyone that a government like Hitlers didn't want around you would be exterminated. I can't speak for other Abrahamic religions but Christianity has brought mercy to a large portion of the FREE world without any doubt..
2016-05-20 05:30:01
answer #2
answered by chery 3
Within much of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam there are pieces of truth mixed with error, although the majority of truth is in Christianity. However, there are some major doctrinal differences between these religions. Christianity says that Jesus Christ is the divine Son of God, who died and was resurrected on the third day. Judaism does not accept this (supposedly they are still waiting for the Messiah to come). And Islam believes Jesus was nothing but a great prophet. They don't even believe that He died but that God the Father raised Him from the cross before He died. You cannot compromise your own beliefs in order to create some unifying Abrahamic religion. Truth can be found in lots of places... not just in one religion. I collect those bits of truth from each different religion and cherish them.
2007-04-08 19:06:04
answer #3
answered by Arthurpod 4
My politically incorrect answer is that the Islam religion is demonic and deceived. Paul warned about a false gospel even if taught by an angel (Galations 1:8). My understanding is that Islam rejects Jesus being the promised Messiah and Son of God. To Christians, this is a no small heresy.
The media often represents Islam as peaceful, but with a small minority of extremist terrorists. I'd certainly like to see a significant majority of mainstream Islam teachers strongly condemn violence.
Some (many?) Moslem nations have swords in their flags, representing conversion by the sword. Where are their religious leaders forcefully declaring that the 9-11 terrorists and school bombers are in hell? The muted and timid lack of that makes me infer that it is a religion inclined to violence.
Violent Christians are going against the teachings of their founder (although Christians are ok with self defense and the goverment resisting enemies).
Jesus, Paul, James, and Peter (among others) specifically taught that our good behavior should influence people to consider looking into what Christians believe. We are instructed to be good ambassadors for Jesus, which is a huge challenge.
The Christian God will preside over Judgment Day and expects obedience from created humans. However, He is also merciful, forgiving, and gracious ....and salvation is a gift. My impression is that the Moslem Allah expects "works" to earn your way to heaven. This can lead to extreme behavior to "please" Allah.
2007-04-11 04:21:28
answer #4
answered by lda 4
It is because "they" are NOT all 'Abrahamic' religions. Judaism and Christianity (for current lack of a better term ) state - both in the Tanakh and the New Testament - that both groups have the same spirtual father - Abraham - and that the covenantal promises come through Isaac to Jacob ( Israel ) of which Judah and the other tribes can avail themselves, as well as obedient gentiles, according to Isaiah the prophet. Islam, on the other hand, follows the god of Ishmael and Esau, and although they give HIM lip service, they do NOT follow the GOD of Abraham, they just attempt to claim Abraham's inheritance. Ishmael and Esau were given promises, but NOT the inheritance of Abraham. THAT promise was and is reserved for the followers of " I AM THAT I AM", YHVH, The GOD and CREATOR of heaven and earth. None of these titles apply to allah.
2007-04-09 02:23:24
answer #5
answered by prodigal_101 2
There isn't even one unifying religion within Christianity, let alone among the three religions you mentioned. There are many reasons but, like in politics, the most divisive one was (and is) power and money. I'm not being petty here and talking just about Christian evangelical preachers who build huge followings by using the media and other manipulation (though power and money are the biggest motivators for most of them, too). I'm speaking historically.
Muslim extremists aren't murdering innocent men, women and children because they love them and care about their souls. Nor did Christian crusaders, conquistadors and Nazi's torture, rape and murder because they wanted to emulate Jesus Christ. In every case it is about occupying more territory, collecting more taxes, having larger markets, selling more goods, and satisfying their own lust and greed.
Our current war with Muslims in Iraq (which outspoken Christian George W. Bush stupidly dubbed a "crusade") isn't about helping Iraqi's as much as it is about feeding the military industrial war machine and ensuring our access to (and profits from) the oil that is there. It is not a coincidence that we went to war against a country rich in oil reserves but with no ties to Al Queda.
It is the hope and dream of any good human being, regardless of their religion, that we can all come together in peace, learn from each other, and help each other. We are closer today than we were when Abraham, Muhammed or Jesus were preaching, but we are far from that ideal. We can only hope that the followers of these religions of "love for our fellow man" will one day live up to their callings.
2007-04-08 19:21:50
answer #6
answered by Don P 5
Judaism was the foundation of it all.
then jesus, caused a split.
then mohammad came and "corrected" christianity's misinteperetation or somethign.
some people don't grasp that theres alot more difference between christianity and Judaism than beliving in jesus...
Christianity believes jesus was the messiah from Judaism. and believes that, as such, he did certain things.
but the problem is, what christianity belives jesus did... isn't what the jewish messiah is even supposed to do/be. even if there was no dispute about the truthfulness of the claims about what jesus did... jesus wouldnt be the messiah judaism wants/expected/or needs.
so basically the most fundamental beliefs of the 3 are absolutely in direct contradiction to eachother. like to judaism (and I believe islam) the trinity is polytheism.
to judaism seeing jesus as being more divine than any of us, or seeing him as a part of God (more than we all are) is idolotry.
oh, well that and the part that islam and christianity both (in large) feel that they are right and everyone else is definitively wrong, including other varietys of their own system...
it just has too much difference. it'd be like trying to combine capitalists and communists... it just don't work.
2007-04-08 20:02:41
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Judaism is a religion of practice; it is about what you *do*. Christianity absorbed a regrettable notion from Zoroastrianism, which is that religion is based on *belief*, as against practice, and that your belief in your own religion requires you to repudiate all others as false. Islam, coming along later, did the same. So they all three will never be able to get along so long as the condemnation of others as wrong beliefs continues to keep them apart.
2007-04-08 19:13:13
answer #8
answered by fra59e 4
Believe in the Torah (first five books of the Christian Old Testament).
Believe in the Torah, other Jewish prophecies and writings (completing the Old Testament), and the New Testament.
Believe in all the aforementioned scriptures as imperfect writings that were close to the truth, and believe completely in the Koran.
All I have to say is this:
The Old Testament (including the Torah) predicted the New Testament. The New Testament completely fulfilled the Old Testament. The Koran is not predicted, and it does not fulfill anything from the Bible. Thus, I only believe in the two Testaments and am a Christian. If you have any more questions, feel free to email me.
2007-04-08 19:17:04
answer #9
answered by Free Ranger 4
The original, unchanged revelations given to Abraham and other prophets(like Moses and Jesus ) reaching back to Adam all came from the One True God(The Creator). This common origin explains their similarities in many beliefs and values
However, over time the teachings of the various religions, due to a variety of reasons, have become distorted and mixed with made-man ideas.
The last Prophet and Messenger of God, Muhammad , who is a direct descendant of Abraham through his first born son, Ishmael, was sent with the Last Guidance, Revelation and Testament, the Holy Qur'an(koran) to amend and correct the changes and corruption made to the the "Torah" which was sent to Moses and theTrue Gospel of Jesus.To say the truth ,God preserved all the other Holy Books plainly by preserving His Last Book the Holy Qur'an(koran)which contains the right and the truth of all that was changed in those other Books.
This is why this last Revelation which was sent 1423 years ago has remained unchanged, not even a word or a letter has been altered.
There is not even one word of difference between two Arabic Qur'ans, anywhere in the world. There has been no disagreements in history among Muslims as to what should and should not be in the Qur'an. However, in the case of the Bible, even the most ancient manuscripts conflict with one another so that no two are identical. Footnotes in all modern versions of the Bible prove this fact.
These revisions serve as concrete proofs that all the Biblical books are not at all divinely inspired. This is because it is beyond man's ability to correct the work of his Creator, who alone is Almighty and perfect
It was only natural for Almighty God to preserve the scripture revealed to Prophet Muhammad, because he was the last Prophet and Final Messenger of God.
Islam teaches us that we must pray directly to God without an intermediary and no soul can bear the burden of another and that the nature of humanity is good, and we did not inherit sin from Adam. Each soul comes into being free of Islam there are no priests or clergy -- each worshipper, man or woman, has a direct relationship with their Merciful Creator -- Almighty God. Since God is the Owner and Sustainer of everything, as well as the only one who can provide true and complete forgiveness, it is completely futile to try to approach Him through anyone else.
The oneness and universality of God's message requires that people accept all the messengers of God. Rejecting one of them amounts to rejecting them all. The Jews reject Jesus's mission and Muhammad's mission; the Christians reject Muhammad's mission; whereas the Muslims accept them all, but reject incorrect historical interpretations and human elements in these missions.
As the Qur'an is the final revelation and Muhammad is the final prophet, humanity is obligated to accept it: "If anyone desires a religion other than Islam, never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost all spiritual good" (3:86).
The Final Prophet Muhammad said: "Whoever believes there is no god but God, alone without partner, that Muhammad is His messenger, that Jesus is messenger of God, and that Paradise and Hell are true, shall be received by God into Heaven."
you can do that now as you are reading these lines is to pronounce the two confirmations and attestations of faith, here it is
The right picture of lslam is conveyed in the Qur'an, which is exemplified by Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. The reality is that it is not fair to judge a religion by the actions of its followers alone because there are good and bad followers in every religion. The correct thing to do is to judge a religion by its documented revelation from God and the prophet who brought that revelation.
I encourage Christians and other religions to learn about Islam from Muslim sources and The Basis Of The Muslim Belief and not rely on second hand information which in many cases is distorted or contains a deep seated anti Muslim agenda. This is indeed a more scholarly approach
For more info
Your brother in humanity
2007-04-09 05:22:58
answer #10
answered by BeHappy 5
Because even if it were one religion, people would still break it up into sects and thus it would become several different religions(which has happened in today times with singular religions). Most Humans want to be in control and are not satisfied with just following scripture, but twisting it and exalted themselves in their own interpretation of it.
Peace, Blessings, and best prayers
Artist :)
2007-04-08 19:03:41
answer #11
answered by Muse 4